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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. Kick him out - guitarists are ten a penny & by far the easiest person to replace in a band.
  2. [quote name='toneknob' timestamp='1445598797' post='2892681'] Murray & Davis http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czb5GmVU4gA [/quote] Another vote for George Murray & Dennis Davis here. Superb.
  3. I've owned a few Tokai's (guitars, not basses) & the quality has always been excellent. The mid 80s Tokai Telecaster I had was one of the best guitars I've ever played & I currently have a newer (Korean or Chinese) Tokai 335 copy that is a superb guitar. I would personally say that the build & finish quality is easily the equal of any new Gibson I've played, and it's definitely much higher quality than the Gibson Les Paul I used to have, which was one of the biggest piles of sh*t I've ever owned.
  4. Most of the famous music shops in that area have been forced to close due to rent increases.
  5. Wampler Faux tape Echo? They're about £180 & pretty good.
  6. [quote name='Spoombung' timestamp='1443882845' post='2878449'] Love this photo of the band - probably one of my favourite ever photos of any band [/quote] f***ing hell, look at the state of them - no wonder Punk happened......
  7. [quote name='TrevorR' timestamp='1443637826' post='2876541'] Here are a few house gig websites to check out but I really recommend doing some yourself for family and friends. It's great craic! [/quote] It's not so great if you have the misfortune to live next door to somebody having one.
  8. When I saw Porcupine Tree a few years ago Steven Wilson stopped a song & told the crowd to stop clapping as it was 'putting him off'.
  9. I very rarely listen to music these days, and even when I do I don't really get anything from it. More often than not I'll turn it off after a few minutes because I'm just not interested. I've been gradually losing interest in music for about 15 years now. It used to be everything to me, now it's just more noise to try & get away from. If somebody had told me when I was in my teens/early twenties that one day I'd not listen to music I'd have never believed it.
  10. [quote name='GarethFlatlands' timestamp='1442264540' post='2865682'] Oops, mine is CIJ and not MIJ so I'm probably thinking of the 3 colour options I remember from back when I bought it. [/quote] Mine is actually a CIJ too, I just use MIJ to differentiate from US & Mexican.
  11. [quote name='GarethFlatlands' timestamp='1442220465' post='2865153'] Nice! Rick McCollum of the Afghan Whigs was the inspiration for my Jazzmaster purchase ('98 Sunburst MIJ) and he played a burgundy mist but I didn't know the MIJ models came in that colour. [/quote] I wasn't aware of it either to be honest, it was just one of those lucky finds on Ebay.
  12. [quote name='Veils' timestamp='1441826868' post='2862164'] Hope you're feeling better dude! That's a hell of a find by the way! I've just paid 480 for a Japanese jazzmaster, but it's sunburst rather than the funky colour you've got. I may consider a refinish! [/quote] Yeah, it was a good price for a custom colour. It needed a new term arm & the pickup toggle was broken (which I knew about) so getting the parts to sort it out bumped the price up a bit. Still worth it though, great guitar!
  13. [quote name='Veils' timestamp='1441312594' post='2857901'] Where did you find it?? Sorry for all the questions bud, it's just that I have major GAS at the moment and I ain't having much luck finding one second hand! [/quote] I got it on Ebay. Sorry for the delay in replying BTW, I've not been well.
  14. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1441019290' post='2855317'] I think attenuators are for valve power stages only and not any other type. Definitely check with the manufacturer before use. [/quote] Depends on the attenuator. The Tom Sholtz Powersoak (not made anymore but pretty easy to find one secondhand) for instance is switchable between valve & solid state uses.
  15. Have you tried using some kind of attenuator between amp & cab so you can run the amp at gig settings but control the overall output?
  16. Both my step children have never shown the slightest interest in music or playing an instrument, which is just fine with me.
  17. I listen mainly to folk & country/americana stuff but I'm incredibly narrow minded.
  18. [quote name='Veils' timestamp='1440659747' post='2852673'] How much did it cost? I'm eyeing up a Jazzmaster at the moment! [/quote] I paid £460.00 for it secondhand. It's an MIJ one & it's really nice.
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