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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. Yes, I found him many years ago. The shame is, apart from three or four rehearsals with a band that fell apart very quickly, I've never played with him.
  2. [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1451939551' post='2944872'] I'm too old to know who the young turks are there days [/quote] I'm too old to care. It's very liberating.
  3. [quote name='PaulGibsonBass' timestamp='1451939265' post='2944866'] I agree that kids are less interested in bands these days, but in my opinion it's because it seems to more about solo singer songwriters like Ed Sheerhan, Frank Turner and newer names like James Bay. Go to any open mic night... [/quote] I'd disagree with this, you only have to see the number of kids putting bands together on any musicians wanted website to see that plenty of them are interested in playing in bands. The really good thing with the old singer/songwriter thing being popular again at the moment is that kids realise that you don't have to be in a band to make music.
  4. Don't actually own any of these basses anymore but they're a bit more interesting than the headstock on my Precision.... [URL=http://s86.photobucket.com/user/RhysP/media/Headstocks_zpsbt0l8axy.jpg.html][IMG]http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k120/RhysP/Headstocks_zpsbt0l8axy.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  5. If you speak to young players I'm sure there are lots of bassists in new bands influencing them just as people my age were influenced in the 70s & 80s. As somebody who is just a few days short of his 51st birthday I can honestly say I couldn't care less about up & coming bass players, I'll leave that to the young people who, hopefully, are as passionate about music as I was when I was in my teens & twenties.
  6. Focusrite iTrack: http://itrack.focusrite.com/products/itrack-solo
  7. [quote name='chriswareham' timestamp='1451703652' post='2942660'] I got the one about lecturing Welsh schoolchildren about drugs right, but I seem to recall it was the Welsh Assembly where he recommended legalising drugs. Quite easy to confuse politicians and children though. [/quote] The 'correct' answer to question 2 is wrong - you are correct, it was the Welsh Assembly he spoke to, not a group of school kids.
  8. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1451828278' post='2943724'] A bit amateuristic for a bass player, don't you think? No, he rather needs a professional instrument. One like this: [URL=http://s1170.photobucket.com/user/basstractor1/media/Swiss%20army%20bass%20342_zps4hfgafoz.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1170.photobucket.com/albums/r525/basstractor1/Swiss%20army%20bass%20342_zps4hfgafoz.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [/quote] Looks like a Carl Thompson.....
  9. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1451826344' post='2943706'] Hee, hee. The implication was that I'd rather buy an empty bag for a tenner than own a Warwick. I'm being pretty offensive today, I reckon. Why won't someone stop me?? [/quote] Why stop somebody doing something they're very good at?
  10. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1451826195' post='2943702'] I'd go for that! As long as someone takes out all the brown ones. [/quote] A tenner is a lot of money for an empty bag....
  11. Why even bother doing that when you can pick up a bag of a dozen assorted Warwicks for about a tenner these days?
  12. I really don't see where you are coming from with your comment about the layout of a keyboard being similar to a bass - they couldn't be more different! Bass technique won't be any use to you on a keyboard either, but learning to use both hands for playing a keyboard might well improve your dexterity on the bass. Learning keyboards can only help with your overall understanding of music though, I found things like chord construction far easier to grasp on a keyboard than I ever did on a guitar. I also found keys to be far better from a songwriting perspective as you don't end up relying on the same old patterns & shapes as you do on a guitar or bass.
  13. I looked at the picture & thought it was a kid in a wheelchair playing a guitar.
  14. Excellent guitars for the money.
  15. You need to check out his solo album "Cape Catastrophe" too.
  16. Make sure it's got some kind of speaker simulation or it will sound sh*t.
  17. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1451704363' post='2942662'] Does anyone actually know what Intonation is. ? Play a harmonic on the 12th fret of the E string and then play the open string. if they sound the same your intonation is good. try this on every string.. if its out adjust your saddle position. Intonation is the open string harmonic string relationship. like TwinCam said remember to stretch your string, and always wind up to tune up. [/quote] You're meant to compare the harmonic with the note fretted at the 12th fret, not the open string.
  18. Setting the intonation at the bridge is best done with a new set of strings.
  19. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1451743057' post='2942996'] At college we did a prog rock version of the rite. Only about 11 mins of it tho [/quote] The Radio Edit.
  20. [quote name='biro' timestamp='1451738627' post='2942927'] And, Q #2: what should one do in case of non-aligned holes? (Of course, companies such as Warmoth and Status offer non pre-drilled necks, but you get the picture.) Thanks! [/quote] I'm fairly sure that Status necks only come non-drilled. The only option with non-aligned holes is to dowel the holes in the neck & re-drill them.
  21. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1451740539' post='2942967'] Not sure who said this, but it's a good thought: 'Amateurs rehearse until they get it right; professionals rehearse until they can't get it wrong'. [/quote] Whoever said it was talking bollocks - I've seen loads of professionals get stuff wrong.
  22. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1451722297' post='2942694'] extremley subjective issue this unfortunately and full of paradoxes and contradictions - if you try and start comparing what the concious ear/brain does with what the sub-concious does you can sometimes end up with completely contradicting issues- hopefully trial and error will lead you to the best method which works for you not very helpful i know [/quote] This. Other people can't really tell you how to learn something, what works for them might well not work for you. It's just a process of trial & error until you find what best works for you. Unfortunately I've yet to find a method that works well for me, even after 36 years of playing.
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