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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. [quote name='miles'tone' timestamp='1438079983' post='2831398'] But looking at the positive side of things, you have an absolutely gorgeous handcrafted bass there which is a real piece of history (even if only for it's age). [/quote] It's not a 'real piece of history', it's just a 25 year old bass.
  2. There are some great guitar forums out there, but they tend to be based around particular builders. I've been a member of the Gretsch Discussion Pages & The Hamer Fanclub forum for years. They also have general interest & other guitars sections so they're not limited to just those particular makes. The specialist knowledge on these sites is astonishing.
  3. That looks like a bad de-fret job to me. Also, I'd question whether that fingerboard is actually ebony - the open grain looks more like rosewood. I've had lots of basses with Ebony boards & never seen one with an open grain like that. I've owned quite a few Gretsch guitars & they use something called "Ebonised rosewood", which is basically rosewood stained to make it look more like ebony - that's what that fretboard looks like to me.
  4. [quote name='LayDownThaFunk' timestamp='1437948411' post='2830346'] Care to expand on that? [/quote] I mean it's just as bound by it's conventions as anything else. Even it's 'rebels' have to conform to a certain set of rules that have become defined over the years. It's all very tired & well past it's sell-by date IMO.
  5. [quote name='LayDownThaFunk' timestamp='1437915884' post='2829927'] Rock n' roll has no rules. [/quote] For something with no rules it's all very similar.
  6. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1437931010' post='2830141'] Anything with Laverne in it is always going to be weak. I can't get past the fact that she looks like she has eyes painted on her eyelids. Like that other bird, whatsername... Manson, Munsen, Munster..? Oh, never mind. [/quote] She's bloody atrocious at whatever she does. And don't get me started on her weird boggly eyes, she looks like a plaice with a blond wig on. Her band was called Kenickie. They were sh*t.
  7. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1437911656' post='2829887'] I prefer a relationship that's like hand-to-hand combat in a ditch. At night. In winter. And it's raining. [/quote] That's not for me - far too much interaction.
  8. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1437909743' post='2829858'] Bin there, dun that, won't be repeating the experience. Well, not if I can avoid it! [/quote] It's lasted a hell of a lot longer than any other relationship I've been in. A lot of that fluffy relationship crap people look for has a very short shelf life & is very over-rated IMO.
  9. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1437897827' post='2829751'] Going by the majority of these posts, it seems that opposites really do attract... [/quote] It's more to do with practicalities than attraction - she needs somebody to pay the bills & I need somewhere to live.....
  10. We have very different musical tastes, she hates pretty much everything I like to the extent that I don't really listen to music in the house anymore as it's not worth the aggro. She's not really that interested in music anyway, never listens to any, but the stuff she does like is all stuff I hate.
  11. Been using Newtone Heritage strings on my Atkin for a while now - easily the best acoustic strings I've ever used. No quality problems whatsoever & they get a real beating as acoustic guitar is my main instrument these days.
  12. [quote name='ras52' timestamp='1437595984' post='2827498'] What's the nut spacing like? [/quote]
  13. Peavey Rockinghams are really good guitars, you can pick them up pretty cheap on Ebay. Darrel Higham used to play them & spoke very highly of them.
  14. [quote name='Kevin Dean' timestamp='1437405554' post='2825702'] They don't reply to my emails [/quote] You'll have to be patient if you're dealing with Emmett & Yuta, don't expect an immediate response, you won't get one. Stick Enterprises is a very small operation, with all the instruments being made at Emmetts house by him & a team of two or three others which includes some of his children. They are great people to deal with though, and incredibly helpful.
  15. You should automatically get asked for payment when you post the ad. If that didn't happen it's best to get in touch with a moderator.
  16. Yeah, TV Jones pickups are awesome. I think it's the shape of the scratch plate that made me think of the Variaxe.
  17. It's been a LONG time since I saw a bass that really made me think wow, that's lovely! [url="http://www.calumetguitars.com/chiappona-bass.html"]http://www.calumetgu...ppona-bass.html[/url] EDIT: Forget that, I've looked at it again & it looks like a bloody Line 6 Variaxe.
  18. [quote name='gadgie' timestamp='1436803233' post='2820916'] Seen an advert in the local rag for a “AC30, 60’s in need of repair, not for beginners: 350 GBP”. So I thought I’d give the guy a call to see what he meant by not for beginners. Anyway the guy only stays a couple miles up the road. So I ask if I can come round to see the amp and bring my guitar to try it out. I was pretty broke at the time, but thought I might manage a deal. Got round there to find this 61 tan AC30. It was scruffy to say the least. Mojo I think it would be called on here. I plugged in and started playing. It was great. I asked why he was selling it and was told that he now had a Yamaha amp simulator which gave him the sounds he needed. WTF! I told him he had a great amp I was really hoping to have haggled but hearing it couldn’t start to imagine he would drop the price. Well he said he would and to offer something. I didn’t know where to start. I asked how he knew it was a 61 and he produced a brand new VOX story type book and pointed one out like it in there. Also what speakers etc were fitted at that time. Once again I said he should keep it and he would get the price. Meanwhile I was picking away enjoying the sound. I hear him saying 275, nope you should keep it, how about 250, nope again I really didn’t want to take it off him for such a low price, 200, 175, 150 all went by in conversation. I finally heard 125 and I’ll throw in the 35quid book. I couldn’t believe it. I was totally unprepared for this. I asked if he would take the fiver I had in my pocket as deposit and he said yes. Went back the next day with the money and I’m still the proud owner of the AC30 and that was 10 years ago at least. I did get a call from a guy in Holland wanting to give me 1200 without seeing it. I said no. [/quote] Now THAT is a bargain!
  19. Do it, don't end up like me - a 50 year old with f*** all in his life except regrets.
  20. [quote name='scalpy' timestamp='1436825045' post='2821249'] Just outside Stroud. Great place to play, eat and stay! [url="http://www.theconvent.net"]http://www.theconvent.net[/url] [/quote] Yeah, that's it.
  21. Wasn't FQ largely just famous for being related to Tricky?
  22. [quote name='scalpy' timestamp='1436824669' post='2821245'] If anyone doesn't know, the Convent ain't your average dog n' duck gig, it's fully kitted out with db pa, in- ears, neve desks, multi camera subscription based net broadcasting. The restaurant is amazing, if you play there you're being paid to eat top quality grub! Quite right for the guy who's invested millions in the place, who lets bands borrow his matchless amps (Mr Quaye included by the looks of it) to insist on quality control! The other thread on here about Gibson slates the MD for taking advantage of customers, nice work this fella for leading from the front and looking after his customers. [/quote] They've got a nice recording studio there too if it's the place I'm thinking of.
  23. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1436811530' post='2821045'] Toss-up between Tool & Opeth. [/quote] Opeth are a good choice, but they've been going 25 years now!
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