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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. [quote name='CHW' timestamp='1426680645' post='2720620'] Following on from the Guitarists who would be bass players thread in OT, I started thinking about this. I started off on bass, and picked up a guitar when I had been playing for a couple of years, learning open chords, barre chords and a few scales for a bit of lead improvisation. When I moved back onto bass I discovered that I had automatically improved as a bass player, not just in that I could see(and recognise) a guitarist play a G, D, C and Em progression and immediately have the fundamentals of a workable bassline in my head. but that I could work together better with a guitarist. I have ended up playing both in gigging bands (probably prefer the bass overall still) but still think if I'd never played the guitar, I'd be a less accomplished bass player?? I'd be interested to know if there are any long term bass players out there who cannot play any guitar, and couldn't recognise a B7 chord visually, and how do they pick up the more random seeming chord progressions from a guitarist. [/quote] I've been playing guitar for a while now, have gigged on guitar & definitely play far more guitar than bass these days, but I couldn't recognise a B7 chord visually. Why is it important to be able to recognise a chord visually? I can hear a 7th chord no problem, which I would have thought is more important. I don't think playing bass for years helped with playing guitar when I started, and I certainly don't feel like playing guitar has helped my bass playing as my approach to the two instruments is completely different.
  2. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1426624875' post='2720096'] I wouldn't say it means you're a better musician, it does mean you're a more versatile one, if it's a reading gig, then you're gonna get the call over someone who can't read. [/quote] This.
  3. Wow, that's a beautiful refinish, lovely colour.
  4. Four year old thread back from the dead....
  5. [quote name='Lucasade' timestamp='1426549324' post='2719321'] ......we just want to move to somewhere where there is a decent amount of work around and not too insane rent wise. [/quote] Good luck with that.....
  6. [quote name='joeystrange' timestamp='1426531471' post='2719004'] Last time I checked I had 6mm at the 12th fret. I think I'm some kind of heathen. [/quote] Now that's a real mans action! None of this "I like my action to be 0.5mm at the last fret because I play so lightly my fingers are like a butterfly landing on a lovely flower" crap.
  7. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1426527078' post='2718906'] Very much this. However which synth to buy? Back in the 80s I had synths by Akai, Casio, EDP, Korg, Roland and Yamaha. Each of them did some of the classic synth bass sounds, but none was versatile to cover everything. [/quote] Very true. Any purchase would have to be a compromise, unless you bought racks of gear or ran some decent emulation software for all the classic bass synth sounds. Something like a Novation Bass Station would be a good starting place, and just work on getting some approximations of the sounds needed. Nobody in the audience will care too much about authenticity anyway....
  8. Just buy a synth, better sounds, better all round.
  9. I'd be happy with that, but I like an action to be a bit on the high side.
  10. It's a good bit of kit, more than enough for my sporadic & meagre efforts.
  11. What audio interface are you using? I've got line outs & a monitor volume control on mine (a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2) for this purpose (though I don't use them).
  12. RhysP

    Guitar Porn

    Picked this up on Gumtree the other day for the bargain price of £150, including a TKL case. Very impressed with the build & finish quality - I've seen plenty of Gibson ES335's that aren't as well made as this Tokai. [url="http://s86.photobucket.com/user/RhysP/media/image.jpg1_zpsqx0i2sig.jpg.html"][/url]
  13. If it works for you that's all that matters, there are no hard & fast rules with this stuff.
  14. Why do so many builders not lacquer their necks anymore? I guess it's just a cost cutting exercise (that they don't always pass on to the customer) or maybe they just haven't got the skills to do it. Call me old fashioned but I would not even consider buying any bass or guitar with an unfinished or oil/wax finish to the neck and/or body.
  15. 1965? I'd be more than happy to have that as my YOB bass - very cool, love Mosrites.
  16. [quote name='Leonard Smalls' timestamp='1426242423' post='2715979'] But the moon in June inspires a lovely tune! [/quote] You're obviously a natural when it comes to lyric writing...
  17. Lyrics are incredibly difficult, unless you're happy to just churn out the usual "Moon June"stuff. I'm in the same boat as you, really enjoy trying to write stuff but I just really don't have anything to say. I'm angry about a lot of things but I'm very aware that I'd just sound a bit of a whinging twat writing about how unfair life is at the age of 50....
  18. [quote name='spyder' timestamp='1426196859' post='2715650'] I wanted to keep the price down so I took the standard bass, worked out at just over £600. [/quote] Bloody hell, that's a good price.
  19. [quote name='Stickman' timestamp='1426200411' post='2715718'] Isn't their live bass player a BassChatter too - is it still Dan? [/quote] Yeah, I think his bass chat name is Dan The Welshy - incredibly talented player.
  20. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1426083783' post='2714162'] I guess I am saying that, when I started, I wanted to play everything that every bass player ever played; Teen Town, Silly Putty, Schooldays, Donna Lee, Portrait of Tracy, Joe Frazier, Hot Water etc etc. Now, I just want to be able to play bass at standard where I can do my thing within a Jazz setting. A lot of time could be wasted learning things that, for me personally, amount to little more than party tricks. [/quote] I learnt to play by learning (by ear) bass parts to songs by bands I loved. As soon as I got to a point where I felt my technique was good enough to allow me to do the things I wanted to do I stopped learning other peoples stuff altogether. I never had any interest in learning to play all the standard bass players party pieces as I just couldn't see there was any point in doing so other than for purely "look what I can do" dick swinging reasons. A lot of what is regarded by many players as "essential stuff to learn" is in styles of music I hate & would never ever want to play so the effort involved in learning them just so I could say I could play them seemed totally pointless.
  21. My friends Christina (vocals) & Steve (drums) are playing there with their band (Magenta).
  22. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1426077368' post='2714066'] Who always sounds spookily like Giblin to my ears! It's hard to tell the difference between them (IMO). But for a (relatively) unknown bassist, Giblin has a hell of a CV! [/quote] He was the house bassist at Abbey Road Studios for years - not a bad job.
  23. [quote name='Cameronj279' timestamp='1426028156' post='2713691'] You've got me doubting myself now actually as I know it was definitely Jimmy something. I think I'll edit my comments actually. Wouldn't want to mistakenly slander a mans work. [/quote] I've never heard anything other than the highest praise for Jimmy Moon. His acoustic guitars are as good as anything available. I'm pretty certain you must be thinking of somebody else.
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