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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. Givsons are made in India: http://www.givson.com/home.html
  2. [quote name='LayDownThaFunk' timestamp='1423509697' post='2685744'] Like it or not, Kanye West is the biggest rock star on the planet. [/quote] He's the biggest f***ing bellend on the planet too.
  3. Updating my earlier post as I've just bought another MIJ Precision, largely because I liked the colour of it. There is also a chance that I will have bought another bass before this evening ends....
  4. The bigger the better IMO. The gigs I did where we were using a big PA with side fills & really good monitoring were without exception my favourite ones. The further away from the punters the better....
  5. [quote name='cloudburst' timestamp='1423268374' post='2683101'] .....I've also offered up my flawless BC feedback..... .....I also feel that the seller is disrespecting my good name which is comprehensively evidenced in BC feedback.... [/quote] Maybe the seller, like me, has had past experiences on the forum that have led him to believe that "Flawless Basschat Feedback" is no guarantee of anything. At the end of the day how he wants to accept payment is up to him, not anybody else.
  6. Go to Cardiff city centre & see a load of shops that every other city has got. Go down to Cardiff Bay & marvel at the way a vibrant multicultural community was destroyed & replaced by a load of sh*tty chain restaurants & places for rich people to moor their boats.
  7. I heard about this yesterday. Sad news indeed. They don't make 'em like that anymore.
  8. RhysP


    [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1423239620' post='2682688'] Probably "soul destroying" is a bit strong. Although if you're in an originals band it may be similar to that feeling you have when you're last on the bill at 12:00 and everyone has gone home. [/quote] Yeah, been there...
  9. RhysP


    [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1423230373' post='2682527'] What about having check boxes instead of radio buttons. You can 'buy' several songs rather than judging the best. That way even if I produce a composition that someone likes but doesn't necessarily think is the best they can vote and I get a small bit of recognition for my efforts. I can imagine getting no recognition at all for a piece you've created might be a bit soul destroying. [/quote] Having a system of multiple votes as you suggest & still getting no votes I assume would be even more soul destroying.
  10. [quote name='toneknob' timestamp='1423129880' post='2681027'] You've seen this, right? [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-WLHXd7P0w[/media] [/quote] Toyah still does it for me.
  11. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1423170283' post='2681836'] Or is this another one of them basschat wanger-waving contests [/quote] Perish the thought....
  12. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1423169669' post='2681817'] Steve Barnacle is the bassist. [/quote] I saw him donkeys years ago in Rick Wakeman's band, first person I ever saw using a Jaydee. Bloody good player.
  13. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1423169459' post='2681813'] "My name is Pete, I've never properly tried to learn rhythm stick" there I've said it, I shall give it a go soon I promise. [/quote] I never have either, nor will I ever. I hate that f***ing song so much, I don't care how good the bass line is.
  14. [quote name='spectoremg' timestamp='1423166769' post='2681761'] Saw him a couple of years ago. Is it just me or is two hours of guitar noodling a bit tedious? [/quote] I'd have to agree with you there. I just cannot listen to stuff like that anymore. Bores the arse off me. I'm sure JTUK would class him as a "Pro".
  15. [quote name='Panamonte' timestamp='1423083424' post='2680603'] I appear to be in a minority of one �� [/quote] No you're not, I love the Bruford book, I'd say it's the best musicians autobiography I've read. It's certainly a damn sight more interesting than the usual "look how much drink/drugs/pussy I get" type of book you tend to get from musicians. One of the most tedious, unfunny things I've ever read was Guy Pratt's book, but lots of people seem to love that on here....
  16. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1423076539' post='2680442'] Haven't read the whole thread yet, but yes. Guy Pratt was AWESOME helping me. He sorted out my pedal settings remotely for some of my set list tracks. He was friendly, helpful and happy to support simple old me playing in a Floyd tribute band when he'd spent time being the main man in Floyd after Roger Waters departure. I can honestly say his support was outstanding and really humbling to see such a legend prepared to help a fellow far less experienced bassist....... And then the community treated him badly and he left [/quote] "The main man in Floyd after Roger Waters departure"?? I would have thought that particular title belonged very much to David Gilmour.
  17. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1423069360' post='2680323'] Yes it would wouldn't it.... Apologies to everyone for being a part of pissing someone off who turned up out of no where and stated a fact that isn't actually true with an over enthusiastic rebuttel. I didn't knoiw he was a pro bassist who has done a million miles on the strength of his playing, and I dont really care, sorry. Then again why should that make any difference at all? What he said was his opinion (and stated incredibly rudely in the first place - although he subsequently deleted that post), he's welcome to it, my opinion was that what he said was in fact somewhat too black and white and not one he could back up with real data. The fact that he is a pro is not relevant to 99% of the people on this forum and the places they are playing so some of his advice wont marry up with their experiences, I gave the other view. Should we not have our own opinion and make it if it is in someway different from a player who can label themselves a pro for some reason? Seriously? We aren't allowed to respond to a pro if we don't agree with them. Can I suggest that everyone who is a pro must now declare themselves a pro in their avatar so I know when to keep my enormous gob shut then for fear of causing offense..... [/quote] I agree with you.
  18. I only change them when absolutely necessary, which since I stopped gigging is hardly ever.
  19. [quote name='artisan' timestamp='1423066984' post='2680280'] If you were to earn your living by playing any musical instrument,even if you are sh*te at it then you are in fact a professional musician or pro'for short. end of [/quote] This.
  20. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1423065136' post='2680233'] That's no way to talk about Robert Fripp. [/quote]
  21. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1423063087' post='2680188'] I know, it's extremely expensive. But, I'm willing to pay it for such impeccable musicianship and quality. [/quote] I'd rather pay a fiver & hear some bum notes.... I lost interest in Crimson a while back to be honest, pretty much when Bruford called it a day.
  22. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1423065106' post='2680231'] Haven't bothered much with kc, as they were a bit before my time. Will have to get round to it. Does tony levin still do solo gigs? [/quote] He does the Stickmen stuff - I saw him at a little club in Cardiff a couple of years ago.
  23. Got an email about this yesterday from St. Davids Hall in Cardiff, where they are playing. "Oooh" I thought, " that could be fun, haven't seen them for years". Then I saw the ticket prices.....
  24. [quote name='tinyd' timestamp='1423040854' post='2679784'] I agree. My guess is that many pros would say something like "get the best bass you can afford and then practice a lot" whereas many posts here are in search of the perfect sound. This is not very scientific, I know, but the fact that the "Bass Guitars" and "Amps and Cabs" forums here have 21,000 topics whereas "Theory and Technique" has 2,000 does indicate that most people come to this site to discuss gear. [/quote] I think the reason for the difference in the topic numbers you quote is down to the fact that for many people, who are perfectly happy to take the traditional bass players role & play rock & pop stuff, you don't actually need to know any theory or technique. If you're going to want to get into jazz or look for session or theatre work then I would think it becomes essential & the players that go down the theory route are likely to be getting the answers to their questions from one to one lessons rather than posting on the forum.
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