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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. The worst venue I ever played was called, I think, The Flamingo & it was in Ebbw Vale or somwhere around there. My god, what a shithole. I think that was when I realised beyond any doubt that gigging was not for me.
  2. I think it's probably that there are just a lot of five string basses out there, so more are coming up for sale.
  3. [quote name='keefbaker' timestamp='1456322936' post='2987819'] I googled fretless bass... first video: [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdV5yrqWEDA"]https://www.youtube....h?v=CdV5yrqWEDA[/url] No chorus. [/quote] But his intonation is so bad it sounds like he's using chorus....
  4. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1456319612' post='2987759'] No, it's far more serious than that [/quote]
  5. If it only happens at gigs it sounds like somebody else in the band is stomping all over those frequencies.
  6. Using chorus on a fretless should be punishable by death.
  7. Price seems a bit steep to me for a 10 year old Stingray, regardless of condition. I always take the term "immaculate condition" with a very large pinch of salt too.
  8. Heavy Blues = even more interminable guitar solos than 'normal' blues.
  9. Some people just seem to like constantly changing their gear.
  10. For bass specific tuition books have a look at these: https://www.basslinepublishing.com
  11. I know it's the obvious question to ask but are you unplugging the lead from the bass when you're not using it?
  12. I had a great conversation with Crispian Mills after a gig in Cardiff once about the significance to him of playing in the city where his mother made her acting debut in 1959. This was post Kula Shaker when he had a great three piece band called The Jeevas.
  13. Probably not. The Boss BR600 digital recorder I have only works with 1MB cards & will not work with anything larger.
  14. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1456133683' post='2985581'] Yes, why would anyone care? If I said to someone in possession of, for example, a Fender Precision bass 'so, you're the bass guitarist' and they replied 'no, I am a bassist, it's not a guitar', I would think 'what a pompous twat!' [/quote] This. Unfortunately playing an instrument of some sort & being a pompous twat all too often go hand in hand.
  15. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1455978884' post='2984198'] I've had three, still own one (FBIV). Desperate for a series one Cruisebass. [/quote] There's been one on Ebay for a while, it's in the US though, and pretty battered. Great basses.
  16. Most of them are in the US, though there are still quite a few in Germany too. I used to have quite a few (all guitars apart from my 12 string bass). Best guitars ever made IMO; I just couldn't justify keeping them though so I sold them all. People who love Hamers tend to collect them/hang onto them, especially now they are no longer made & the value of them is increasing.
  17. All I've got left is a secondhand CIJ Precision & I can't even justify owning that.
  18. [quote name='chriswareham' timestamp='1455146420' post='2976538'] If EHX are still making their valves in a former Soviet radio factory in Russia, then the valves will be OK but nothing special. Always amuses me when people describe their Soviet music gear like Polivoks synths being made in military radio factories as though that's a good thing. The design was rudimentary, the QA non-existant. In the case of the EHX valve factory, it's mostly derelict! [/quote] Yeah, EHX valves are just re-branded Sovteks as far as I know. There are better valves available.
  19. There's no one type of foam used, which is why some of them react with nitro finishes & some don't.
  20. I wouldn't call them scooped by any means - I love Bartolini's & have always found them to be on the warmer, more mid range end of the spectrum. I guess a lot will depend on what pre-amp/tone circuit you pair them with.
  21. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1455641436' post='2981018'] Hopefully - when I did this painting I used gen-yoo-ine River Mersey water. A friend of mine in NYC said it was a genius idea and to quote him "those crazy yanks will love it". Now I'm still working out how best to flog it. [/quote] That's definitely Mersey river water - I'd recognise that shade of brown anywhere....
  22. [quote name='SaxyBassist' timestamp='1455627841' post='2980814'] Thanks for your comments, that's what I thought - just wanted fresh pair of ears on it!! so I need to work on that. The song choices aren't mine I feel they are out of my comfort zone but the band are more than happy with my efforts (I often wonder why!) but I'm not going to complain [/quote] If your band are more than happy with your efforts then that's a sign that you're doing something right.
  23. [quote name='operative451' timestamp='1455618623' post='2980667'] .......'proper' blues of the 'Disability-Fruit-Surname' variety....... [/quote] That made me laugh a lot.
  24. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1455558777' post='2980221'] I think it is a lot bigger for american and japanese tourism, and I think it will stay that way. I went to liverpool once. Got a tattoo, had a tea. Think that was it. My wife went to the international slavery museum, which was apparently good. [/quote] I went to Liverpool once, to see a friends band. Fell asleep watching NCIS reruns in my hotel room & missed the gig.
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