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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. I've just sent a link to this page to a drummer friend of mine if that's OK.
  2. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1451267955' post='2939239'] Are you like a metal guy? Blue [/quote] No. I used to listen to some old school heavy rock/metal when I was younger, but I don't listen to any now. I used to be into progressive rock but I can't even listen to that anymore, I just find it annoying.
  3. [quote name='drTStingray' timestamp='1451299823' post='2939334'] That's what I said in the 70s and look at me now lol!! Motown Chartbusters Volume 3 is a good intro to Motown. [/quote] I don't need an intro to Motown, I've heard loads of it - my brother in law & my partner are both huge Motown fans. I've heard all the Motown Chartbusters albums & I've even bought some Motown stuff in the past (Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye). Believe me I've tried to understand what the attraction is but I just don't like it.
  4. George Murray played on the original version. Great player, and along with drummer Dennis Davies made up one of my favourite rhythm sections of all time.
  5. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1451178313' post='2938727'] "Needs to get out more" Agreed Blue [/quote] I could "get out" every day from now until the end of time & I still wouldn't like Motown & Stax stuff. It does absolutely nothing for me, never has, never will.
  6. I'd have to go for Sonic Blue if it was me. There are some finishes I would never have on a guitar or bass, and Candy Apple Red is one of them.
  7. [quote name='Jimmyfingers' timestamp='1450986141' post='2937697'] Jaydee did have a period of real issues with the necks. Anything from the mid 80's was fine.....[/quote] Not true. I had mine built for me in 1984 & the neck was a nightmare.
  8. As far as I know the grey colour used on that bass was just grey primer. I saw OMD on one of their first tours, they were astonishingly loud.
  9. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1450999546' post='2937831'] I beg your pardon, I have drunk rather a lot of red wine. [/quote] Good man.
  10. That would easily have passed Fenders quality control team in the late 70s.
  11. Ideally neither but at a push, Thrash. Apart from The Sweet who I liked.
  12. I thought he was using Laney amps back then. He also used a Dan Armstrong Plexiglass bass &, I think, a Gibson EB bass of some description. I thought he used Picato roundwounds too.
  13. The lyrics tend to suggest the title in my experience, but then I have no problem with titles sounding unoriginal. Obviously if you're trying to come across as deliberately whacky or eccentric, or your material has no lyrics, then finding a title becomes more difficult.
  14. I've owned an old one (with the plastic scratchplate) & played quite a few as the music shop I used to work in sold them. When I spent an afternoon at the Bass Centre in the late 80s I tried, among many other basses, a few Wals but ended up leaving with a Levinson Blade B4 which at the time was the same price as a Wal. They are nicely made basses but I think they are vastly overpriced these days.
  15. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1450779888' post='2935728'] I'm sure there must be really good keys players out there, but in forty years I've not had the good fortune ever to meet one of them. [/quote] I've left the last two bands I was involved in because the keyboard players were arseholes. The last one a few years ago was the final straw - no more bands/gigs for me.
  16. [quote name='omikin' timestamp='1450785320' post='2935807'] Is there a way round this which is low hassle for the sound guy? [/quote] f*** the sound guy, he's there to do a job. If you want your cab mic'd then tell him to do it. If you're happy to use the Streamliner then fair enough (it's certainly easier than lugging a Bassman head around) But don't be fobbed off with a DI you don't want just because the sound guy is to lazy/inexperienced/crap to bung a mic in front of a cab.
  17. If you want to be serious about playing jazz then you need to make sure you know your music theory stuff very well.
  18. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1450774134' post='2935618'] I would never join a band with a mission statement. [/quote] Same here, unless it was The Mission, who I guess should be allowed to have a mission statement. Having said that I very much doubt if The Mission have a mission statement.
  19. They look like they're nickel plated to me.
  20. Bargain! If it wasn't such a bloody horrible finish I'd have already bought it.
  21. [quote name='The-Ox' timestamp='1450576317' post='2934060'] I don't want to divert the thread too much, but how do people compare festival gigs to bar gigs? What are your thoughts? I might have a couple of festival gigs lined up in the new year Taran [/quote] Depends what you mean by "Festival". These days it seems 20 people & a crappy PA on a small patch of grass is classed as a festival. There are lots of these little local outdoor gigs where people don't get paid at all.
  22. [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1450616143' post='2934291'] BUT, why put something like this on You Tube? [/quote] You could say this about 90% of the stuff on YouTube.
  23. They are very good amps for the money. Designed by Soldano who make expensive boutique valve amps.
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