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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. Depends if the pickups themselves are passive or active.
  2. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1430584043' post='2762885'] Hi all, I've just been looking through the "Other Musical Items" section and it's awash with 6-string things with cheese-wire strings! How do others view this? [/quote] I'm fine with it. It's not mandatory to buy a guitar you know....
  3. [quote name='DarkHeart' timestamp='1430492951' post='2762020'] Anyone toying with the idea of buying one of these harnesses i will save you the bother, dont theyre a waste of money. [/quote] Really? I've just installed one in a friends Fender Precision Lyte & both he & I are incredibly impressed with it, it's given the bass a whole new lease of life. Totally quiet, easy to install & really usable EQ in all settings. Really can't fault it on any level, especially given how cheap it was. I've installed active circuits costing over five times the price that I don't think were as good.
  4. I just did other stuff I was interested in until I could play again.
  5. I've got a MIJ 57RI in Fiesta Red. It's a fantastic bass. Japanese Fenders are by far the best & most consistently good Fenders I've played.
  6. I once got a Hamer 12 string bass from the seller in the USA to my door in three days.
  7. Novatone Switchboards - haven't seen those for years.
  8. RhysP


    [quote name='mattbass6' timestamp='1430167285' post='2758638'] This used to be my bass A wonderful bass. It sounds amazing and plays beautifully. So light as well. GLWTS [/quote] I wondered if it was this one.
  9. RhysP


    Did you buy this used from Bass Direct fairly recently?
  10. What do you need to know? Have you seen Bill Milkowski's book about Jaco? If you want to borrow a copy I'd be happy to send you mine if you PM me your address.
  11. Oil or wax finished necks & bodies. I wouldn't even consider a bass with these. Sunburst finishes are a bit of a no-no for me too.
  12. Was this the one that was on Ebay from Swansea? I was keeping an eye on it but the price went higher than I was prepared to pay.
  13. [quote name='Chrisward' timestamp='1429873153' post='2755786'] I can live with it, after all I've waited a long time already, but my question is [b]how[/b] [b]come you never see any around in shops?[/b] [/quote] Well, they're probably aren't that many around anyway, certainly compared to a lot of other makes. There's also the fact that a lot of them, the one I had built for me in the early 1980s included, suffered from serious neck issues (truss rods breaking, general instability problems) that might mean lots of them just aren't in a playable state these days.
  14. In my experience EBS customer support is less than useless, which is why I wouldn't touch their gear with a bargepole anymore.
  15. Listen to it, work out what the notes are & play them in that order.
  16. My two Zon Legacy basses were easily the best basses I ever owned. Great price for a superb bass.
  17. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1429281134' post='2750015'] Scarborough Fair has got to be a contender, with original versions older than Bach, and the version we know being about 200 years old (and Paul Simon once claiming a writing credit)!! [/quote] Which was a bit cheeky as Paul Simon stole Martin Carthy's version of it.
  18. I was always happy to take compliments from people who's opinion I respected, which ruled out 99.9% of people in any audience I ever played to.
  19. You might want to put this in the items wanted section in the marketplace. http://basschat.co.uk/forum/22-items-wanted/
  20. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1428748196' post='2744226'] ....I've not the slightest idea about bass-related musical theory, nor do I have any desire to learn or feel the need to pass exams to prove my abilities - as far as I'm concerned, music theory is tantamount to maths, which I hate. [/quote] You're saying an awful lot of stuff I agree with lately. Stop it. Now.
  21. I used active basses exclusively for over 25 years, but there was always something about the sound that I wasn't happy with & as a result I was always farting around with the EQ on the amp & the bass. Over the course of the last couple of years I sold all my active basses & now just have two passive basses - they just sound "right" to me. Getting them to sit in a mix either live or when recording is a doddle too.
  22. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1428694303' post='2743933'] That was the bit I liked best! [/quote] Well, you are a girly.....
  23. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1428689870' post='2743878'] My brother was a heavy drinker. He has cut down to 4 pints a day now. Also, he was always doing manual work/ painting and decorating etc. may tie in with some of the comments above ? [/quote] As I say, they did seem to make quite a big thing about knowing my drinking habits when I had mine done, so maybe there is some connection there. On the other hand (if you pardon the expression) I've never done a day's hard manual labour in my life & still developed them. Guess it's just like most things, partly genetic, partly crappy luck, and not helped by hammering your body with various toxins & poisons in the pursuit of a "good time"....
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