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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1422630188' post='2674874'] HA!! So you admit it, you bloody Celt! Thhhhpp! Thhhhhhppp!! Thppppp!!!! [/quote] Don't make me play the race card you bloody bigot.....
  2. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1422629856' post='2674862'] Ah, yes... but... er, ...OK you win, Welshy. Thhpp! [/quote] But I do agree that it is far from the norm.....
  3. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1422627847' post='2674812'] I think hybrid electronic kits that look like 'real' drums is probably how it will go. Less convenient than a pure leccy kit, but looks the part... [url="http://www.e-prolive.com/"]http://www.e-prolive.com/[/url] [/quote] Alex Van Halen has been doing that since the early 80s.
  4. [quote name='andy67' timestamp='1422621411' post='2674694'] How do you price your bass once you've decided to sell it? [/quote] Lots of variables - age, condition, make & model all make a big difference. The standard stuff like Fender & Musicman always seem to hold their prices better than other makes or the more esoteric, custom stuff, but even that is subject to the fickleness of what's "in" at the time.
  5. [quote name='Monckyman' timestamp='1422623332' post='2674725'] What I'm angling for now, is a hybrid kit, with basic kick snare rack floor, with a couple of mesh head pads, and a couple of triggers for the kick and snare. This would give you a full acoustic kit, with all the skin dynamics you get with that and enough pads and triggers for an electronic/urban kit. Bit more fiddly etc but it would only be used at weddings and parties where the cash and setup time was adequate. [/quote] Something like this? [URL=http://s86.photobucket.com/user/RhysP/media/danny-carey-set-up_zpsghp1v9cg.jpg.html][IMG]http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k120/RhysP/danny-carey-set-up_zpsghp1v9cg.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  6. [quote name='John Schoen' timestamp='1422611174' post='2674525'] Ulas is new here. There is a group culture or herding instinct on Talkbass that we luckily don't have here. Please give him a break, he is just very enthusiastic about Maruszczyk basses. [/quote] This is the UK - we treat enthusiasm with suspicion.
  7. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1422611585' post='2674535'] I don't get the falling forward thing - doesn't one's forearm prevent that from happening while you're playing? [/quote] That's exactly what I was thinking, especially with a body that large. I've always liked the look of these, and have seen a few bands using them & they've always sounded great. I was looking at one in my local music shop yesterday. Bottom line is that I don't play the bass I've got now so buying another one would just be a waste of money, regardless of how pretty it is.
  8. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1422611395' post='2674532'] The line reminds me a bit of Badge by Cream..... [/quote] That's exactly what I thought.
  9. Call me cynical but does anybody else feel that maybe the OP has some kind of vested interest with these basses? The posts just seems like adverts to me.
  10. What Euro model do you have? Unless it's the Doug Wimbish signature model then the neck is likely to be much chunkier than a jazz anyway, so I wouldn't have thought the neck on a Rebop would give you any problems.
  11. I could be wrong but I think it might be Daniel Pineswell.
  12. Do the different noises on the wooden bit where you put your fingers have names then?
  13. Very nice basses they are, excellent quality. I think the pickups are Dimarzios.
  14. [quote name='Rumple' timestamp='1422451797' post='2672813'] I could be wrong but that Tele of Dave's might be for sale if you're in the market for one? [/quote] I'm actually in the process of selling pretty much everything at the moment but thanks for the heads up.
  15. [quote name='owen' timestamp='1420399143' post='2648926'] Oooh! Oooh! Oooh! [url="http://s8.photobucket.com/user/peredur/media/DSCN1168_zps7354b783.jpg.html"][/url] [/quote] That's a nice looking Telecaster.
  16. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1422434835' post='2672478'] You can't argue with "you get what you pay for" can you? [/quote] Yes you can actually, there are plenty of examples of overpriced crap out there.
  17. [quote name='tbonepete' timestamp='1422428599' post='2672428'] Seems strange that they would go to the expense of buying an iconic product, then change it, thus making it no longer the iconic product, and incurring yet more expense along the way. Why not just make the bridge they've ended up with and not bother buying the rights to badass? [/quote] Why do they go to the expense of buying up companies that make very different products to their own, then closing them down completely? That's what they did with Hamer guitars, seems like that's what they've done with Genz Benz & plenty of others too. The only brand they did some good with when they bought them up was Gretsch. Fender aren't alone in doing this, Gibson & Martin are guilty of it too. To be honest I've always thought that Badass bridges, especially the Badass 2, are incredibly over-rated. The new Fender bridge high mass bridge looks better to me.
  18. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1422438965' post='2672534'] You're always going to get someone slapping away at 100 miles an hour for some inexplicable reason, but it's when they do that and nothing else that really gets me. For God's sake play some pick and fingerstyle, and slow down, bub! I want to hear the notes! Having said that, you can't really get much of an idea how a bass sounds from a video as the equipment people listen to the audio on will vary wildly from something decent to tiny laptop speakers and worse. Also a bass played by person A will sound totally different when played by person B, C and D anyway, so... once again, if you're thinking of buying a bass you really need to find one and play it yourself. Even then it's going to sound different at a gig than it did in the shop... [/quote] This. There are far too many variables to make them anything other than worthless.
  19. [quote name='tbonepete' timestamp='1422371596' post='2671782'] My question is why didn't Fender just buy the rights/tools etc for the badass bridges? [/quote] I'm sure if they could have, and it had been commercially viable, they would have. Having said that, they would probably have just done what they are doing now anyway, which is making their own version of it. Fender are very keen on buying up & then quickly eradicating anything it sees as opposition.
  20. RhysP

    Moniker Guitars

    That's good fun to mess about with but by god those guitars & basses are ugly!
  21. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1422344137' post='2671300'] Yeah, it was a harsh comment. I don't even know what a [i]"Katie"[/i] is. That was me being an old grump. You know, [i]"these young whippers don't know nothing"[/i] remark. I'm very intimidated with these young talented whippers. And I [i]"aged out"[/i] on several opportunities and it's tough to come to grips with. I know I had a lot of respect and interest in older musicians when I was young. I personally don't see that respect from many younger folks today. Blue [/quote] Is it any wonder that you don't see any respect from younger folks when you seem to have such a sneery, dismissive attitude towards them? Respect is a two way thing and it has to be earned, nobody is entitled to it automatically just because of how old they are.
  22. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1422368485' post='2671711'] All I know is kids will hate what their parents listen to. It's the law! [/quote] They will then quite often find a renewed appreciation of the music their parents listened to as they get older. I know I have. Most of the music I listen to these days my father would have happily listened to, and most of the stuff that I listened to that he thought was bloody rubbish I now think is bloody rubbish too.
  23. They are fantastic basses, superb quality. I love Hamer USA stuff, I've had a few Hamer guitars & they've all been superb. I see yours has got the 2TEK bridge as well. Surprised the previous owner replaced the pickups, the bass would have originally come with either EMGs or Seymour Duncans. Nice bass!
  24. There's nothing from Station to Station, Low, Heroes or Lodger - that's quite a big ommission.
  25. It was one of the guys from the Bass centre in Wapping.
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