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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. RhysP


    [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1423010629' post='2679662'] I get your point but it's a bit like there'd be no point in me trying to reply to your post if I didn't know how to type. I own a keyboard and all the equipment to write a post, but if I just mashed the keyboard with my face (which, granted, it sometimes looks as though that is exactly what I'm doing) then I won't be able to express what I am trying to say in any meaningful way. I could have brilliant ideas for songs, but unless I know how to record them, no one else is ever going to hear thaem. [/quote] I think the point that is being made is that the composition is supposedly the important thing, yet a lot of the feedback you see given to peoples songs is largely talking about how it was recorded, not about the song itself. If the important thing is the compositional aspect then this can be demonstrated by nothing more than a guitar or keyboard & a vocal, it doesn't need to have loads of tracks with all manner of bells & whistles on them. In that respect the monthly challenge does seem to me to me more about the recording process & less about the song.
  2. The thing is that "Pro" covers a whole range of people, from people like ( for example) Anthony Jackson & Pino who are held in high regard by both other pros & amateurs alike to people who just happen to be pro because they got lucky with whatever band they are in, and might actually not know as much or be as proficient on the instrument as many people on here are. In that respect I'd say that just because somebody is a "pro" doesn't mean they'll necessarily have anything more to offer than any committed amateur.
  3. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1422983774' post='2679152'] Dad Rock, innit? [/quote] I know, that's why I never had children.....
  4. [quote name='FuNkShUi' timestamp='1422949803' post='2678637'] What about a scratchplate with an accordian on it? [/quote] Now THERE'S an idea...
  5. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1422919158' post='2678510'] You're right, of course. So in the interests of fairness and parity, I list the following songs: If your band covers them, it's minus ten points; if you WANT to cover them, it's minus twenty points; and if you do five of them (or more) in your set, it's PLUS a million points... Free Bird More Than A Feeling Daddy Cool Sweet Child 'O Mine Start Me Up Down Down Money For Nothing Summer Of '69 We Will Rock You Radar Love... and... Mustang Sally. [/quote] Just reading that makes me want to shoot myself in the face.
  6. [quote name='drTStingray' timestamp='1422923808' post='2678563'] There's much to be said for attempting an authentic Andy Fraser TOTP approach to this IMO. He rocked backwards and forwards in a very gentle manner looking vaguely towards the ceiling with a facial expression as if contemplating the meaning of life with his arms crossed against the upper bout of his EB3 - if he had been smoking a pipe it would not have looked out of place [/quote] Going by the state of his eyes in that clip he'd definitely been smoking a pipe - he's stoned off his gourde.
  7. I've always really liked pearloid scratchplates, but then again I think accordions are cool....
  8. RhysP


    [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1422926848' post='2678583'] I just found another chap on Soundcloud calling himself King Bollock! [/quote] You should hang out together.....
  9. [quote name='paul h' timestamp='1422917825' post='2678485'] Is there a difference between parchment and cream? [/quote] You can't write on cream & you don't put parchment on strawberrys.
  10. [quote name='FuNkShUi' timestamp='1422890994' post='2677931'] Im thinking black would look better with a rosewood board rather than maple. Im off to have a look in the Ads to find this lake placid blue with tort guard See if it changes my mind [/quote] It's here if you've not found it yet: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/254519-fs-fender-japan-fsr-1962-precision-bass-reissue-old-lake-placid-blue/"]http://basschat.co.u...ke-placid-blue/[/url] I'm not usually a fan of rosewood fingerboards either but I just love the look of that bass. If I played more than a handful of days a year I'd have bought it.
  11. Sounds like you made the right decision to me.
  12. Black or an off white. I don't like tort guards either, but there is a Lake Placid Blue MIJ Precision for sale on here at the moment with a tort guard & I think it looks really nice.
  13. RhysP


