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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. The secondhand Korean Jack Casady I got on Ebay earlier this week arrived this afternoon. First off, it was great to receive an instrument that had been packed really well. Some of the things I've received in the past have been so poorly packaged I'm amazed they ever made it to me in one piece. It was pretty grubby, and the strings that were on it were totally shagged so I've just spent an enjoyable couple of hours stripping it down, cleaning it, putting new strings on it & getting the intonation sorted out. Some guitars are a joy to work on and others are a nightmare, I'm happy to say this bass is a joy, and I'm quite impressed with how easy the three point bridge is to set up after hearing so many people say negative things about them. I was planning on replacing it with a Hipshot but I'm more than happy with it so I'm not going to bother. Very impressed with the build and finish quality, the gold top is flawless & better than quite a few very expensive Gibson Les Pauls I've seen. Love the feel of the neck, the dimensions are perfect for me. The neck feels really short though due to the size of the body. Really resonant when played unamplified, and it's just one of those basses that makes you want to pick it up & noodle about on it. Not had chance to put it through the amp yet, probably wait until tomorrow now. First impressions have been excellent & I can see why so many people like these basses - an awesome bit of kit for the money!
  2. Do you really need a five string if you're playing Classic Rock stuff? I'd bet that most, if not all, of the songs you'll be playing were done with a four string. A lot of stuff (Lizzy, Van Halen & loads of others) were all originaly recorded tuned down a semitone so why not just do that?
  3. They've got a guitarist hidden backstage who uses a load of pedals to make it sound like he's playing a bass.....
  4. Uncommon for a Wal to have a gloss finish too (if it is a gloss finish & not just the lighting). I have seen others but not many. Lovely example.
  5. I thought they were terrible before any of you lot did.
  6. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1425421030' post='2707272'] A lot of guys over here work only because they need the health insurance. I would think that is not an issue you guys have to deal with? [/quote] It will be an issue we will all have to deal with over here before very long unfortunately.
  7. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1425479050' post='2707739'] You sound like a barrel of laughs ! [/quote] I am actually - you know f*** all about me.
  8. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1425423900' post='2707324'] Cool, I forgot about session work as an option. Your lucky, paid session work is reserved for the elite over here. Blue [/quote] Not exactly elite stuff, mainly just vanity project CDs for mediocre singer songwriters with more money than sense.
  9. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1425420139' post='2707255'] I'm sure you get what you need from playing bass at home or with friends. [/quote] No, I "get what I need" from playing bass by doing occasional paid session work. Not that I really get anything from it at all anymore, bass playing has been very low on my list of priorities for many years now. If I play music at home or with friends it's guitar & keyboards, I go for months at a time without even getting a bass out of it's case.
  10. [quote name='rogerstodge' timestamp='1425408574' post='2707064'] aahh, finally I've found my long lost twin [/quote] I thought I couldn't be the only one who felt like that.
  11. I just have no desire whatsoever to entertain other people. When I've been on stage in the past I have felt no connection whatsoever with the audience. If I felt anything at all it would best be described as indifference or even contempt. I'm also very much a loner & just don't like the whole "band camaraderie" thing, it's the same reason I've never had any interest in team sports. I still very occasionally do an acoustic gig with an old friend of mine who is a great singer but I do that because I love hearing her sing - I couldn't care less about the audience.
  12. I thought the A432 went from Bristol to Old Sodbury.
  13. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1425282917' post='2705727'] Yes - I believe you've mentioned that once or twice... [/quote]
  14. I've got Tony Levin's autograph & it doesn't look very much like that.
  15. I've got a cover on my current Markbass combo but only because it came with one, i wouldn't have bought one for it if it hadn't had one. Same goes for any other amps/cabs/combos I've ever owned.
  16. They're only bits of wood, get rid of what you want, unless you have some kind of nostalgic/emotional reason for hanging on to something, or it's the best bass you've ever played or whatever. I sold the bass I'd played for 20 years & did all my gigging with a few years ago now & haven't regretted it for a second, but that's largely because my memories of gigging & being in that particular band are pretty much all negative ones.
  17. GAK are doing some RG models brand new for only £359.00: http://www.gak.co.uk/en/ibanez-rg350dxz-bk-black/108531
  18. [quote name='paulo m' timestamp='1425152500' post='2704595'] But as for the price tag?? [/quote] If you just go by the cost of the materials involved then pretty much every bass or guitar available is a total rip off.
  19. [quote name='Shabbs' timestamp='1424818182' post='2700929'] Stamped 2nd? [/quote] Guitars can be marked as 2nds for the smallest of reasons, usually cosmetic - I've bought 2nds before & have not been able to find anything wrong with them whatsoever.
  20. [URL=http://s86.photobucket.com/user/RhysP/media/rhys1.jpg.html][IMG]http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k120/RhysP/rhys1.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  21. I've left a band because they started saying they wanted me to play a five string & I had absolutely no intention of doing so, especially when there was nothing about the music that needed it. I'd have no problem with tuning down a semitone or something similar if it was required though.
  22. Surprised you've not heard of them, they've been around since the start of the 80s, firstly as Pensa Suhr, then John Suhr & Rudy Pensa went their seperate ways & started building under their own names.
  23. I'm in exactly the same position - turned 50 this year but the only bands that appear to be available to me are all playing the same old classic rock/soul/motown/pop 60s & 70s dross that holds no appeal for me whatsoever. All the interesting band ads are invariably looking for somebody twenty years younger.
  24. Won't ship unfortunately, but a bargain if you can pick it up: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Epiphone-Jack-Casady-Bass-Guitar-With-Fitted-Hard-Case/201294544541?_trksid=p2045573.c100033.m2042&_trkparms=aid%3D111001%26algo%3DREC.SEED%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20131017132637%26meid%3D75598352423d42cab605dca015b3d061%26pid%3D100033%26rk%3D4%26rkt%3D4%26sd%3D171695073608
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