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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. [quote name='Number6' timestamp='1428236140' post='2739383'] And who decided what textbook is anyway? [/quote] The people who wrote the textbook I guess....
  2. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1428229723' post='2739267'] SW songs being a great example of 5-stringery that leaves me cold. But then I'm probably the only human in the world who doesn't love SW and his works. [/quote] Nope, I can't stand Stevie Wonder either, or pretty much any other funk or soul music to be honest.
  3. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1428188807' post='2739036'] You might have something there! My dalliance with 5-string basses depressed the crap out of me. The 'B' is just too different to the other strings... not necessarily in tension (or whatever you want to call it) but I found I had to address it differently, in a way I didn't like. It seemed temperamental somehow and demanded special treatment, which I ultimately resented. A 5-string bass isn't just a 4-string with an extra string - it's a completely different instrument in my opinion. One I don't like. YMMV obviously. The only advantage (for me) was the fact that you don't have to move around the fretboard so much. But I don't think having those few lower notes is worth the extra learning curve, the extra weight and the extra expense. I found it a relief to get back to four strings, frankly. And another thing, the usual songs cited as great examples of 5-stringery leave me completely cold! There, I've said it. Thhpp!! [/quote] I have to say I agree with everything you say here.
  4. For a measly £25 saving I wouldn't bother, I'd just buy the full price one.
  5. [quote name='Bassman Steve' timestamp='1427956939' post='2736186'] Isn't it odd, I can't stand them - or Hendrix, just so you can hate me more :-) [/quote] Same here. I can't stand anything bluesy, doesn't connect with me on any level & bores me to tears.
  6. Known quite a few people in bands that have had "showcase gigs" in London over the years, I even attended a couple of them. Without exception they were a complete & total waste of time & effort for the bands involved.
  7. [quote name='julietgreen' timestamp='1427822478' post='2734713'] My band is adding to our repertoire again and although I'm slightly peevish - why does it always seem that what I want to play isn't 'quite right' or 'a bit lame' or... well yeah. I'm not that attached, though, so I'm happy to have a go at whatever numbers they want to play, but lately they seem to be picking numbers that are really beyond my playing ability - just too damned fast etc. I'm doing my best, but bass is a late discovery for me. Anyone else had that? Do I suggest they get a better bassist? [/quote] There's stretching youself & there's having the piss taken out of you. I'd go with a more aggressive approach & ask them what their f***ing problem is. Why are they doing this? Do they want to get rid of you but just don't have the balls to do it? I'd want answers to these questions.
  8. There is an "Items Wanted" section in the forum marketplace: http://basschat.co.uk/forum/22-items-wanted/
  9. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1427810177' post='2734497'] Your surgeon...not us bass players....is best suited to know what effect a physical strain like standing (even sitting) for a two hour gig, is going to have on your over all recovery. I understand your dilemma, but as has been said already....what price your health ? [/quote] Absloutely this. If I was in your position I wouldn't even be considering playing. I certainly wouldn't be soliciting advice off a bunch of people who probably see it as some kind of macho badge of honour to say they did a gig just after having surgery. Bottom line (IMO) - health is far more important than any bloody gig.
  10. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1427737194' post='2733671'] No, but I'd love to see it. My pal is playing violin and he's bloody amazing. Him and me: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hL81A7f2MWo[/media] Him & Sting: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzMLmS9cNxg[/media] [/quote] Is he any relation to Kathryn?
  11. [quote name='walbassist' timestamp='1427619053' post='2732272'] What's the difference between fuzz, distortion and overdrive? [/quote] Overdrive will be the sort of sound you're looking for, I'd describe distortion as a higher gain version of overdrive & fuzz to me just sounds like a sh*tty broken cheap tranny amp - ghastly sound IMO but plenty of people love it.
  12. It's always worth looking at what's available secondhand.
  13. Sounds like a pretty great bass for the money.
  14. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1427551075' post='2731655'] Am I being precious.....? [/quote] Yes.
  15. [quote name='ras52' timestamp='1427405055' post='2730107'] ...and they're both wrong, as it's Fireball all the way [/quote] Fireball is my favourite album of theirs though it rarely gets mentioned for some strange reason, it's always "In Rock" & "Machinehead" that get all the glory.
  16. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1427390363' post='2729839'] Sorry mate, but I have to disagree. I'm a [i][b]Machine Head [/b][/i]purist, and the [i][b]Made In Japan[/b][/i] version remains a complete abomination. [/quote] I've always thought this as well.
  17. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1427396157' post='2729955'] i would rather play on stage naked, than play on stage with that. and i don't look good naked. [/quote] Just think how bad you'd look naked AND playing that.....!
  18. I've seen loads of people play like that over the years, just feels really strange to me though.
  19. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1427382750' post='2729699'] I actually thought it was less than that. Sorry, 'fewer'. [/quote] It probably is if you count the recent flouncer off-ers.... I'm looking forward to the day when it's just you & me.....
  20. Thirty years ago I would have really wanted that.
  21. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1427372951' post='2729461'] I recognised twelve. [/quote] That's about the correct number of regular contributors isn't it?
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