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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. [quote name='JJW' timestamp='1424545880' post='2697622'] Not seen anything like this before, [url="http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/710-53481-19255-0/1?icep_ff3=2&pub=5575090229&toolid=10001&campid=5337531593&customid=&icep_item=221693550045&ipn=psmain&icep_vectorid=229508&kwid=902099&mtid=824&kw=lg"]http://rover.ebay.co...&mtid=824&kw=lg[/url] [/quote] Were you not around in the 80s then?
  2. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1424787214' post='2700449'] It all looks a bit grim from here. [/quote] f***ing hell, I wish my life was that grim...
  3. Pretty much all the regularly gigging musicians I know are either single or have been divorced at least once, and it's the gigging that was always cited as the problem. When I was gigging the girl I was engaged to at the time gave me endless sh*t about it. I remember reading somewhere a few years ago that the incidence of divorce amongst professional musicians is one of the highest there is.
  4. I'm still trying to work out what exactly the "Genre" referred to is.
  5. Ridiculously, as I rarely play these days, I find myself fancying an F Bass or a Mike Lull. Also fancy one of those Warwick Star Bass semi's, which is really strange a I don't like Warwick basses at all. Anyway, it won't happen - it would be a total waste of money.
  6. [quote name='paul j h' timestamp='1424261684' post='2694453'] not wanting to highjack this thread but does anyone buy CD's anymore I have loads that I want to sell but not sure if the market is there anymore. I guess Ebay is the way to test. [/quote] I only buy CDs. If I can get my Rega record deck working I'll start buying vinyl again too. I've never downloaded anything & when the day comes when that is the only way to get hold of music then I shall simply stop buying new music. Don't listen to music anywhere near as much as I did when I was young anyway, so it won't be any big deal to be honest.
  7. Always wanted to play synths but they were too expensive & I had no interest in guitar so I tried bass. 36 years later & I'd still love nothing more than to own a load of old analogue synths but they're still too expensive for me.
  8. What's the string spacing at the bridge please?
  9. Does the teenage fumbling have to have been with another person to qualify for this thread?
  10. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1423666925' post='2687687'] Don't give up your day job, bro [/quote] Unless "comedian" is his day job.....
  11. [quote name='chaypup' timestamp='1423849240' post='2689744'] Don't believe him! He's just trying to keep all the fun stuff for himself! [/quote] I wish.
  12. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1423736240' post='2688363'] Oh, I'm going to Cardiff for the weekend soon, I was hoping it might be nice... [/quote] It's rubbish, I really wouldn't bother.
  13. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1423788210' post='2689170'] From the 80s "Doot-Doot" by Freur. Although two of the band went on to bigger things in the 90s this is where all their ideas stemmed from. If you want a album that showcases every production trick for synth-based pop, this one has them all. Only has actual bass guitar on 2 of the tracks but of of them is the work of Pino Paladino. From the 90s "Attack Of The Grey Lantern" by Mansun. A sort of concept album, but the concept doesn't get in the way of the fact that it's also a collection of catchy songs. [/quote] Great choices!
  14. I'd like to add "The Flat Earth" by Thomas Dolby to the two I mentioned earlier.
  15. A Wizard, a True Star - Todd Rundgren My Life in the Bush of Ghosts - Brian Eno & David Byrne
  16. [quote name='UglyDog' timestamp='1423658602' post='2687500'] Some members of the same band also wanted to do 'Dance The Night Away', that dreadful 2-chord Mavericks dirge. [/quote] That really is a godawful turd of a song. Brown eyed girl is f***ing terrible too.
  17. [quote name='anaxcrosswords' timestamp='1423581286' post='2686590'] Drummer Bill Bruford writes: "[i]Surprise, attack, understate, or overstate, but whatever you do, avoid the two cardinal sins of being either boring or predictable[/i]." Seriously? OK, Bill, can I just point out a few things? In a band you have something called the rhythm section, which comprises drums and bass guitar. These combine to form the backbone of the band’s sound and, as such, they should work together – each should know precisely what the other is going to do, otherwise it can get messy. You may be thinking, Sir Bruford, that you can combine mahooooosive ego and chosen instrument and that these will produce a God before whom all should kneel in worship. But no – that is the guitarist’s job. [/quote] Yes, but Bill was never going to settle for being a standard rock'n'roll drummer, and I for one am thankful for that. He's one of the few drummers that is genuinely interesting to listen to. When you've got a back catalogue & list of credits like Bruford maybe then you'll be qualified to let him know where he's been going wrong all these years. Maybe....
  18. RhysP


    Depends what sort of music you're playing. I've gigged with my Markbass 1x12 combo with drums & guitar & it handled it easily with power to spare. One of the other bands that played used it too - they were louder than us (punk/pop stuff) but the Markbass was fine, could be heard easily over the other instruments. If you're playing in a band with two guitarists both using Marshall stacks & a heavy handed drummer I would think it's going to struggle without an extension cab though.. I did have it raised up on a combo stand which really seemed to help get the sound across.
  19. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1423561129' post='2686220'] It'd take a lot of drugs to forget that despite having, money, fame and a chip on your shoulder everyone has seen a video of someone else doing your missus. [/quote]
  20. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1423529472' post='2686092'] I need to get out more then, I only have a very limited knowledge of him. I've heard the name and that's about all. I couldn't name a single song or anything about him. [/quote] Same here.
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