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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. [quote name='FuNkShUi' timestamp='1427205297' post='2727101'] Im not a supervisor, in a cnc workshop... [/quote] What an astonishing coincidence, I'm not a supervisor in a CNC workshop either!!
  2. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1427222696' post='2727544'] You said it not me [/quote] I was going to say Jaydee too because I had a custom built one that had the most unstable neck of any bass I've ever played.
  3. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1427230249' post='2727722'] This thread was locked earlier today... IBTL! [/quote] I didn't imagine it then.
  4. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1427223388' post='2727557'] When I die I would like Rickenbacker to manufacture my coffin. [/quote] Well, at least you could be sure it would biodegrade rapidly. I'd be surprised if it made it through the funeral service.....
  5. The answer to the question is of course "None". You don't [i]need[/i] any basses; as far as I'm aware playing bass isn't mandatory....
  6. [quote name='Marc S' timestamp='1427214599' post='2727340'] I particularly dislike it when the word "like" is thrown into a sentence far too often [/quote] That's very unfortunate if you're from Cardiff.
  7. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1427213840' post='2727317'] You mean apart from backwards or sideways? [/quote] Don't be forgetting our friend Mr. Diagonally.....
  8. [quote name='pfretrock' timestamp='1427214122' post='2727322'] Holes drilled too big? Screws too thin? Screws too short? [/quote] Faulty brick that I had no way of knowing about.
  9. I used long masonry screws, drilled into the brick (old house, no plasterboard), brown rawlplugs.... and the f***ing thing still came away from the wall & smashed my bass into the floor.
  10. [quote name='stevie' timestamp='1427190424' post='2726817'] However, if the mods had acted reasonably in banning a member, there would be no need to be so secretive about it. Some people might conclude that they have something to hide. [/quote] But who decides if the mods have acted "reasonably" as you put it, you? the friends of the person being banned? The people who can't stand the person being banned? No matter what decision a mod makes some will agree with it & some won't, other won't give a toss either way. At the end of the day it's no-ones business apart from the mods & the member involved.
  11. I've recently been VERY impressed with the Fender Mustang modelling amps, to the extent that I'm going to change my plans for buying an all valve combo & get one of these instead. The clincher was seeing the Handsome Family live last night. The guitarist had what I would describe as my dream guitar tone, and I fully expected to see him using an old tweed or blackface Fender of some description. It was a £200 Fender Mustang.
  12. [quote name='darren' timestamp='1427039318' post='2724952'] I quite like the look of Rick basses. Especially the 4005. Anyhow, never played one but found this interesting. not sure how accurate. [media]http://youtu.be/nR--0QSLQPg[/media] [/quote] I never knew that Eeyore did bass repair work.
  13. [quote name='Number6' timestamp='1427039445' post='2724954'] It's all becoming clear. Especially the various components that have been constructed into the disfigured profile that is the Rickenbacker. Almost as though some mad and evil surgeon had sewn the parts together from other perfectly good instruments just to see what would happen..... [/quote] The experiments with twin necks were indeed a crime against nature...
  14. [quote name='Number6' timestamp='1427038393' post='2724940'] So we may see the re emergence of a 1000 year Rick? [/quote] A 4001 year Rick - the clues are all there in front of us.
  15. [quote name='Number6' timestamp='1427038147' post='2724938'] Does that mean all the good Rickenbackers' are hidden in secret cache bunkers in neutral countries? [/quote] I couldn't possibly comment, but the best one I ever played was in Argentina...
  16. I feel I should point out in the interests of fairness that Adolf Rickenbacher was in fact Swiss, and as we all know the Swiss did nothing terrible in the war, they just looked after stolen stuff for the people who did....
  17. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1427037224' post='2724932'] Whilst the genealogy of the name Rickenbacker is German, it appears the company did not inherit the Teutonic race's engineering prowess. [/quote] They did inherit their dislike of free speech & dissent though...
  18. Doesn't matter what you play, there are so many other variables at work in these demo clips that make them to all intents & purposes worthless. The clips on the Bass Direct website are a good example of this, where every bass, no matter how expensive, sounds like a piece of crap (IMO of course.....).
  19. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1426953008' post='2723944'] can you girls/guys play music that your not really into..? [/quote] No, absolutely not. I'd rather not play at all than play music I don't like.
  20. Not as good as Eric Blake....
  21. Why all the cloak & dagger stuff? If the lesson was as you described then you'd be doing lots of people a favour by naming & shaming this "teacher". Also, changing the subject slightly, I thought you weren't meant to have multiple user accounts on here (though it's never stopped some people)?
  22. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1426705028' post='2721123'] Lock it. Lock it now, for pity's sake. [/quote] This.
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