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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1426021868' post='2713605'] The red burst Elwood and Jake models look really rather tasty. But I've spent all my bass tokens [/quote] The names would be a deal breaker for me - I f***ing hate The Blues Brothers.
  2. [quote name='spyder' timestamp='1426017333' post='2713537'] Well said.. can I be Wendy number 1. :-) [/quote] Be my guest.
  3. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1426013388' post='2713462'] By the way... Re: club threads, they're all over BC already, but they just don't have 'club' in the title. They're an incredibly useful resource for anyone who is interested in a particular brand. I've never quite got the negativity toward them. [/quote] I think it's just the way it's done on TB, with people having numbers & listing their individual club memberships in their signatures like a bunch of great big trainspotting Wendys.
  4. [quote name='paul h' timestamp='1425974556' post='2712813'] The inability to escape drunken, middle aged twats, dad dancing their way through the set, pausing only to man handle unwilling women onto the dance floor. The last time some grubby little prick grabbed Mrs H by the wrist and tried forcing her to dance, he nearly got a bass in the back of the head. If that's who I'm playing for...I'd rather not play. [/quote] That's another reason why I hated gigging - the mouth breathing bottom feeders who were inevitably a large part of the audience. I used to look out into the audience & wish I had a gun rather than a bass. I got an email out of the blue the other day from the drummer of my old band saying they are getting back together for a one-off gig that they've been asked to headline in September & that they want me to play. There is not enough money in the universe to even make me consider it.
  5. I know Geddy Lee used to use a Boss EQ pedal to give him a boost when he went up the neck, maybe something like that would be useful.
  6. [quote name='jonnythenotes' timestamp='1425913545' post='2712116'] So what's the diffence between someone performing or playing a song on you tube, and playing the same song at a gig..... viewers or an audience...its the same thing. [/quote] No it's not - who knows how many takes somebody has done of a YouTube clip before they get one they are happy about letting people see. You don't get that luxury at a gig. This was demonstrated perfectly by that YouTube girl who played all the Jamiroquai stuff but couldn't replicate it live with them when she had the chance.
  7. [quote name='Weststarx' timestamp='1425917945' post='2712186'] Hi All, As I'm back on the market for another band I thought I should probably learn how to change key on the fly if I needed to. I've had a look at a few articles on the web but they all seem poorly explained and all seemed very complicated. Does anyone know of a simple guide or can someone perhaps explain it? Is it just a case of playing the same shapes/pattern but just sliding it up or down one/two/three frets? [/quote] Capo. Job done.
  8. Got to agree with the guy from Bloc Party.
  9. BARGAIN! If I hadn't just bought a Jack Casady a few days ago I'd be all over this.
  10. She looks like she's sat in a lift.
  11. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1425825891' post='2711089'] take heed you people, there are women that are better at electric bass than you and me. [/quote] And I'm probably far better at ironing & doing the washing up than she is....
  12. If there is one thing I would love to do musically it would be have a song in the Eurovision Song Contest. I bet it would be a great laugh.
  13. I think I must be the only person in the universe who doesn't like Stevie Wonder.
  14. Don't waste time seeing a GP, book an appointment at the DTR clinic at the top of Crwys Road on the junction with Cathays Terrace. Steve Cannon & his team there are superb. http://www.dtr-clinic.com
  15. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1425808355' post='2710814'] Thanks for that. You may have seen the bass in question, actually, as it was the bassist from a Cardiff based band - The James Clode Band. Sort of country rock and pretty good - great singer. [/quote] Nope, never heard of them, and country rock is something I like. Didn't even know there was a country rock band in Cardiff to be honest. They probably don't play locally as the gigging scene is controlled by the hipster mafia.
  16. They were quite popular in the 80s, nice basses. Dave Pegg from Fairport Convention used one for a while, there's even an instrumental track on one of their albums ("Gladys' Leap") called "The Riverhead" in honour of it.
  17. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1425803309' post='2710736']However, given Nickleback have an absolute army of haters, I feel they've given those folks more ammunition for their hatred. [/quote] I'm pretty sure they really couldn't give a f*** what the haters think or say. I met Chad Kroeger once, he came into the bar I was in after they played in Cardiff years ago. Really nice bloke.
  18. Here it is all cleaned up, reassembled & restrung: [URL=http://s86.photobucket.com/user/RhysP/media/IMG_0455_zpsofq9pmis.jpg.html][IMG]http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k120/RhysP/IMG_0455_zpsofq9pmis.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  19. When anybody mentions "8 string bass" that's always what I think of, a four string with a set of octave strings.
  20. [quote name='steve-soar' timestamp='1425734355' post='2710163'] A huge advert for headphones? I dig the music but everyone is in cans? [/quote] It looks like a silent disco...
  21. I probably would have loved this 30 years ago when I used to listen to loads of muso noodly stuff.
  22. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1425673631' post='2709705'] You're in for a surprise when you plug it in, mine is much more aggressive and snarly than I had expected, really cuts through well. [/quote] Just gave it a quick, quiet try-out through the amp & I see what you mean, lovely sound! With a bit of volume behind it it'll be a beast!
  23. It's in immaculate condition, really lovely bit of rosewood for the fretboard too.
  24. This will have to do for now, I'll take some more tomorrow: [URL=http://s86.photobucket.com/user/RhysP/media/IMG_0448_zpstjg4cght.jpg.html][IMG]http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k120/RhysP/IMG_0448_zpstjg4cght.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  25. Oh come on, everybody has seen one of these before!
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