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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1452951663' post='2954994'] In the early eighties, just after "Let Us Dance" (sic!) was released, I received the following simple recipe from a Bowie aficionado: If the title of a David Bowie album is not "Low", "Heroes" or "Lodger", then it is rubbish unless the title consists of two (2) words, in which case it is great, except when those two words are "David" and "Bowie", as evidenced on a whopping two (2) early albums. Worked for me back then, but in all seriousness I'd have to revisit to check if it still holds for me. BTW, for young readers: "Space Oddity" = "David Bowie". [/quote] I'd have to say that an exception to this rule would be "Stage", which is a superb album, but maybe live albums don't count.
  2. [quote name='ballstomonty' timestamp='1452876151' post='2954380'] I felt for the guy he was just taking his grief out after too much beer. [/quote] He would have probably been just as much of a **** if his dad hadn't died.
  3. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1452859248' post='2954127'] Sorry, I'll get my coat. [/quote] Beat me to it.
  4. [quote name='interpol52' timestamp='1452946604' post='2954924'] In an attempt to do something about my lack of David Bowie knowledge I have just purchased the Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust album. Lets see how it goes! [/quote] It's rubbish, you should have gone for Station to Station, Low, Heroes or Lodger......
  5. As I said in a similar post recently - there is a chance that your guitar could get damaged while in the shop, so you need to make sure what the shop would do about this if it happened. A friend of mine had an expensive guitar he had for sale in a music shop in Cardiff seriously damaged by a staff member.
  6. You probably would have just decided you didn't like the bass in a weeks time anyway.....
  7. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1452847315' post='2953960'] Ok. I've put a bit more thought into this. Maybe our biggest musicial influences happen between the ages of 11 and 25. [/quote] I'd agree with this, certainly from my own experience. Even when I discover something new that I like these days it never has the impact on me that music had between the ages you mention. Those were the ages when music really was the most important & exciting thing in my life, the closest I ever got to a religion I suppose.
  8. [quote name='TrevorR' timestamp='1452799962' post='2953668'] And just wait til you end up in the middle of a horn/sax section chatting about transposing from "normal" keys so they can work out a part... [/quote] Luckily for me I hate the sound of horn sections with a passion (and saxophones in particular) so it's not a problem I ever came across.
  9. Looks like a Duke to me, with modified pickups/circuitry.
  10. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1452778534' post='2953382'] I think it's crazy that people have not listened to Iannis Xenakis, or Krzysztof Penderecki it baffles me. I can forgive people who maybe arent into Tristan Murail as much as they're into Pierre Boulez but you need to see the importance of both composers. I just love it all. f***ing 24 notes man. [/quote] I preferred their earlier stuff; you know, before you liked them.
  11. [quote name='Twigman' timestamp='1452779028' post='2953395'] I didn't realise how much snobbery there is among bass players! [/quote] There is snobbery everywhere, why should bass players be any different?
  12. [quote name='ballstomonty' timestamp='1452777716' post='2953365'] Whoops! Sorry about that... Fancy a cutlery based jam session to make amends [/quote] Sounds good, I'm having a party tomorrow if you want to come.....
  13. That was me. Thanks for stealing my f***ing booze.
  14. [quote name='dand666' timestamp='1452776331' post='2953334'] I think it's crazy that people have not listened to Floyd, or The Doors it baffles me. I can forgive people who maybe arent into Converge as much as they're into CCR but you need to see the importance of both bands. I just love it all. f***ing 12 notes man. [/quote] Why is it crazy? Maybe they just don't like those bands. I've not heard much Doors stuff but I've heard enough to know there's no point in me ploughing through everything they've ever done on the off-chance I might find one song I like.
  15. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1452771958' post='2953256'] Lucky bastard! I'd give anything for that musical blind spot [/quote] That's exactly what I was going to say!
  16. [quote name='Kirky' timestamp='1452723625' post='2952967'] Led Zeppelin - listened. Hated them. Television - Loved them. [/quote] Good man.
  17. There's a 36 hour bumping rule on the for sale forums - just so you know......
  18. Great basses - my main gigging bass for 20 years was a B4. Unfortunately, despite the fact that they are superb quality they don't command much money.
  19. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1452713590' post='2952839'] Thought so. I asked them to put a bass together for me a little while back and they told me to do one. It wasn't anything they couldn't have coped with: white, maple board, gold fittings, SLO neck, matching headstock. The reply was "We don't make custom instruments". Fair enough, but it's just one more variation of the 100's of different specs they already do. [/quote] I looked into getting a Musicman Luke guitar with a maple fingerboard instead of the usual rosewood - they just would not do it for me, despite the fact they make loads of guitars with maple fingerboards.
  20. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1452713038' post='2952828'] And music not only being made around the world RIGHT NOW but there is 70-odd years worth of world recordings readily available over the internet. Most of it is music that most people have not heard. [/quote] And ALL of it was influenced by The Beatles......
  21. [quote name='colgraff' timestamp='1452684252' post='2952308'] Playing bass is like sex within marriage. It gets harder to maintain enthusiasm as the years pass and other pressures fill your horizons. To flog a dead simile further: 1- Get a band on the side that consists of inappropriately young people who could benefit from your wisdom. 2- Experiment with different genres 3- Experiment with different numbers of people. So try the big band thing, try the one man band thing. 4- [Insert other not very subtle euphemisms here] [/quote] And sometimes you just have to lock yourself in the bedroom and bash away on your own....
  22. [quote name='acidbass' timestamp='1452704741' post='2952670'] I am 28 and have been listening avidly to the Beatles for years. [/quote] No you haven't. You're lying. You can't fool me.
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