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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. [quote name='warriorbass05' timestamp='1352739410' post='1866805'] PINK Jaydee [/quote] Just having a look through this old thread & spotted your awesome Eagle in the background - do you still have it?
  2. [quote name='silverfoxnik' timestamp='1461847913' post='3038156'] I've sold every bass that I resolutely said Id never sell. Except my BC Rich Eagle. [/quote] Sensible man. I assume it's an old USA one?
  3. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1461787968' post='3037710'] Had three original Floyds on guitars, two Kramer Barettas and a Hamer Steve Stevens.... [/quote] Ooh, Hamer Steve Stevens, lovely guitar. Was yours a mk 1 or 2 model? What colour was it? (they came in some great finishes!).
  4. Now this is my kind of amp. Shame I'm not playing anymore.
  5. My pair of Zon Legacy Elite four strings were the basses I'd never sell. I sold them...
  6. If I was in the market for an amp this is exactly the sort of thing I'd be looking for.
  7. [quote name='BassBod' timestamp='1461779657' post='3037620'] An Alembic really needs a pro job - not quick or cheap. You can take the electronics apart easily (they use push on connectors) and all the hardware, but be careful with the pickup casings ( there are two screws underneath to set height, and two more to lock the pickup in place - easy to over tighten and break the casing) I'd be talking to JD or Tom Waghorn.. [/quote] Or the Sims Custom Shop.
  8. [quote name='bornagainbass65' timestamp='1461708485' post='3037092'] I like a bit of Lyle Lovett too. I find 'If I had a boat' very moving, though I'm not sure why, and there's that fantastic song with that includes the lyric 'the whole thing was paid for by the funeral director, who poisoned the saxophone section...' [/quote] 'If I Had a Boat' is one of my favourite songs of all time.
  9. [quote name='SonnyBass95' timestamp='1461687171' post='3036775'] Nice one, I keep hearing good things about them. Have you got one? I've heard the Bigsby's are the only cause for concern, as they often pulling the intonation out, but there is a fix for that! [/quote] I used to have one a few years ago & it was a very nice guitar. These days the only Gretsch I've got is a limited edition Anniversary model which is just awesome. The Bigsby's are OK if you set them up correctly & don't expect too much of them (this applies to any Bisgby). Make sure you lubricate all the string contact points & that the string break angle at the nut isn't too great, use heavier gauge strings & you should be OK. I recommend "Big Bends Nut Sauce" - it's a lubricant made for nuts & bridges & it's excellent.
  10. I'm a huge fan of Lyle Lovett, have been since his first album. Seen him live a few times & he's always excellent.
  11. All the cheaper, Korean made Gretsches are good guitars for the money.
  12. [quote name='NickD' timestamp='1461592893' post='3035910'] Chris Thile's album with Edgar Meyer, Bass & Mandolin is worth checking out too... it's an odd combination, but works well. [/quote] Yes, it's superb.
  13. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/283632-excellent-service-newtone-strings/
  14. Love Nickel Creek. Chris Thile especially is an amazing musician.
  15. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1461589897' post='3035876'] Well now I don't have bass gas I have serious amp gas haha. You could be right tho, my keenest sense is my hearing and I hear everything. Then obsess over it. I honestly think the amp is in a way too good for me. I was happy with the Ashdown abm I just didn't like some of its performance in the mids or treble at times but now I'm thinking I liked the simplicity of its tone. Also going from flats to rotosound rounds is a bit of a leap. I do think the cab is a weak link it's speaker is being upgraded next week but really I need a new one sooner the better. [/quote] Out of the small number of amps I've owned (Sunn, Trace Elliott, Ashdown, EBS, Glockenklang, Markbass) my favourite was most probably the Ashdown ABM 1x10 300 watt combo I had. I never even bothered with the tone controls, used the button that takes them out of the circuit all the time. Fantastic amp, wish I'd never sold it.
  16. Another happy Newtone strings user here - use their Heritage low tension strings on my acoustic & they are superb. Tried a set of their bass strings on my Jack Casady when I had it & they were great too.
  17. To be honest I think you're overthinking the whole thing & obsessing on it. You've gone through more amps in two years than I did in 37 years. That said, I've never had much interest in amplification - I tend to sound pretty much the same no matter what I play through so as long as I can hear myself I'm happy.
  18. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1461516917' post='3035321'] I think it's inherent to the amp it's not a tone adjustment a good cab would make , if that makes sense. In fact I dare say a good cab would really bring out the Factors I'm struggling with even more. I dunno you could certainly be right though. [/quote] I think you're right here - if one of the things you don't like about the amp is it's transparency then I would think that putting it through a "better" cab is only going to enhance the things you don't like (By "better" I'm assuming the poster meant something like a bergatino or vanderkley type of thing).
  19. I used La Bella strings on my basses for years, excellent strings.
  20. [quote name='DarkHeart' timestamp='1461448051' post='3034788'] Nope not got one, not a fan and cant remember a similar thread for others that have sadly passed away, so why him? [/quote] Nothing stopping you from starting a thread for somebody yourself if you feel that strongly about it, is there?
  21. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1461423427' post='3034535'] Why does everything have to revolve round Fenders? You're the first to bring a specific manufacturer of bass into the subject. Has Fender got a copyright on the word "vintage". If so, what word do we now use for an old instrument? [/quote] Quite a few other posts have mentioned Fenders, and a few other makes of different types of gear too. I'm not quite sure what your point is, you seem to be angry about something.
  22. It depends on the bass really, there are some superb basses that are now classed as vintage that aren't Fenders.
  23. Lack of use has determined most of my sales.
  24. I thought you meant you were the proud owner of the first ever P Bass for a minute there.
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