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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1451734233' post='2942856'] our band suggested this as a cover for us - i told them i needed 100% commitment to them [b]all[/b] learning it before i would learn the bass line (all 64+ unique bars of it) [/quote] A lot of effort for (lMO) a pretty terrible song.
  2. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1451723652' post='2942697'] Thanks guys , I have a main gigging band, this would be a side project with no real goals in mind , apart from to produce some good music. [/quote] Do it. This has always been my only objective when I've been in a band or involved in a musical project. I have been in an originals band that ended up with a good following, some radio play etc. & while it was good that we had an audience that side of it was never important to me personally.
  3. I found elites to be the crappiest, deadest sounding strings I've ever used. Tried them a few times, wouldn't use them now if they were given to me for nothing.
  4. The J pickup is often quieter than the P pickup on PJ type basses.
  5. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1451591451' post='2941777'] We might have to [i]play[/i] our basses!! [/quote] Don't be ridiculous!
  6. I'm having lots of problems with it today, pages not loading & posts not posting. Ironically that one posted just fine.
  7. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1451507143' post='2941132'] A lady in a white coat with some pill cups on a tray. [/quote] That sounds like my perfect evening.
  8. I guess it's a possibility but those early 80s Tokais are known for being high quality instruments so I would be surprised if it was made from crap wood.
  9. Can't say I've ever had this problem with any guitars or basses. I've just sold a guitar that I bought about a year ago. I restrung it when I bought it & then just didn't play it. When I got it out of the case this week to check it over the strings were like new. I also go for months at a time without picking up a bass & never have this happen. I do keep my basses & guitars in hard cases when not being used though.
  10. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1451515193' post='2941228'] Mark bass known for a rather sterile sound, [/quote] Really? I wouldn't say that at all going by the one I used to have.
  11. That probably means he thought your sound was much better than his.
  12. "Twiddly bits" sound infinitely better on guitar than on bass, just buy a guitar. After all, it is a far superior instrument to bass......
  13. [quote name='The-Ox' timestamp='1451432281' post='2940517'] cheers mate! Seems like £400 is a good bet for a solid guitar [/quote] You'll be very lucky to find a US or Japanese Fender Strat for £400. "Decent fender" is a difficult one - don't assume spending more money will automatically get you a better guitar where Fenders are concerned. Personally if I was looking for a decent Fender where good quality was pretty much assured I'd only look at Japanese ones.
  14. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1451478048' post='2940763'] Well that's a set list that would go down well in any pub in the land! [/quote] Not if I was drinking in the pub it wouldn't.
  15. Try & improve my guitar playing. Finish writing a couple of songs that I've hit a brick wall with. Co-write some new songs with people I met in on a songwriting course in Scotland earlier this year. Help a friend of mine with arranging her songs & be involved with the recording of her first EP. Continue to avoid being in a band/gigging.
  16. [quote name='The-Ox' timestamp='1451406309' post='2940235'] cheers man, I've seen one for £599, worth the money? In terms of quality that is, not paintjob. Is this what a good Mexican strat is worth? [/quote] You can get a Mexican Strat for a lot less than that. Quality, like all things Fender, is variable. A good Mexican Fender will be a very good instrument.
  17. I've told the story on here before, but Lemmy once visited my mum while she was in hospital having a knee operation. He used to visit a friend of his in Cardiff who ran a motorbike repair place, and there was a newsagents shop close to it where my mum used to work. Lemmy & his friend used to be in & out of the shop all the time buying cigarettes & stuff - mum recognised him (I had a massive Motorhead poster on my bedroom wall at the time) & told him that we had a cat called Lemmy, which he found very amusing. They would regularly have a natter when he came into the shop after that. By coincidence his friends wife had to go into hospital for some reason at the same time that my mum was in having her knee op. When he went in to visit her he also found out what ward my mother was on & went in to see her too, which was a very lovely & kind thing to do. My mother thought the world of him, she thought he was a really nice guy. The first thing I thought when I heard the news about Lemmy today was "Mum would have been really upset about this"
  18. Loved Motorhead & saw them many times in the late 70s & 80s, less so in the later years but I'd still make the effort to go & see them when I could. It was Lemmys bass playing with Hawkwind though, especially the "Space Ritual" album that was such a big influence on me when I started playing.
  19. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1451380289' post='2939928'] I don't think it's bigoted, there have always been a lot of people that don't connect with R&B, blues or any of the music with deep Black roots. Me, I'm also a fan of English folk music and bluegrass. But my tastes have always been very diverse. Everyone doesn't have the ability to appreciate and understand multiple genres. Blue [/quote] I used to listen to, and play, a lot of blues when I was younger. I just became very bored with it. Unlike a lot of people on here music has become less & less important in my life as I've got older. I don't even listen to music that often anymore & when I do I don't want to be wasting my time listening to stuff I don't enjoy just so I can pretend I have wide & varied musical tastes. I'd say a good 80% of the recorded music I own I now have no interest whatsoever in listening to ever again, and this includes things that at one time I was quite fanatical about. I have no idea why this has happened, it just has.
  20. According to some news feeds & twitter messages it appears that Lemmy has died. Very sad news if it's true. Looks like it is indeed true.
  21. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1451344752' post='2939802'] I'd better apologise - it's probably racist, or something. Sorry. [/quote] Too late, the damage has already been done.
  22. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1451343362' post='2939786'] He doesn't like [i]anything [/i]- he's Welsh. [/quote] This pretty much sums it up.
  23. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1451342926' post='2939781'] So, you don't like any genre or any kind of music? The reason I ask is, if you don't like Motown or Stax you probably don't like any R&B, funk or soul music, right? [/quote] No I don't like any R&B or soul music really. Don't like blues much either. Some funk is OK but it's not something I'd really choose to listen to. The only thing I tend to listen to these days is acoustic English folk music & stuff like bluegrass & Americana. Also some solo singer/songwriters but not electric bands. I also listen to some jazz occasionally.
  24. My own personal opinions on this are: I wouldn't buy any LTD guitar - the quality is not that good IMO. ESP guitars are superb quality - I've played a lot of them & never played a bad one. A friend of mine has quite a few of them and although they are not the style of guitar I would buy myself I still love them. Secondhand Jacksons are a good bet these days as they can be had pretty cheaply. Go for US or Japanese ones though for best quality. I'd go for the M-II & by some stick on skull & crossbones 'inlays' if they're that important to you. If you can afford it buy the ESP KH2 - by the sounds of it you wouldn't really be as happy with anything else.
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