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Everything posted by Bobo_Grimmer

  1. some very interesting stuff in here. Here's mine. [url="http://soundcloud.com/brothersgrimmer"]http://soundcloud.com/brothersgrimmer[/url]
  2. Hey, I'm off work ill this week and have been spending my time thinking about bass amps Hopefully my question is worth while and not pain killer induced... I've used the AH1000, an old one not the new weird looking ones , for several years now and love the sound i get from the BFC and a trace 8x10, not at the same time ofc, but was wondering if i could connect several smaller cabs to it at the same time if i wanted to. Now from what I've read in the manual there's not really any mention of connecting cabs to all the outputs on the back of the amplifier at the same time or of their total minimum load. It does say on the back of the amplifier in two places about a 4ohm minimum though... [quote]The speaker outputs are provided on both jack and XLR sockets for the Full Range Stereo 500 Watt Left and Right outputs, and jack only for the High Pass Right stereo Bi-Amp output. The Mode switch and Speaker Outputs are clearly marked as to their operation in the three output modes of the amplifier. There is a further speaker output provided with the SPEAKON connector on the extreme right side of the amplifier. This is for use only with the special Stereo Bi-Amp cabinet ( called the BFC ) that has been designed to operate exclusively with the AH1000 to provide a full stereo bi-amp speaker configuration in one cabinet with the only interconnection required being this one SPEAKON socket. This special cabinet can operate in FULL RANGE MONO, or FULL RANGE STEREO, in BIAMP MONO or BI-AMP STEREO merely by using the OUTPUT MODE switches on the AH1000.This has reduced what used to be a nightmare of interconnections using external power amplifiers and probably four cabinets to a single amplifier head ( the AH1000 ) with a single connection ( 1 x SPEAKON ) to a single cabinet ( the BFC ).[/quote] now i understand that the BFC is three cabs in one. 2x 2x10 and 1x 1x15 all of which are 4ohms. That's all taken care of by the speakon connection for the bi-amp BFC ect ect. When ever i use the 8x10, which is 4ohms, i plug it in with a jack to jack speaker lead to the low pass 500W with an output mode of full range stereo. This works fine an was my normal set-up till i found the BFC. Both sound lovely and have typical trace awesomeness. I understand that with it's extensive crossover section i could use separate power amps to extend the rig further but I'm only interested in the main out puts of the amplifier for this question. One other thing is that this amp is technically three amps. A 500W, for the lows, and 2 250W amps for the left and the right. The question remains is that can you plug three 4ohm cab's into the three separate jack outputs on the rear of the amplifier or do you think it's a definitive 4ohm minimum for the total of the output stage?
  3. >.< Doh! i was too slow. oh well someone was very lucky then.
  4. Thanks guys. i had a play this afternoon and wobbled my window for a bit.
  5. I have for sale My Trace Elliot BFC 1000W bass cab. It's in good condition and I look after all my gear. It's been gigged, not too heaverly, and only has a few sign's of transportation ect ect. (i have more pictures of it if needed) I've had my RAH1000 and the BFC for some years now and it's one of the best bass amps I've ever used. I love my trace gear and everyone that's ever played through it has been blown away by it's awesomeness. Now I'm looking for a V8 or V4 and need to get shot of some of my gear to pay for one. Depending on the offer i may be tempted to part with the RAH1000 as well with the cab but it really does depend on what someone is willing to offer. so for the cab alone I'm looking for £525.00 ono and I am open to offers. I can't ship this cab so pick up only but i may drive some way to help. This is my first post on the sale part of the forum so if I've missed anything i do apologise and will do my best to update promptly and precisely.
  6. shame i didn't see this thread sooner as i have the 8x10 and am after a V8 to go with it. Been selling a few bits to get the money together...
  7. hey, just wanted to stick a quick post in to say i'm back! Had a break from everything bass while i went mad... (moohahahahah) but i'm back, gigging a lot, and really enjoying music again. currently on my lefty Cort B5... more importantly i got my RAH1000 trace working again. W00t!. Lefty lefty lefty FTW!
  8. Hey everyone, I'm looking at getting a new, at least 16ch, rack mounted firewire audio interface. I need it to record the band and jams i may have at home with friends. My set up at the moment is a 16ch Analog desk that all the mic's and d.i's go into and then all the out from that go into my audio interface through firewire to my pc. I end up with a multi-track recording that i can then fiddle with and produce our albums, jams and general messin' about. I have a little bit of money to spend and more in the new year. Anything that's £500 or less and capable of at least 48/24 would be awesome. I'd be really interested in what interfaces you guys might think would be a good option for my recording needs and also what interfaces you might use or have used or would like to use. I've been looking around at a few and have some ideas but i thought i'd wing a thread up on here to see what you guys think might be a good interface to get. thanks, Shawn
  9. Oh yes good old Charity Shops! Me to dude, always.
  10. [quote name='neilb' post='939998' date='Aug 30 2010, 02:49 PM']Rikenbakers[/quote] +1
  11. Well i'm really not one of those people. Don't get me wrong i really am a gear geek and have alot of random bits of kit to twiddle and bash ect. one thing i've done is get a rack case for all my gear so i stick my 8X10 up there behind the drummer and stick the rack off the stage to one side, near me, so people have no idea what i'm using other than my bass and cab. Also i have tapped over the name on my floor deck I try to hide my gear because i want people to enjoy that we play and not bitch at me or just stand at the bar looking down their nose at me while i set up and play. maybe i've just played in some bad venues...
