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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. [quote name='colgraff' timestamp='1460546692' post='3026637'] Is anyone else here really glad that YouTube didn't exist when you were young? [/quote] I don't really use YouTube & I really don't understand the appeal of it so I probably wouldn't have used it even if it was available when I was young. Having said that, you have no control over other people posting stuff you're in so I am very glad it didn't exist when I was young.
  2. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1460535790' post='3026482'] I'm very similar to yourself but I've not given up yet. I've found the reward when you find the right people more than worth the heartache of when you don't. The problem is it's a long and arduous project [/quote] I still don't know if I've "given up" as such, it's more like an indefinite sabbatical. I love fiddling about with basses & guitars still, and can see me buying a bass for tinkering or even investment (i.e. can sell it for more than it costs me) reasons again at some point. One of the problems (for want of a better word) I've faced with bass playing over the years is that when I started, and for the first 15 years or so, I was into quite technically demanding music and so I always had lots of stuff to drive me onwards with my playing. As I got older my musical tastes began to change drastically, to the point where 90% of the music I listen to doesn't even have any bass on it, or if it does it's very basic stuff. My taste in instruments also mirrored this direction, going from quite a few flashy, high end basses to ending up with only a secondhand CIJ Precision, which was a great bass but it just didn't excite me like my Zons did.
  3. The bass player should seriously think about putting his shirt on.
  4. [quote name='kevvo66' timestamp='1460478820' post='3026081'] Heres the set list Friends,the Rembrandts Cliff richard ,cant remember what it is Lionel richie,all night long Beat it Dance the night away Erasure respect I could go on but its hurting my teeth now Dont get me wrong some of it was ok in our set list ,but the crap was out weighing the good good songs:-( ps more crap songs too follow.. [/quote] "Dance The Night Away" by The Mavericks is the song I hate most in all the cosmos.
  5. I think Bilbo does or did use an Eden Metro combo & as I recall spoke very highly of it.
  6. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1460464770' post='3025918'] So why don't you just stay away from bands? Blue [/quote] I do, and have done for many years. See post #18, where I quite clearly state "[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I stopped gigging years ago & I'll never be in another band".[/font][/color]
  7. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1460447363' post='3025699'] Obviously I read a lot of this stuff on here, so I know it's true, but I've been in about 8 bands so far and only one had a fall out, and that was very civil. I'm currently in 4 bands and we all get on really well. The only childishness is some of the humour. Sorry you've been so unlucky! [/quote] I'm more than happy to accept that a lot of it is down to the way I am. I've never been comfortable with people in general, and working as part of a team, even if doing something I really enjoy, is incredibly stressful for me. Being diagnosed as being on the autistic spectrum last year at the age of 50 has finally helped to explain to me why this is. It's unfortunate, but as much as I enjoy playing music doing it with other people is a nightmare for me.
  8. All the most petty, childish behaviour I've encountered in my adult life has been while I've been in bands, which is yet another reason why I stopped gigging years ago & I'll never be in another band.
  9. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1460394058' post='3025354'] I've been using Schaller straplocks since 1986. I have never, ever had one loosen itself in all that time. [/quote] Same here. I do tighten them up with a spanner though. I do know of people who have them come loose, but they are invariably the same people that only finger tighten them.
  10. [quote name='ivansc' timestamp='1460318972' post='3024672'] The instrument is a tool. [/quote] And quite a lot of the people who play them are too....
  11. I had my brand new custom ordered Jaydee detach itself from the strap & go crashing headstock first into the floor a few days after I'd bought it. All I was doing was standing up playing at home, not even gigging. From that day on I started to use straplocks.
  12. Don't worry though, I'm still planning on hanging around here & giving everyone the benefit of my 37 years experience, whether you want it or not.
  13. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1460369059' post='3024955'] Maybe buy an acoustic bass for home noodling, or something..? I know how it is though, sometimes I feel like jacking it all in and becoming a goat farmer in Venezuela. [/quote] I've still got my guitars if the mood takes me. I realise many people on here will view this as heresy.
  14. .....that I've not owned any bass gear whatsoever. Just waved goodbye to my CIJ Precision on its way to its new life in High Wycombe. Even though I hardly ever play these days it still feels a bit strange.
  15. [quote name='Lardy' timestamp='1460223289' post='3023861'] can anyone suggest a really simple way of getting through Crossroads by Cream?! [/quote] I believe Eric, Jack & Ginger used to rely on copious quantities of heroin to get through a performance. Might be worth a try.
  16. [quote name='PaulGibsonBass' timestamp='1460119154' post='3022767'] No slouch as a bass player too; he played on Boys Keep Swinging when he and George Murray swapped instruments. [/quote] Really? I did not know that.
  17. I just don't think that too many people have got that sort of money to spend these days.
  18. Dennis Davis, Bowies drummer in the period from "Young Americans" to "Scary Monsters" has died from cancer. Dennis Davis & George Murray were one of my favourite rhythm sections ever, absolutely brilliant.
  19. I owned a Jack Casady model & it was an excellent bass. I'd recommend them to anyone in the market for a semi. There's one for sale on here at the moment with the hard case for a good price too.
  20. [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1460043004' post='3022047'] Maybe it's a TE thing - I used a Trace Elliot 150W head for years, never had a volume problem even through various not-top-end cabs. [/quote] Same here.
  21. If the neck has a forward bow then that will move the strings closer to the frets at the top end of the neck. Straightening the neck might solve the problem, or it might need a fret job or some other set-up work doing to it. Impossible to say really without seeing it. If they say the truss rod works then you have two options - trust what the seller says or walk away.
  22. When I was gigging a lot back in the late 80s/early 90s I played gigs of all sizes, up to pretty large stages at open air festivals, & I never once used more than 150 watts, and I never pushed that to it's limit. We were a loud Hawkwind style Space Rock band too.
  23. I grew up listening to Merle Haggard, my dad loved him. It's funny, my musical taste has become more & more similar to my dads over the years.
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