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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1454156638' post='2967008'] We had a guest lecture at uni a few months ago from JJ Jeczalik who was in the Art of noise, and co-produced a lot of this. He was given the country's one and only Fairlight by Trevor Horn, and told to work out how to use it, and make some money from it. [/quote] Nice story, but I seriously doubt that it was "the country's one & only Fairlight". There were quite a few people using Fairlights in the UK by that time, Geoff Downes had two of his own in 1982, Thomas Dolby had one, Gabriel was using them. Gabriel actually owned the company that sold them in the UK (Syco Systems, which used to be in Paddington).
  2. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1454152990' post='2966949'] I've quiet enjoyed growing old(er), the only trouble is you're nearer death [/quote] The nearer death I get the more I look forward to it.
  3. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1454117492' post='2966722'] It's making me feel a bit uneasy all this age stuff and with a good few famous people dying recently. I'm pretty sure ten years ago I was immortal. In all seriousness I am scared of growing old. And I'm honestly worried about the future, it's getting me down more than a bit and it's playing on my mind a lot of late. [/quote] It probably won't make it any easier but it's not uncommon to start getting those feelings about your own mortality around the age that you are. I know I did.
  4. I never took anything, not even spare strings - I've never broken a bass string in 36 years of playing. The only thing that ever let me down at a gig was my poxy Trace Elliott amp.
  5. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1454093957' post='2966447'] I did honestly laugh at that one. [/quote] Good, I'm only joking with you, no malice intended.
  6. From my perspective there is a very valid reason that some older gear gets a lot of stick, and that reason is because it's not that great, certainly not worth all the aggro of shifting it about. It's not about fear, it's about convenience. When I was gigging regularly in the late 80s/early 90s I had a big Trace Elliott rig. It was a pain in the arse to move about but at the time it was among the best amplification available. On the last gig I did, two years ago, the bass combo I had was as loud as my old Trace rig, sounded 1000 times better & was a lot more reliable. I was also able to take that combo & my bass to the gig on the bus. I would have killed for the chance to do that 25 years ago. When my back went in 2008 the consultant orthopedic surgeon I was seeing told me the damage to my back was cumulative, it had built up over time. Maybe if I'd had lightweight gear 25 years ago I wouldn't have just had to retire at the age of 51 because I'm now classed as disabled.
  7. I wondered if you were in the habit of moving gear about on a regular basis, that's all, no need to get all defensive. If you are then I'm even more surprised that you'd have such a poor attitude to people who prefer lightweight gear.
  8. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1454082753' post='2966313'] I honestly was not in anyway supposed to be critical of people who can't or choose not too even. Injuries of course happen and at any time. Maybe I should of made my post more clear. What I had in mind is there's no reason if your fit that anyone male or female shouldn't be able to lift heavier gear if they Wanted, not that I'm saying people should go killing themselves and that I would hope to be one of those well into old age. I was really thinking old age and longevity. I don't judge others if they do like light gear. My belief, choice is that It does annoy me people go on about light gear will save your back, or I'm getting too old to lift it etc, it might, it might not and if you do keep fit you have less chance of getting hurt. As you said you can get injuries doing anything. Lightweight gear is great and I'm not knocking that either it's very convenient, but this fear of heavier stuff like say an all valve head and you do hear it said, is a bit weak willed to me, again don't kill yourself, but if you are under 75 then why not keep yourself fit and durable it will keep you going much longer than not. I take great inspiration from older 75 onwards who are fit, still lifting weights and are active in life. And I hope that I will be just that myself one far off day. I dunno maybe I am actual being criticle but certainly not in a way your suggesting. [/quote] You don't gig, do you?
  9. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1454078116' post='2966227'] I'm going for a piece inspired by this thread.... not quite sure how to convey that in musical form but 'll give it a go. [/quote] I think the best way to do that is to come up with some kind of vague half idea & then get Skol303 to sort it all out for you.
  10. Is it of vital importance that they have to be vintage style saddles? If not just replace them with something better with a single string groove on them.
  11. I notice Blue hasn't said how old he is in any of the "how old are you?" threads, which is quite ironic seeing as he mentions it in pretty much every other one...
  12. I've just retired on ill health grounds, so I'll probably be on here 24 hours a day until I die.
  13. Why the sudden surge of interest in how old everyone is?
  14. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1454077786' post='2966219'] We’ll then gauge the response and either keep it running (tweaking the format as we go) or kill it off and pretend it's all Twincam's fault. Sorted [/quote] What do you mean "pretend"?
