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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. 10cc played at Cardiff Castle in 1975. I didn't go (my elder brother & sister did) but we lived pretty close to the castle so we could easily hear them from our garden. A couple of the photos used in the documentary were from the Cardiff Castle gig.
  2. [quote name='chriswareham' timestamp='1449531311' post='2924493'] Loved the bit about how they recorded the "choral" sounds on "Not In Love" (the only song I knew by them before watching the show). Three weeks of recording tape loops for each note, and then playing the mixer like a keyboard. Of course, now it would be trivial to do on a sampler, but incredible imagination to come up with that in the pre-sampler era since even a Mellotron wouldn't be able to do it (no long sustained notes due to the tapes only being a few centimetres long). [/quote] Mellotron tapes are a hell of a lot longer than a few centimetres.
  3. I admire the guy for carrying on at all after all he went through.
  4. Maybe we should send Geddy & Alex a link to the recent "Do you REALLY need a drummer?" thread.....
  5. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1449445601' post='2923668'] As I Have said a million times,you had to be there. Blue [/quote] Only a million times? It seems like a lot more than that.
  6. Buy a Japanese P bass & get a decent vintage style pickup for it. Buying a US fender of any age is a lottery as the quality control was/is so hit & miss.
  7. [quote name='EliasMooseblaster' timestamp='1449498041' post='2924035'] This is a very good point - my SG bass would be no good for slap style. The other consideration is that a lot of the more readily available Gibson basses (SGs, T-birds) tend to have quite a dark sound. Obviously you can EQ the amp to counteract this, but you may find the guitar's basic tone lacks the combination of "clank" and "burp" that are normally blended on a Jazz bass for classic slap tones. (But then I'm a Gibson fan, and not a slap player, so take my advice with a healthy pinch of salt!) [/quote] This is exactly why I think a Gibson is not a great choice for slapping. If they were good choice for for slapping you'd see a lot more people using them that way.
  8. [quote name='Johnny1977' timestamp='1449497870' post='2924031'] Thanks you very much. It is very interesting short review. How about the Thunderbird? Has anybody tried to slap on it? [/quote] Thunderbirds have got very narrow necks, if you don't like your Jazz I can't see you liking a Thunderbird.
  9. I'm not saying you couldn't slap on a Gibson, obviously you could slap any bass if you wanted to, I'm just puzzled as to why a Gibson would be the number one choice for a Mark King fan.
  10. Somebody may well come along & correct me, but if you're really into slapping I don't think a Gibson is going to be the right bass for you.
  11. [quote name='TrevorR' timestamp='1449302942' post='2922323'] Summer Of 69, Livin On A Prayer, Rock n Roll Band, So You Wanna Be A Rock Star, Into The Great Wide Open would be such different songs if someone had written them today! [/quote] And this would be a bad thing?
  12. Play one first. The Rick 4001 was my dream bass until I owned one (I owned two actually). I wouldn't have another one if it was given to me for nothing.
  13. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1449420228' post='2923372'] I've got a QSC GXD8 (WOW!!) and that was the first thing I thought of when I saw the case you've had made. Ultra modern rig in a classic outline. How cool! [/quote] I wouldn't class a Pearce BC1 as "ultra modern" - you must be older than you look......
  14. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1449338837' post='2922760'] Then you're missing out on a lot of good music! [/quote] I'm sure I'll cope.
  15. That list of 50 songs is what the house band will be playing for eternity when I'm in Hell.
  16. I used to have a really old Trace rig (then they just had the black painted finishes). Have to say I never really warmed to it, the sound was pretty uninspiring & it proved to be very unreliable when I was gigging with it.
  17. I'm tempted to buy this even though I don't really play anymore. Awesome bit of kit & I'm surprised it's not already sold.
  18. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1449404381' post='2923170'] Other genres, possibly less sophisticated technically, possibly more about the feel and overall ambience and leaning towards skiffle/folk/roots, maybe not so much. [/quote] I would seriously take issue with your comment about folk/roots musicians being less sophisticated technically - most of the most talented, technically adept musicians I've ever seen & heard have been folk/roots players.
  19. Most of the music I listen to these days has no drummer, and the last few gigs & writing projects I've done have been all acoustic with no drummer. Wish I'd done it decades ago.
  20. I've heard his name mentioned by others but as I never listen to the radio I've never heard anything by him, or countless other people who are huge pop stars these days.
  21. [quote name='Stu-khag' timestamp='1448537567' post='2916212'] I'm intrigued to have a look. Gamlins must be mightily annoyed considering they are 30 secs walk away! [/quote] Cranes must be annoyed that PMT have poached their manager too. I had a quick look at their website & it doesn't look like PMT are selling anything that wasn't already available in Cranes & Gamlins, just the usual stuff.
  22. Thread here from 2009 about the five string version. I answered the question correctly in 2009, my memory isn't what it used to be..... [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/51584-can-you-identify-this-dean/"]http://basschat.co.u...tify-this-dean/[/url]
  23. Well, it's probably quite an old model as it's got the "Shrimp Fork" headstock shape. I'd also be inclined to think that the pickup blend pot has been replaced by a selector switch.
  24. Well, there is the obvious question about how much the shop are going to want in commission, it seems that 15-20% seems to be the going rate these days. If you do decide to go down this route I'd make sure to find out from the shop you use if they are prepared to compensate you in event of your bass getting damaged whilst in the shop. A friend of mine had a very expensive & rare guitar for sale on commission in a Cardiff music shop a few years ago & it got badly damaged by a member of staff.
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