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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. RhysP

    Ken Smith help

    [quote name='ped' timestamp='1457475337' post='2998997'] Possibly. Or go and buy one [/quote] Where are you going to find a Ken Smith in York at this time of night?
  2. RhysP

    Ken Smith help

    Could you not google a picture of a Ken Smith bridge & pickups, zoom it to life size it & take measurements from that?
  3. I thought it was John Cooper Clarke & his pet orangutan.
  4. [quote name='YouMa' timestamp='1457428666' post='2998313'] What is it about rock stars and waving guns about!!? [/quote] You left out one very important word in that sentence - "American"
  5. [quote name='neilp' timestamp='1457390159' post='2998154'] The SB1000 and the Wal will never leave. [/quote] I used to say that about my Zons. They're both gone.
  6. [quote name='EmmettC' timestamp='1457443042' post='2998590'] I never understood this point of view, the Beatles were a great band, with lovely melodies and harmonies, Oasis are a shouty light rock band (fro meatheads), apart from the hair cuts I don't think they're alike at all [/quote] I've never understood it either, comparing Oasis to The Beatles is like comparing a turd on a paper plate to a gourmet dinner in a Michelin Restaurant (and I'm no Beatles fan).
  7. A friend of mine who has seen pretty much every legendary loud rock band you can name still reckons that the loudest band he ever saw was OMD in a small venue on one of their first tours.
  8. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1457442988' post='2998588'] Funnily enough, I've seen Motorhead several times and never thought it was too loud. [/quote] Same here.
  9. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1457428871' post='2998317'] My only "claim to fame" stories are really lame. Some people find them impressive but I think that's a bit sad! [/quote] You could always stop telling them.
  10. [quote name='sunburstjazz1967' timestamp='1457440594' post='2998530'] People will sit on a piss and beer soaked carpet in their most expensive clothes within two minutes of James's Sit Down, odd. [/quote] The power of suggestion.
  11. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1457440313' post='2998520'] You say written... you mean rehashed from The Beatles? [/quote] I was going to say "sh*t out" but I didn't want to appear rude.
  12. Kiss at the NEC in 1995 or 96 were astonishingly loud too. A sudden combination of sound pressure & heat from the flame cannons caused one of the people I was with to pass out. f***ing awesome gig.
  13. [quote name='toneknob' timestamp='1457440083' post='2998515'] don't think i've heard that one [/quote] It probably sounds like every other sh*tty brainless w***er anthem they've every written.
  14. I've seen all the bands you would expect to be loud (Motorhead, Maiden, Judas Priest etc.) many times over the years but by far the loudest band I've ever seen were Asia at Wembley Arena in 1982.
  15. The amp is probably just too loud for your needs - 5 watts is still bloody loud when cranked up at home, and changing out the valves isn't going to make that much difference.
  16. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1457371904' post='2997897'] I've seen that up for sale before somewhere. Not sure it was quite that price tag then. [/quote] It's got the usual Andy Baxter "add 40% to what it's actually worth" thing happening.
  17. Loads of supposedly 'great' basses I've never been able to get on with: Rickenbackers Fender Jazz Warwicks Wals Status Any Musicman bass Never played an Overwater I've liked either, apart from the very early weird shaped one.
  18. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1457365775' post='2997800'] I had one just like this - wish I still did, even though I have 2 very nice Precisions. [/quote] I'd be happy to bring it to Swindon on the train if you're interested. :-)
  19. Yeah, it's an SB 300: http://www.premierguitar.com/articles/Replacing_Saddles_on_a_1971_Gibson_SB_300_Bass
  20. I'm sure I've seen a Gibson bass with that control layout. They did an SG guitar with a similar switch system on it. The neck pickup was definitely added afterwards & it looks like an old John Birch pickup to me.
  21. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1457362696' post='2997754'] Sorry to hear you are unwell Mr. P. Regarding courier, is there none of the Basschat Massive in Cardiff that can pop around for half an hour, help you out? Something like the Hiscox, I'd be just tempted to pull a black bin bag over each end, then tape them in the middle. Sorry, I'm 200 miles away or I'd come and give you a hand. Wishing you a speedy recovery. [/quote] Thanks. Well, I've received basses like that in the past with no problems but I've always prided myself on the way I pack basses for shipping. The only time I sent one like that was when I had to return one so I sent it back exactly as it had been sent to me. If somebody is happy to receive the bass in the Hiscox case with a couple of bin liners covering it then I'd be happy to post it within the UK.
  22. [quote name='4stringslow' timestamp='1457355781' post='2997620'] You missed out the ' ' didn't you? Please say you did. Surely it can only have been a massive waste of time and money of you didn't enjoy any of it . . . . In which case why did you persevere for 36 years? [/quote] I enjoyed the first 10 years or so, then it just became part of my routine. I persevered with it for so long because I always hoped my enthusiasm for playing would return, but it never did. I also quite simply didn't know what else I'd do with my time if I stopped playing. I fell into the trap of thinking that buying a new bass or some other bit of kit was the answer to getting back into playing but it never worked for any length of time.
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