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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. [quote name='gafbass02' timestamp='1452696098' post='2952526'] Seven years ago I moved to a town where the music scene is disasterously cliquey to the point of total self defeat. Same people playing the same songs to the same people in the same pub, week in, week out, frequently badly too! So many local musos just seem to be jobless bums who think owning a guitar and smoking pot all day makes them a 'pro' instead of 'unemployed' and that the world owes them a living, there's virtually no cross population between venues or cliques and anyone new is treated with suspicion and disdain. [/quote] Sounds just like Cardiff.
  2. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1452691284' post='2952447'] A recent discovery for me - Cheap Trick. I've always been aware of them but never knew their music - apart from a couple on various 'Rock' compilations. I now have an entire back catalogue to work through - so far it's been an utter joy. [/quote] One of my favourite bands, I've got pretty much everything they've done. Incredible live band. There is quite a bit of dross though IMO. Their cover of The Motors "Dancing the night away" is one of the worst things I've ever heard. If there's anything you want to hear & can't find let me know.
  3. [quote name='interpol52' timestamp='1452688268' post='2952394'] Do we need to lock this thread? I didn't want to start another one of these half-brick lobbing matches. It was just a simple question I wanted to ask people. [/quote] No need to lock the thread, it's a good one - just remove one person from it. He seems to be allowed to insult people with impunity for some reason.
  4. [quote name='Oopsdabassist' timestamp='1452670966' post='2952150'] Guys, I think Blue, being one of the few 'mericans on here, may not 'get' our way of thinking, [/quote] Not getting our way of thinking is fine, slagging people off & generally being a dick because people don't like the music he does isn't fine. IMO of course....
  5. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1452652710' post='2952102'] Do you know why you can't stand it. And I mean intellectually. Not from a mere adolescent "I just don't like it" perspective. Blue [/quote] I know exactly why I don't like it. I don't like how it sounds. Is there any other reason not to like a certain type of music? And let's have less of the patronising crap.
  6. [quote name='The-Ox' timestamp='1452598997' post='2951420'] cheers guys! Researching into it a bit more, seems interesting! Any of you ever bought off craigslist? I've found some minimoogs and am a bit weary [/quote] In my experience 90% of stuff for sale on Craigslist is a scam, and the 10% of genuine stuff is being sold by crazy bastards you don't want to get involved with.
  7. There are loads of genres of music I can't stand, I wouldn't call them Blindspots though. I just don't like it.
  8. I refuse to use the 'M' word because it's a load of American bollocks, but I lost interest in playing years ago. I started playing other instruments which helped for a while but I can't even be bothered doing that now. I've spent thousands on guitar gear over the last two years trying to reignite the passion but nothing works. Even when I do pick up a guitar or bass I feel detached from the whole process - to use another American term I feel like I'm phoning it in. It's not just the playing either - I don't listen to much much music these days or even go to gigs, which is something I always loved doing. Maybe you just don't want to play anymore.
  9. [quote name='spectoremg' timestamp='1452620105' post='2951762'] I suspect a lot more teenage boys have bought Flea products than adults. [/quote] I'm 51 & I've bought plenty of flea products. They were from the vet to use on my cats.
  10. Donate it to a local community music project - they're all having their funding severely cut or taken away completely so are always glad of donations.
  11. [quote name='Cato' timestamp='1452610856' post='2951621'] I've heard a couple of conversations along the lines of 'I'm not really sure who Nate Mendel is..... [/quote] I have absolutely no idea who he is.
  12. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1452610405' post='2951613'] For me, it was Macca and the violin bass. Still never owned one though... because as my playing progressed, I realised that a Hofner was not for me for what I wanted to be doing. Who were the 4001 users that gained your interest? [/quote] I quickly came to realise that a Rickenbacker 4001 was not for me, not before owning two of them though..... Players that gained my interest were the standard Rick playing ones really, Squire, Geddy Lee, Hawkwind era Lemmy, Ashley Hutchings from Fairport too. Also a lot of people were using them in the late 70s in punk & new wave bands & I just thought they sounded great & looked cool as f***. Found out pretty quickly that Ricks weren't for me though, but that's all part of the fun of learning about gear when you first start playing, isn't it?
  13. [quote name='Twigman' timestamp='1452607139' post='2951540'] Who is influenced to buy a bass because so and so uses one? [/quote] A hell of a lot of people I would think, when they're starting out at least. The reason the first ever decent bass I bought was a Rickenbacker 4001 is because most of the players I was into used them & I loved the sounds they got out of them. You have to start deciding what gear you want at some point, and lots of people base that decision on what their favourite players use or what their favourite bass sounds are. Seems perfectly logical to me.
  14. That looks great - nice job!
  15. Lots of different websites, noticeboards in music shops etc. Just because you don't use a rehearsal room anymore doesn't mean they won't let you put an ad on their noticeboard. Be prepared to have to sift through some real crap though, especially if you get them from a join my band type website. There are lots of people out there who are seriously deluded when it comes to their musical abilities, none moreso than singers.
  16. I'd go for the KARP too - all the sounds & looks of the original with none of the potential headaches & expense of owning a vintage synth.
  17. Zons are great basses.
  18. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1452550485' post='2951165'] If you are looking the recreate the kinds of synth sounds on Who's Next etc. I think you'll find it's mostly organs or guitars going through the VCF and VCA modules of ARPs 2500 and 2600 modular synths. The Odyssey doesn't really feature on the recordings despite Pete Townshend being mentioned in adverts for the synth in the 70s. If you are after the same type of sound rather than recreating them exactly then any synth with an audio in before the filter or a polyphonic synth that allows external triggering of the VCF and VCA envelopes will achieve a similar effect and you should be able to find something that does the job at considerably less than £1300! [/quote] I thought Townshend used EMS synths on Who's Next.
  19. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1452543848' post='2951074'] If you can find one, the Octave Cat synth is essentially copy of the Odyssey. [/quote] One of those will cost you almost as much as an original Odyssey these days.
  20. The Trace stuff has a tone you either love or hate. I used to use Trace Elliott stuff a long time ago but I never really took to it that much. Hated the pre shape sound, though pretty much everybody you see using Trace stuff uses it.
  21. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/235727-korg-announce-arp-odyssey-synth-updated/
  22. Lots of stores rotate their stock to give the impression that stuff is selling even when it isn't. It could have hung on a wall for best part of a year & not got sold & then got moved into the storeroom to make way for something else on the shop floor.
  23. Yes, a long time ago. Excellent synth. The new Korg reissue does a very good job of replicating it too, despite being scaled down in size.
  24. [quote name='paul h' timestamp='1452253135' post='2948038'] Looks like something you could buy from Argos. [/quote] This. Looks like it should cost about £300.
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