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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. Had one of these covers with the secondhand guitar amp I bought the other day. The cat likes it.
  2. It has to be at least 20 years since I played along to a record. I used to do it when I first started playing, it's how I taught myself to play. Once my playing got to a certain level though I lost interest in doing it, I've never had any interest in learning all those bass parts that are regarded as essential learning. These days the bass doesn't even come out of it's case unless someone contacts me & asks me to put some bass on something they're working on.
  3. [quote name='Naetharu' timestamp='1450397732' post='2932500'] Reasonable questions: (1) They are pretty desperate to get a 2nd guitar player and felt that they might be able to train him up - they were trying for quite a long time to find someone and got to the point where they were willing to give anyone a shot so long as it meant they could get going. [/quote] If he's as bad as you say he is then "training him up" could take years. The band is never going to "get going" if you're spending all your time trying to get this guy up to a suitable standard.
  4. I really wanted to play synthesisers but they were much too expensive in the late 70s. Bass was cheaper.
  5. [quote name='grumpyguts' timestamp='1450359643' post='2932009'] Guitarists it seems can get away with a bit of slop. Bass players can't, timing and note length are critical to getting a tight sound - if that is what you are after. So that makes Bass a more exact science than flapping around playing chords. Am I wrong? [/quote] Yes you are. If you flap around playing chords you'll just sound like a sloppy guitarist.
  6. [quote name='jbn4001' timestamp='1450293264' post='2931475'] I think a Yamaha Synclavier [/quote] The Synclavier was made by New England Digital, not Yamaha.
  7. [quote name='ratman' timestamp='1450350022' post='2931849'] Actually, he's got quite a reputation for being a grumpy f****er. [/quote] That's the first time I've ever heard that. I've met him a few times & a nicer person you couldn't wish to meet. Plenty of others have said the same thing too.
  8. [quote name='Philly' timestamp='1450302252' post='2931592'] Do you get dud strings straight out the packet? [/quote] You sure do.
  9. [quote name='Naetharu' timestamp='1450274479' post='2931246'] I think this is perhaps at th base of the issue. The fellow is a terrible guitar player (I mean awful, knows no theory and cannot string a melody to save his life) [/quote] Not knowing any theory doesn't necessarily make you a terrible guitar player. Having said that, going by everything else you've said he sounds like a terrible guitar player......
  10. [quote name='ras52' timestamp='1450262526' post='2931035'] That only works if you play exclusively in Dorian mode. [/quote] Very good!
  11. You can really hear the Beatles influence even though he died in 1942 - that just proves how f***ing good the Beatles were.
  12. I like the threads where Blue tells us how old he is.
  13. The Mellotron intro to "Watcher of the Skies" by Genesis. One of the very few things I still love as much now as I did when I first heard it.
  14. I forgot to mention Tim Butler from the Psychedelic Furs in my other list, so I'm doing it now.
  15. What has he played on? I've never heard of him apart from seeing his name mentioned on here occasionally.
  16. [quote name='sunburstjazz1967' timestamp='1450005749' post='2928648'] I think this is being overthought, imagine showing a group of various people a flip book with pictures of various bass players, singing or not, mindless noodling, rocking out, whatever. Answers like "yes thats Paul McCartney from the Beatles, wings and the frog chorus" is a 100% hit, but I'll take a "ah thats the boys are back in town guy" or a "him with the tantric sex thing" as 50/50s etc, chris Squire for example, no chance really is there? [/quote] It's a bass forum, so obviously the people on here will have a vastly overinflated idea of how important/popular/well known bass players are.
  17. Saw him live a couple of times & he was superb.
  18. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1449962399' post='2928476'] The studio version is substantially shorter. [/quote] Jaco played drums on the studio version too, the little clever clogs.
  19. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1449914202' post='2927875'] A tuning fork for one string and then tune to that was the smart way to go, not that anyone told me at the time. [/quote] I still use a tuning fork.
  20. [quote name='The-Ox' timestamp='1449950838' post='2928369'] ahh I was gonna chime in with Entwistle obviously haha perhaps Roger Waters, Brian Wilson and Jack Casady? The first two are probably better known as the brains of their bands however [/quote] Jack Casady a household name? Are you insane? At best a small percentage of people might think he was a member of the Partridge Family.
  21. [quote name='pfretrock' timestamp='1449948513' post='2928343'] ...there must be another famous John Paul Jones. [/quote] I think he was a pope.
  22. Just sounds like somebody playing with a slide on an electric guitar to me, not a pedal steel.
  23. Not a name I'd heard of until the other day, but I've taken a chance on a secondhand one that will be with me sometime next week. The spec of the one I've bought is exactly what I was looking for, and I've got it for £900 less than a new one. Build quality look first class, and the couple of Youtube clips sound very nice indeed. They do a big all-valve bass head too.... http://www.mpf-sound.es
  24. [quote name='sunburstjazz1967' timestamp='1449941438' post='2928256'] Did anyone read my OP? I did say that knowing what a bass guitar was or indeed that is what they played was secondary, Kim Kardashian is a household name and she does nothing at all! [/quote] Going by your criteria I would say the only 'bass player' who is genuinely a household name would be Keanu Reeves. Do people really think that Jack Bruce, John Entwhistle or John Deacon are names that would familiar to the majority of the population?
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