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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. 99% of audiences wouldn't notice or care if there was a bass player or not.
  2. I've only got one these days, a secondhand MIJ 57RI Precision. All the fancy expensive ones went a while ago now.
  3. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1422286373' post='2670682'] I haven't read through this thread but I'm assuming the previous 41 posts is everyone saying their current rig is the best they have ever heard? [/quote] No.
  4. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1422285953' post='2670676'] Sounds like the two basses have different neck profiles, with the new US model being a "thick C" rather than the very slim neck on the MIM (and the original CIJ) models. A lot of people bought the Geddy Lee J on the strength of the neck profile... It will be interesting to hear whether it makes much difference. Anyway, Geddy's original '72 J was fitted with a Badass II bridge, so are these new ones a true "signature" bass as such? It all gets very confusing in Fenderland! [/quote] It's a shame the US model is so expensive, as it was the stupidly skinny neck on the MIJ model that was the deal breaker for me. I guess if the Badass bridges are no longer available there's not a lot Fender can do about it.
  5. [quote name='JamesBass' timestamp='1422231981' post='2670239'] Started to get in to going to these things and have had a real mixed bag, just got in from one in Fareham in Portsmouth, that was pretty good but, there was NOTHING other than your singer-songwriter type who can strum a few chords, great to listen to and get pissed but not so great if you wanna get involved and play! Maybe we should have a pinned group listing Jam nights? I know I'd travel for a really good night and I'm sure others would too! [/quote] I'd class "open mic" & "Jam" nights as two very different things. An Open Mic night to me is very much an acoustic-y singer/songwriter type of thing, and I wouldn't expect to see a bass player at one, certainly not just getting up & "jamming" anyway. Jam nights, on the other hand, tend to be more electric/band oriented. Unfortunately they also tend to be heavily skewed towards blues players, but I guess that makes sense as it doesn't take much planning for a bunch of people who have never played together before to bumble through a 12 bar. Both tend to be very cliquey, and unless you're on the organisers buddy list you're not likely to get to play.
  6. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1422208172' post='2669859'] No longer available.... [/quote] Fair enough. There was a time when I would have known that, long ago when I actually gave a flip....
  7. GAK have got the USA Geddy advertised: http://www.gak.co.uk/en/fender-american-geddy-lee-jazz-bas-black/109429 Anybody know why Fender are no longer using Badass bridges on the Geddy & the Steve Harris signature models, are they no longer available or something?
  8. My Zon Legacy basses & my old Ashdown ABM C110 combo.
  9. I've got zero interest in listening to music online, but then again I don't listen to much music on any format these days anyway.
  10. [quote name='BILL POSTERS' timestamp='1422186904' post='2669551'] Repeat When Necessary, an old Dave Edmunds album I hadnt heard in years. Grreat stuff to play along to. [/quote] Great album.
  11. I love Spector basses but I have to say I think the white finish/gold hardware thing looks chintzy as f***. (Mind you I'd think that about any bass with a white paint job & gold hardware).
  12. If you're not comfortable with the material you're playing, and the phrase "paralysed with concentration" would indicate that you're not, then you're not going to feel confident enough to do anything other than just stand there & get through the gig. The way you rehearse sounds like it could have a lot to do with it, hiring a rehearsal space so you can set up & play in a more "gig-like" way might be worth doing. You don't have to do it all the time but every now & then, especially just before a gig, might be worth your while. At the end of the day some people are comfortable moving on stage & some aren't. As others have said there is nothing worse than seeing a band who is obviously trying too hard to look like they're having a good time when it's obvious they're uncomfortable with it. When I used to gig some nights I'd be dancing around over the stage, other nights I'd spend 80% of the gig with my back to the audience, it depended entirely on how I felt at the time. I was confident enough with the music though to know that if I suddenly decided to start jumping around I could do so & not have to worry about my playing.
  13. First two parts have been excellent. I could watch stuff like this for hours.
  14. GAK have got them listed to order for £779.00: http://www.gak.co.uk/en/korg-odyssey-synth/110501
  15. Thought I'd give it a plug..... [URL=http://s86.photobucket.com/user/RhysP/media/Recto%20flute_zpsrfgbux5e.jpg.html][IMG]http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k120/RhysP/Recto%20flute_zpsrfgbux5e.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  16. You can always use the Pete Way method of controlling Thunderbird neck dive by playing most of your set laying on your back....
  17. Pretty much par for the course with vintage synth gear.
  18. [quote name='barneyg42' timestamp='1421910345' post='2666413'] I hate lending books! I found the book to one of my favourite films at a boot sale, the vendor asked me if I wanted the two follow ups which I didn't realise existed! Of course I snapped them up....read them and cue housemates girlie asking to read them. Needless to say up to the day he moved out I guess I asked him once a week if she could return them! Gone forever!!! [/quote] People, by & large, are *****.
  19. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1421938997' post='2666847'] Congratulations! I'm a bit wary of making the ring too thick in case it starts eating away at the fingerboard. I've seen similar damage repaired by Dan Erlewine on blues player Albert King's flying V (now owned by Steven Segal) from all his bling. [/quote] Lemmy has got a big gouges in the fingerboards of his old Rickenbackers from years of playing them with rings on.
  20. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1421844694' post='2665606'] I don't really know if this track is typical... but I'll wager it is as it sounds like everything else I've heard from them... not that I have dug deep to check them out, tbf. My take is that it is proficient but there is no heart and soul ...and just no music in it. That is about as polite as I can be. Very successful over the years, no doubt. [/quote] Just out of interest what sort of music do you play?
  21. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1421781163' post='2664984'] This makes BassChat amazing. Very kind offer there Bilbo! [/quote] Yeah, almost makes up for the books that me & Wayne loaned out in good faith that we never saw again....
  22. Make sure that you fix it to the wall as securely as possible and, more importantly, that the wall you fix it to is sound. I had a Hercules wall hanger (one of the better ones apparently) come away from the wall & smash my new MIJ Fender Precision into the floor. I fixed it to the wall using screws & plugs that were supposedly more than enough for the task, but didn't have anyway of knowing that the brick I'd drilled into was damaged & the whole thing was just a nasty accident waiting to happen. I probably won't be wall mounting any more guitars or basses after that.....
  23. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1421762382' post='2664639'] Looks that way [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/149509-the-fender-bass-an-illustrated-history-anyone-who-could-lend/page__p__1339096__hl__fender%20illustrated%20__fromsearch__1#entry1339096"]http://basschat.co.u..._1#entry1339096[/url] [/quote] Was it that long ago? Blimey.
  24. I think he might be the one I lent a Fender book to a few years ago too.....
  25. If that's what you want to do then do it. Plenty of people on here play fretless pretty much exclusively in all sorts of different musical genres.
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