    [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1422849453' post='2677530'] I have even given thought to recording an idea I have had and hoping that one day a related picture might pop up... [/quote] You're not allowed to do that though, it has to be a new piece of music. Ironically I have a song I wrote last year that works with this months picture....
  14. I have to admit I've never understood the perennial appeal of "All Right Now", it's a bloody godawful dirge IMO. I hate the vast majority of the songs that seem to still be staples of the average covers band set. I stopped going to see pub bands in the 80s because I was so bloody fed up with hearing the same old stuff yet apparently it seems if I went to see a covers band in a pub tomorrow they'd most likely be playing the same songs.
  15. I've had ebony, rosewood, maple & synthetic fingerboards over the years but I honestly can't say I've noticed much difference between any of them to be honest.
  16. Pretty impressed with the singer!
  17. [quote name='toneknob' timestamp='1422813014' post='2677063'] Yeah that was cringeworthy wasn't it. The best bit of the Kraftwerk doc was the Pocket Calculator footage, got a bith bored with it otherwise, although you could base a drinking game around how often Paul Morley says "distilallation" [/quote] Yeah, he did say it quite a bit, didn't he?
  18. [quote name='Shylock' timestamp='1422737258' post='2676364'] Hmmm - Just worked out about £126 inc postage. Perhaps the cost will come down over time. [/quote] Did you include the extra 25% for VAT & import charges in that total?
  19. [quote name='spectoremg' timestamp='1422730858' post='2676257'] Fair enough, it was just me then. Maybe the amount of time the vinyl dinosaurs were given irked me. Digital is fab! And well said re the Kraftwerk doc - as influential as the Beatles, really!? Also I wouldn't trust Paul Morley as far as I could throw his ego. [/quote] I'd actually agree about the "as influential as the Beatles" bit. Kraftwerk's influence has been massive. They've probably influenced me more than the Beatles; I've got quite a few Kraftwerk albums but I don't own any Beatles stuff, though obviously the Beatles have influenced me indirectly as there are lots of artists I like who were themselves influenced by the Beatles. I thought what the some of the other people were saying was pretty good too, but Morley & that other bloke who looked like a cross between Al DiMeola & a 70s porn star were just so up themselves.
  20. [quote name='spectoremg' timestamp='1422725199' post='2676140'] Saw Ep.3 last night; was it me or did it run out of steam a bit? [/quote] I didn't think so, I enjoyed it as much as the other two. It was certainly more enjoyable than listening to all the pretentious bastards on the Kraftwerk documentary that was on after it. Loved the music, but boy were there some up-themselves people on there. Paul Morley is one of those people I could never grow tired of punching.
  21. RhysP


    [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1422725595' post='2676149'] Oh please! Imaginary friends don't count! [/quote] Really? Oh bugger.
  22. RhysP


    [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1422718514' post='2676008'] Any quest for new music by whatever means is positive, given that the average age of members on this forum represents people who, in other walks of life, probably haven't listened to anything new in thirty years. [/quote] I know loads of people of my age & older who are constantly listening to & searching out new music, and they're not "musicians" either. They are always recommending stuff to me that I'd otherwise never have heard of. I don't take any notice of them whatsoever mind......
  23. RhysP


    [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1422665095' post='2675532'] What would you think if it was on a photography forum and no-one was interested? [/quote] That would be odd, same as if this was a recording forum & nobody was interested in a recording competition. But it's not a recording forum & I guess that's why very few people are interested.
  24. RhysP


    [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1422660600' post='2675484'] Yes! I suspected that generally most people aren't particularly interested, but I must admit to being a little surprised at the apparent irritation of some members about the whole thing - almost as if it's something that shouldn't be on the forum in the first place! Why? [/quote] Nobody is saying it shouldn't be on the forum, I've got no problem with it being on the forum, it just gets a bit tedious every month when the "Don't forget to vote" stuff starts when it should be very obvious by now that nobody apart from a small group of people give a sh*t about it. People can be as creative as they want, and can post as many bits of their music on the forum as they want - great if that's what they want to do, just don't keep having a go at the people who aren't interested in listening to it. I have no interest whatsoever in the monthly photography competition either, but the people involved in that seem to be quite happy to get on with it & not keep whinging about nobody looking at their pictures.
  25. RhysP


    When it first started I used to listen to the entries & vote, but to be honest I just got bored listening to music that just didn't really do anything for me. I also got to the point where I thought there was no point as it's usually a one horse race, with the same person winning nearly every month, especially as his music connects with me the least out of all the entrants I've heard. Maybe one of the rules should have been the winner does not take part in the following months competition to give others a chance? I think that might have made it hold my attention for a while longer The monthly badgering of people to get more involved every month pisses me off too - it's a bass players forum, not a recording forum. Maybe I'm in the minority but I don't really have any interest in any of that stuff, certainly not to the point where I want to get involved in a competition.
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