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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. I remember him reviewing one of the first Yamaha BB series basses too.
  2. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1453936333' post='2964542'] As I suggested it would have no pics or ideas for a composition, just to make it simple for everyone. It can be inspired by anything or if you've been messing around and you have a few notes strung together that sound good then great. Or if you have something a little more complex you've been working on great too. Doesn't have to be a really simple bass line either. Although I'm hoping to encourage simpler play, just too really attract anyone no matter what ability or what equipment they have. Something the whole basschat community can get involved in for a bit of fun together. Without feeling that you have to be good at the technical stuff (or playing even hahaha) That I hope would be the general idea. [/quote] So it's basically the "Play any old sh*te challenge" then.
  3. How exactly is your idea a 'challenge'? Without a picture or something to provide inspiration what are the criteria against which the bass parts would be judged? You don't have to get that massively into the whole recording thing to submit a piece for the current challenge, it's meant to be about the musical ideas, not the level of skill shown in the recording.
  4. [quote name='Staggering on' timestamp='1453913535' post='2964175'] How many actually replied to the survey compared to the number of users on the site? [/quote] There is only a relatively small group of regulars compared to the overall membership figure. If you look at the members list you'll see that a hell of a lot of people have only made a couple of posts, and they were probably trying to flog something. I'm 51, but age doesn't necessarily have anything to do with anyone's current attitudes - I hated gigging when I was doing it in my 20's.
  5. [quote name='colgraff' timestamp='1453908601' post='2964091'] The Jug is basically a tips jar for the band. A bit like the busker's hat. [/quote] It was always referred to as 'passing the hat round' in Cardiff. This was back in the 80s/early 90s mind. Don't even know if it's done anymore as that was probably the last time I saw a band in a pub.
  6. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1453856011' post='2963588'] What projects Rhysp? If there is no stage or audience, I would have zero interest. A good option for some all the same. Blue [/quote] I mean writing & recording projects, which is what has always been my main interest. I never liked gigging, even when I was doing a lot of it. I have no desire to be an entertainer, I just want to be involved making music that I like. I've worked on studio projects for songwriters that I've really enjoyed, but have turned down the offer of playing the same music live with those songwriters after the recording has been completed. I'm about to get involved in the music for a film that is being made locally. I won't make any money from it & I doubt if many people will even see the film when it's finished, but I'm far more excited about doing it than I ever was about playing live.
  7. You missed out the "Get involved in musical projects that don't involve gigging" option.
  8. [quote name='Andyjr1515' timestamp='1453825961' post='2963179'] I do have somewhere. They may be a bit rubbish....if so I'll record a few more. [/quote] Don't go to any trouble. I've got a lovely high end OM style acoustic & I was just curious as to how yours sounded.
  9. Nice work! I'd love to hear that Om you built, do you have any sound clips?
  10. I know quite a few people that use T-Cut to get rid of small scratches & worming.
  11. You won't be able to reproduce low notes faithfully without annoying the neighbours - bass frequencies carry even when the amp seems quiet. Best to use some kind of headphone amp if using an amp could make you homeless.
  12. I sometimes wonder why I still come on here as I don't really play bass anymore, but then I remember the vast wealth of bass related knowledge & experience I have accumulated over the years & it seems such a shame to deny people of it......
  13. [quote name='CHW' timestamp='1453673793' post='2961733'] I've not been here long, but several forum I've used in the past have had occasional flounces where topics boil over into personal comments and folks simply disappear. [/quote] That sort of thing never happens on Basschat......
  14. [quote name='4stringslow' timestamp='1453651217' post='2961396'] Perhaps musicians just wear out faster? [/quote] Musicians don't wear out faster than any other long term drug & alcohol abusers, the only difference is that they make the headlines when they die.
  15. I do try & find new music, either live or on CD. Nowhere near as much as I used to, but I still do. I don't use Youtube, Spotify or any of the online stuff, I will just go by things people I know recommend to me.
  16. [quote name='albinokiller' timestamp='1453549661' post='2960424'] Hi I am the owner of one of Wreck basses made by young Croatian luthier Danijel Kopjar. These basses are really something special and I needed to share it here. As I am informed, he usualy puts [url="http://www.dolezal-pickups.eur.hr/"]Dolezal[/url] custom made pickups in it, Noll electronics and Schaller hardware (or anything you want - I've put Ken Smith pickups and U-retro electronics). He also makes "vertical pyramid system" bodies to make basses lighter and with more sustain. And he makes the most beautiful finishes. Here is link to his facebook page: [url="https://www.facebook.com/Wreck-Guitars-146603562635/"]LINK[/url] And here are some pics of Wreck Basses: [/quote] This is lovely.
  17. Some nice looking basses there.
  18. [quote name='ead' timestamp='1453465723' post='2959713'] For hand crafted loveliness at a more reasonable price (I'd guess at c. £1,100) how about a nice ACG P bass? http://www.acguitars.co.uk/acg_admin/wordpress/portfolio/0217ss-finn-4/ [/quote] I've yet to see an ACG bass that I didn't think was horrendous.
  19. RhysP


    [quote name='lowlandtrees' timestamp='1453451965' post='2959562'] I have the Gretsch 6129. I love it. Has a very distinctive twang and cuts through any mix. The neck is perfection it feels great especially for someone like me who is mainly an acoustic player but it does not hold its tuning well. Think it is related to the Bigsby. Was thinking about trying locking tuners, It is quite an expensive instrument and I am not sure how the other models hold up in comparison. [/quote] Don't bother with locking tuners. Get yourself some kind of lubricant (I use Big Bends Nut Sauce) and use it on the nut slots & the saddles on the bridge. Also make sure you haven't got much break angle on the string behind the nut. What gauge string are you using? Bigsby's don't tend to like light strings. I use 10.5-50 gauge on my Anni & I have no tuning issues with the Bigsby.
  20. Very good quality instruments. A total no brainer at that price.
  21. New model announcements from EBMM never fail to arouse the indifference in me....
  22. There seem to be quite a few of them at the moment, there was a Desmond Dekker one the other day & he died in 2006.
  23. There are some weird people on this forum....
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