  15. I was 50 & 51 in January. I need a multiple choice answer.
  16. [quote name='alibabu' timestamp='1454075324' post='2966168'] How about providing a short drum track that everyone has to play along with? Then it would be easier to compare the tracks, as they would have to relate to the groove. The only problem with this approach is of course that it would require all to be able to merge the drum track and the bass track in some way or another, but it will at least not require any production skills. [/quote] The current composition challenge doesn't require any production skills, not as a prerequisite anyway.
  17. [quote name='paul h' timestamp='1454064110' post='2965895'] I'm just suspicious of people in general. Probably because I hate everyone and everything. [/quote] This is pretty much me too.
  18. [quote name='FuNkShUi' timestamp='1454071678' post='2966073'] Well i think the inspiration bit could work on "genre", and then maybe whoever "wins" gets to pick the next moths inspiration. So maybe they could choose "something inspired by Jaco" ? I dunno. . . . Might work [/quote] The problem that some people seem to have with the current composition challenge is that the recording skills required for it are perceived by some to be beyond them. If you start saying a piece for this new "challenge" has to be inspired by a certain bassist then I think it's inevitable that some people will start moaning that they don't have the necessary ability to be able to play a bass line in that manner.
  19. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1454070677' post='2966048'] [b]Thirdly[/b]... and this is perhaps my main concern... if we go ahead with the idea and it proves unpopular, then we may find ourselves ‘pestering’ the BC community to get involved in [i]another[/i] challenge-type activity, which might end up being detrimental to the one music challenge we have that works (albeit modestly). I don't want to "rob Peter to pay Paul", so to speak. Tricky! Further thoughts very welcome [/quote] I can't see why you'd have to pester people. It appears that there is little interest in this idea - if you choose to go ahead with it anyway & it proves unpopular then why can't it just be allowed to die a natural death?
  20. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1454069513' post='2966021'] My point is that at the time of my life when I first injured my back - I was a little older than you in my early 40s - I used to be very strong: had a strong back/legs from squats/deadlifts/rows etc, was completely used to lifting heavy things but all was to no avail when my back went - just leaning over to measure with a tape measure. [/quote] I was the same, I used to be really fit - cycled a lot & spent a lot of time in the gym working on cardio, lifting weights. My back went getting out of the bath in 2008 (I was 43) & I've not been able to do any exercise, apart from walking, since.
  21. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1454068505' post='2966001'] I don't play in a band and haven't done so for [i]ages. [/i]A young family and busy work life preclude that sort of commitment, but it's something I'd like to do when the time is right. But just for fun. My main passion is writing and producing music - and playing bass is a means to an end in that respect. I have an 'audience' of sorts. My SoundCloud page has over 20,000 plays; I’ve had my music broadcast on the radio and played by DJs in some fairly large venues (the biggest being 2000+ clubbers at a gig in Paris). None of which is a substitute for playing live, of course. It's a very different 'buzz' entirely. But I'd guess that my music has reached a lot more people than that of most regular pub bands. That's the beauty of the internet. It can't provide a stage (yet...), but it can put you in touch with plenty of listeners [/quote] Hearing something I'd written played on the radio was the most exciting thing that's ever happened to me musically. Incredible feeling.
  22. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1454014358' post='2965540'] I think the name of it should be "Play any old sh*te challenge". [/quote] I'm happy for it to be used if that's what the people want.
  23. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1453993316' post='2965108'] So honestly relax there I promise that was not directed at anyone. [/quote] It was quite clearly directed at anyone who didn't agree with you. You can't ask for people to give their opinions on something & then start getting all arsey because some people don't think it's a very good idea.
  24. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1453978410' post='2964804'] I like this idea! It's a good compromise between making it super-easy for people to have a go and tackling some of the pitfalls of running it as a 'challenge'. So this sounds like the most viable way forward to me. Any other thoughts? [/quote] I think if it's going to be done then this is the only way of doing it. There's no way it can be done as a 'challenge' without some kind of criteria (picture or whatever) to work with.
  25. [quote name='Sausages' timestamp='1453926863' post='2964388'] Out of interest, how do you older guys (older age bracket, not older than me ) get on with finding people to play with; I am struggling a bit. [/quote] They encourage us to be sociable & stay active in the care home.
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