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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. [quote name='TomRandles97' timestamp='1452029878' post='2945775'] But to answer what you said about new names, the ones sticking in my mind are Rick Barrio Dill, Robin Eberhart, Mike League, Alissia, Hadrien Feraud, Mark Michel, Nick Oliveri/Michael Shuman. Then of course you have a lot of players coming to light through Youtube channels such as Scott Devine. [/quote] That's more like it - people I've not heard of! (Except Hadrien Feraud & Nick Oliveri who have been around for quite a while so they don't count).
  2. The only drummer I know who can write out a part in drum notation is also the only drummer I know that isn't a professional musician. Don't get me wrong, an excellent drummer, but not one of the ones that are in multiple bands, touring & playing every night of the week. Also don't get me wrong - I'm not one of those "music theory destroys creativity" people, I think that's garbage. When I was younger and really into my playing I'd have loved to have had some decent theoretical grounding. These days music & playing is so far down my list of priorities that I simply don't care anymore.
  3. [quote name='3below' timestamp='1451939093' post='2944861'] ...it reminds me why Mid Wales is not a good place to live at times..... [/quote] You mean that there are times when Mid Wales is a good place to live?
  4. [quote name='sunburstjazz1967' timestamp='1452025221' post='2945706'] It isn't cobblers at all you just know that it's not cobblers, you haven't invented a new unique musical system, you just don't know why some things sound good and other things don't. [/quote] What are you on about? Who said anything about inventing a new musical system? The post I replied to said you couldn't play without a knowledge of certain things, which I disagree with. If for some reason I unknowingly use one of those things I still don't have any knowledge of it, do I?
  5. [quote name='Naetharu' timestamp='1452019810' post='2945631'] Like it or not, you are part of the western musical tradition, and as such in order to learn to play your instrument you have had to build up a body of knowledge so that you are familiar with things such as the major scale(s), the minor scales, chord patters, different tensions etc.There is no way around it - if you play you are using theory. [/quote] Sorry but this is cobblers - I've been playing for 36 years & I still could not play you a single scale, and I have no idea what a chord pattern or a tension is. This hasn't stopped me being in lots of bands & even doing paid session work because some people just like the way I play.
  6. [quote name='TomRandles97' timestamp='1452015682' post='2945571'] As a young musician myself (18) I see no less attraction to 'band' music than people two or three times my age do. I have a wide range or influences from the 50's to the present day, in the way of Charles Mingus, John Paul Jones, Chris Squire, Jaco and Geddy through to modern players such as Michael League, Janek Gwizdala, Justin Chancellor, Amos Williams and Stuart Zender etc. Although as times have progressed there has been a mass saturation of modern music, there is still a lot of great music to be found, and influence with it. There seems to be a preconceived notion that young musicians can't be influenced by music that is not of their time, which is undoubtedly misinformed. [/quote] Maybe I misunderstood the original question, but I thought it was about who the new players coming through are, not if young people are influenced by the same old farts that we were. While it's good to see you listening to a wide range of music it would be nice to see some new names being mentioned in your list.
  7. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1452007711' post='2945431'] A "gentle introduction"? I got to all the various meters and my brain said "that's enough" and shut down like a slug in a salt cellar. [/quote] That's put me right off salt, that has.
  8. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1452015589' post='2945568'] Then sticks it on ebay and ask a mind boggling £257 for it. [/quote] Crazy price - why not just round it up to £260?
  9. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1451938801' post='2944857'] I also asked him who inspired him. The answer was 'everyone I ever heard including the bad stuff'. [/quote] This is a very good point. I read an interview with Billy Sheehan years ago where he said something along the lines of "Inspiration doesn't just come from the things you love, it also comes from the things you reject".
  10. RhysP


    [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1452003157' post='2945375'] Actually the thread title is 'Mold'. Isn't that a town in Wales?? [/quote] Yes it is. I was going to point it out but I'm not as pedantic as some people.......
  11. RhysP


    HG Mould spray. Very good stuff.
