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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1436093202' post='2814823'] Any ideas on Graham foster? A quick Google search reveals one, but he had switched to guitar by the time this would have been made? [/quote] Could be anyone, doesn't have to be a "name" player. When I had my custom Jaydee built in the mid 80's I wasn't even in a band or gigging.
  2. The easiest way to avoid this is to not touch the pole pieces....
  3. [quote name='Bloodaxe' timestamp='1436035648' post='2814532'] Depends on the blue. This is just bluegh IMO. [/quote] I love the colour - what spoils it for me is the horrible natural wood stripe up the centre. It would look so much better if it was blue all over IMO.
  4. If that's the sort of thing somebody is looking for then great. If somebody wants to play & rehearse more than that then it won't be of any interest to them.
  5. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1436022209' post='2814415'] So the OP posted yesterday evening and we both said the same thing at the same time..? [/quote] Spooooky......!
  6. That looks like Burgundy Mist to me - easily my favourite Fender custom colour.
  7. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1435738295' post='2811873'] Oh, ha ha. 'Fish' was Squire's band nickname, as I'm sure you know. Thhp! [/quote] "Fish" was the only thing that Marillion stole that didn't come from Genesis....
  8. Since I stopped playing I've started enjoying listening to music a lot more again. Most of the music I listen to these days doesn't have any bass on it anyway.
  9. Getting lots of people asking me to post the amp. Just to be clear - it is COLLECTION ONLY, I will not post as I don't have any packaging materials & as I work six days a week I don't have time to go searching for any. Thanks.
  10. It's a superb amp, and if I was still playing bass there's no way I'd be selling it.
  11. As the hot spell isn't meant to last very long I'd leave adjusting it for a few days & see what happens. If you adjust it now you might well just have to adjust it back again soon anyway. Does the buzz actually come through the amp or does it just sound like that when you play the bass acoustically?
  12. Bump with price drop - now £350.00 Has to go as I've given up bass playing.
  13. Bump with price drop - now £280.00. Has to go as I've given up playing bass.
  14. According to the latest news for her official source she is able to speak OK but is having trouble moving.
  15. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1435612352' post='2810701'] Depends on your definition of 'rock', really. To me a rock star is someone who performs rock music. Those you mention do not. [/quote] Indeed, those sort of people are more what used to be termed "Playboys" to my way of thinking. But I am old & irrelevant.
  16. I think the problem is that as soon as people start posting their favourites people will start chipping in with "how can you say xxxxx is one of the greatest when xxxxxx hasn't been mentioned?" The jazzers will start sneering at the rock/metal guys, the funk guys will start sneering at everyone else & that's how it will continue. Unfortunately that's the problem when trying to compile lists of something that is completely subjective, and when everyone thinks that they've got better taste than everyone else. For instance, I could write a list of 100s of what I would consider "great" bass players (i.e. I personally like what they do) & I can guarantee that Mick Karn won't be on there. Can't stand him, never could, but he's worshipped by large numbers of people on here.
  17. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1435602058' post='2810492'] So seeing as this post has less than 0.5% of the interest of the Alternative Rock Fact File I'll take it there is insufficient interest in doing our own poll [/quote] For what it's worth I am completely baffled by the popularity of the Alternative Rock Fact File thread....
  18. Very sad news. A massive influence on me for many years. RIP Chris.
  19. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1435354963' post='2808148'] My word, Florence is having a duff night. We've got the radio on, and she keeps being horribly, painfully flat and then screeching unbearably in between songs. [/quote] She always sounds flat to me.
  20. [quote name='Modman' timestamp='1435257929' post='2807103'] Good evening one and all, I wan to start playing Jazz standards properly, whether that be in a band or at a Jam night etc but is it a cardinal sin to play an electric bass? Put it another way... Am i going to be sneered and spat at by the Jazzer elites? [/quote] I wouldn't worry about it, if you're playing jazz there won't be anyone watching anyway....
  21. [quote name='toneknob' timestamp='1435140904' post='2805805'] Did anyone else hear an Oom-pah** version of La Villa Strangiato in the interval? ** as in German brass band, not Oompah Loompahs. At how many other gigs does one need to make this distinction? [/quote] Sounds like the one from one of the Rush tour videos a few years back.
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