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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1459331847' post='3015448'] In a word: no! ...but then I'm probably off kilter to many here in that I don't create music by playing in a band - I do so at home, in my own time, on my own terms, collaborating with people I like working with, when I choose to do so. My music gets played, sometimes even paid for. And none of my listeners (nor even my collaborators) know what I look like. It's like a double life alongside my day job. Which suits my circumstances perfectly. Those are the benefits, for me, of being an antisocial, isolationist, musical hermit I known this approach is the antithesis to what many of you seek from playing gigs (it's obviously nothing like live performance). But you could very easily consider it an option in addition to playing gigs... if you're in need of creative satisfaction that you're not finding elsewhere. There's then the option of taking your best material and forming a band to go and play it out, which is what I plan on doing once the kids are a little older. There are so many ways to make music these days. I've written tracks using the phone I'm typing on now. So don't let a lack of fellow musicians get in your way. Just DIY! [/quote] You need the space & the quiet to be able to do this though, and that's something I ( and I'm sure many others) haven't got. Working on my own music on my own is the ideal situation for me, but it's just not possible in a tiny terraced house full of people & animals. I bought myself some basic recording gear to try & do it but it became obvious very quickly that it just wasn't practical. In two years I've only managed to record two finished things, and these were rushed because I had to do them in the very short & infrequent periods of time when I have the house to myself. I end up rushing, making mistakes & then as a result I get angry & frustrated. No fun at all.
  2. I've felt the same as the OP for a large part of the 37 years I've been playing, to the extent that I just don't really bother anymore. I still enjoy tinkering with guitars & basses, but the actual writing & playing of music became an unhappy, frustrating chore for me.
  3. [quote name='Jimbogubson' timestamp='1459288331' post='3015246'] Is it a pre classic classic! Definitely 93 though. He bought it new and keeps the receipt in the case. Was there just one standard spec around this era apart from the eq? [/quote] I'm no expert on Musicman stuff, but I believe the Classic range was introduced a few years back and was meant to be a recreation of the earlier, pre Ernie Ball basses, and also a new 5 string model with the same characteristics as the four string. So your 93 will indeed have some of the features that the Classic range has, but it isn't a classic. I'm sure one of the forums many Stingray fanatics will be along shortly to tell me I'm wrong.....
  4. I've bought stuff from them many times & never had any problems.
  5. [quote name='Jimbogubson' timestamp='1459285296' post='3015203'] Cheers mudpup, it's all there really isn't it! So going by what I've just skimmed through, my brother in laws stingray is a classic. 2 eq, figured neck etc. Enjoy your bickies! [/quote] If it's a 93 it won't be a Stingray Classic, they are a much more recent addition to the range.
  6. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1459280985' post='3015134'] If he is an alcoholic, I'll give him the benefit of it being an illness.. but I'll still only give him one final warning... [/quote] The OP didn't state that the guy is an alcoholic, and in my experience alcoholics are too clever with hiding it to get so sh*t-faced on a gig that they're falling over.
  7. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1459275078' post='3015053'] I've taken out posts with a Wiki link in. Sorry we can't have anything that might be potentially libelous. [/quote] How can it be libellous if he wrote it himself?
  8. The problem though is that, regardless of how good the review is, you're never going to get a really good idea of what a bass sounds like from a video you watch on a computer. I certainly wouldn't base what could be a multi thousand pound purchase on a video clip & I'm surprised anybody else would either to be honest.
  9. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1459260183' post='3014864'] Just read the wiki page. What a tool. [/quote] Link please.
  10. I was thinking of going to Falmouth to see my friends band. I wish I had now.
  11. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1459259238' post='3014837'] There was life before the internet [/quote] "Existence" might be a better word....
  12. [quote name='pmjos' timestamp='1459255228' post='3014770'] We can't possibly get to try every bass we might like but if we had a good idea what we might be getting then we would make the effort and maybe even buy one on spec. [/quote] What, like everybody did before the internet you mean?
  13. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1459256669' post='3014805'] If they do then they've got more money than sense and can safely be ignored... [/quote] It'll be bought by somebody on the forum then in other words.....
  14. Get rid of him, if he's that much of a train wreck he'll end up taking the rest of you down with him. Somebody I know played at Falmouth.
  15. [quote name='sunburstjazz1967' timestamp='1459151046' post='3013781'] Ive never seen a famous band introduce the band, "and on bass, Flea". [/quote] Really? I've seen loads of bands do it over the years.
  16. I don't know where you are based, or what your budget is, but if you like the sound of your amp but just need more volume there's a guy selling a 1200W Eden World Tour head & cab on Cardiff Gumtree at the moment. He might be willing to sell just the head. https://www.gumtree.com/p/guitar-bass-amplifiers/david-eden-pro-bass-rig...awesome-set-up-/1161025878
  17. [quote name='arthurhenry' timestamp='1458937910' post='3012334'] Tommy Shaw. [/quote] [quote name='cetera' timestamp='1458943347' post='3012383'] Good call!! [/quote] Absolutely! Very under-rated singer.
  18. Yeah, now the frames are cheap & the vinyl is really expensive.
  19. These frames seem to be everywhere at the moment, quite a few shops in Cardiff have them. Obviously cashing in on the vinyl revival.
  20. A superb guitarist, singer & songwriter. I've seen him live a few times over the years, and he really cuts loose on guitar in concert. I saw him on his farewell tour, after his Alzheimers had been made public (His family had decided to announce it as he was beginning to forget lyrics & things when playing live, which led to stories about him starting to drink heavily again). I've never been to a gig where there was so much love shown for the person on stage. It was a very moving & poignant evening as his band is made up mostly of his children who were all looking after him. By the end of the night there really wasn't a dry eye in the house.
  21. Do you mean like NOS strings, or just used ones?
  22. [quote name='chrisanthony1211' timestamp='1459029374' post='3013074'] But it is tempting....... [/quote] Tell me about it - I thought about buying it & I don't even play anymore!
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