  12. I've always had the same problem - music theory, and reading music especially, is completely unlearnable for me. I've had lots of people say the same old stuff - you just need to find the right teacher blah blah blah. I've tried many many ways and many teachers but the outcome is always the same - total & complete inability to understand music (& maths, and languages for that matter). It turns out the reason I can't do any of this stuff is that I am autistic - After a lifetime of bewilderment at why I struggle with many things I was diagnosed as being on the Autistic spectrum two months ago. I'm 51 on Friday - that's a long time to go without knowing why your brain doesn't work like most other peoples do. Now, finding this out isn't going to help me any with music, but it has made me feel a lot better about why, despite having a pretty high IQ, I struggle with many things, music theory included. It's also finally explained why I've always found playing in bands & with other musicians incredibly stressful. I can finally stop beating myself up about that too. The diagnosis for me has been an incredibly positive thing. Having said all that not being able to understand music theory is not an automatic sign of autism; there are plenty of autistic musician out there who have no problem at all with musical theory, I'm just not one of them.
  13. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1451980735' post='2945099'] There's a gap in the market! Who wants to start a band with me? We'll play Vera Lynn songs and dress up as air-raid wardens! [/quote] The band will have to be called "The Blackout".
  14. [quote name='40hz' timestamp='1451933926' post='2944782'] I'm definitely of the opinion that the wood has little to do with it really. [/quote] This, especially in the case of a solidbody electric instrument. There's a lot of bollocks talked about 'tonewoods' - even acoustic guitar builders have proved you can build superb instruments out of any old wood. Check out the Fylde models made from old whisky barrels & the Taylors made from old pallets if you're in any doubt.
  15. [quote name='fatback' timestamp='1451949742' post='2945015'] If you do it putting the music first, the audience will find you anyway. [/quote] I've always looked at it as "No matter how sh*t you are the law of averages dictates that someone somewhere will think you're the best thing they've ever heard". That was certainly the case with my old band.
  16. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1451914383' post='2944483'] Ok I will go for the focusrite Itrack studio pack as it seems like a good deal. A few questions. Is it possible to mic a cab ok with this? Would the mic in the pack be ok for bass if I want to mic a cab? Again doesn't have to be great just useable, If not I will buy another mic. What is the most simple recording software compatible with this? Thanks [/quote] You can use it with garageband on the iPad. The I think iTrack package comes with Cubase le recording software but I'm not sure.
  17. Unbelievably slow loading pages again tonight - anyone else having problems?
  18. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1451937801' post='2944841'] I love it when I see our 60 year olds smile when we start an old Peter Greene or Savoy Brown tune. They feel young again. Blue [/quote] Yeah, it's like when my grandmother was in a home & they'd all sing Vera Lynn songs & think they were about to be bombed by the Germans.
  19. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1451946330' post='2944983'] He was Spanish. [/quote] A band I was in briefly somehow ended up with a Spanish drummer - he was a f***ing nightmare. One of us would have to stand by him & physically shove him to get him to stop playing, once he got going that was it. His name was Juan - we used to call him Wham because of hard he used to hit his kit.
  20. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1450778472' post='2935696'] Neck stability is certainly increased, though some would argue that Leo's lumps are stable enough as it is. Stability/Rigidity should influence tone but that is subjective and over-rated any way. Mine doesn't meet at the 12th fret (an extending arm helps with balance though) and I don't consider it ugly. [url="http://s54.photobucket.com/user/warwickhunt/media/100_2395_zps7083fa93.jpg.html"][/url] [/quote] The Bolin is the only single cut bass that doesn't make me bring up a little bit of sick into my mouth when I see it.
  21. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1451941149' post='2944917'] What has age got to do with anything ? [/quote] Depending on the genre, quite a bit I'd say.
  22. The flip side of this is that the drummer I played with for the longest was by far the worst.
  23. [quote name='Wonky2' timestamp='1451940193' post='2944892'] Once had a guitarist turn up for an audition, it was at the time of grunge bands...... In he came, jumper 3 sizes too big, holes in his jeans, looked like he hadn't slept....ever...... All was going well with Kevin until Half way into first number. without any warning, he suddenly explodes from his staring at the floor staggering round like a drunk approach and he launches his strat across the room ! A good 6 feet into the air ! we all watched in slow motion horror as it crashed down onto the hard vynal tiled floor of the local community centre, the head stock snapping clean off !!! A mangled mess off strings and splinters ! Kevin didn't have another guitar and chose to mope off out the door into the night..... Never to be seen again [/quote] This reminds of a bunch of losers that used to have a band in Cardiff. They thought they were a whole lot better than they were. I just happened to be in a bar they were playing at one night. End of song, big crescendo, drum kit demolished, guitars thrown, amps pushed over, a really impressive finale - except that the bloody idiots did it at the end of their first song. The small audience they had drifted away as they self consciously started picking their gear off the floor & setting up again.
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