  12. I have to say i hate people that do that... When i get to a gig i'm there to entertain people not show off my gear... Don't gig in Bournemouth because it's full of musicians looking down their nose at you as you set up. I always feel very conscious of my gear. i have some good gear and sometimes hate bring it all in because it shouldn't matter what your playing it's [i]what[/i] your playing that counts. Sometimes i wish i could sit all my gear out of eye line so people could just enjoy the music for what it is and not bitch about where it's coming from. IMO of cause. ( Sorry if i'm missing the point some what )
  13. Hello dude, I use the ac-30 amplug. [url="http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.fretbase.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/vox-amplug-ac30-headphone-amp.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.fretbase.com/blog/2008/12/review-vox-amplug-ac30-headphone-amp/vox-amplug-ac30-headphone-amp/&usg=__s27vDXX5TDW6n4ZWDjZpUvFMQLk=&h=551&w=700&sz=56&hl=en&start=0&sig2=SjdWsU-WLIiBvcsvNgyJfg&zoom=1&tbnid=KVWZfEZvVz-geM:&tbnh=131&tbnw=166&ei=0Y17TPTECI6VswbYxfiyDQ&prev=/images%3Fq%3Damplug%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DN%26biw%3D1366%26bih%3D703%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=351&oei=0Y17TPTECI6VswbYxfiyDQ&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=28&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:0&tx=87&ty=39"]small picture here.[/url] it's small, runs on batteries and has an aux. (Y) Sound is really nice too.
  14. [quote name='Vibrating G String' post='939851' date='Aug 30 2010, 11:18 AM']I believe the tighter the string the more sparkly the overtones. Shorter floppier strings are known for their tubby or boomy tone which basically means less overtones and more fundamental. Currently I'm running 40-60-80-100-120 and I get fat full tones as long as I don't play too hard. When I play a B as big as a 135 I find it hard to get a good tone out of it.[/quote] Hum... interesting. thank you
  15. Hello everyone, This may be a bit of a 'dumb blond' moment i'm having so bear (rawr) with me... I've just recently picked up my 5-er again and for the first time since i've owned it i'm finally really really liking how it plays. At the moment i'm running 45-65-85-105-135 and they sound really nice with a low rumble but with good deffinition and a chimmy top end.... droool. I'm thinking of going up a gauge, but here's where i feel a bit blond, is that going to give me a deeper, richer and fuller bass tone? That is what i'm after you see. I'm just wondering if it will have an effect on that side of my bass's sound. Oh and how much larger shall i go? I'm thinking i'd like a thicker string... Any thought, suggestion would be most awesome thank you Shawn
  16. [quote name='budget bassist' post='928202' date='Aug 17 2010, 11:41 PM']I'm gonna make a guess.... you're second from the right?[/quote] I'm the one in the top hat...
  17. [quote name='Lord Sausage' post='927015' date='Aug 16 2010, 10:36 PM']Its genius! no matter how many times you see it.[/quote] my thoughts exactly
  18. We're at that, um what do they call it, 'cutting edge'.... tee hee. Nah everyone from dorset looks like that.
  19. [quote name='silddx' post='927673' date='Aug 17 2010, 03:53 PM']Haha! Excellent! Tell your drummer to get rid of those sticks though [/quote] lol awesome. He's like a clock work monkey really. just wind him up and stick him behind the kit...
  20. Here's a shot of us a few weeks back. Got an awesome guy down to where we jam to take a few pic's. was fun. more of his work here at [post="0"]http://www.wip-tricky.com/[/post]
  21. Awesome! it's going to be so cool man! gz
  22. [quote name='escholl' post='845272' date='May 22 2010, 06:47 PM']actually it sounds like it could be a bad connection -- does this procedure for removing the problem work every time? i mean, if you were to do it 5 times in a row, would the results be the same everytime? Or did unplugging the re-plugging the cables just fix it that one time?[/quote] Yeah this seems to fix it every time it's happened so far. i've only sat down and played with this set up about 4 times in the last week or so, the amp i have only just got. I might try a little bit more of an investigation into the bad connection idea. try swapping out some of the patch leads i have going between all the rack gear. maybe one of those is causing a problem. My compressor works fine as it's the same one i use for other stuff. I have already tried a few XLR leads to the desk and tried different channels on the desk. thought it could have been a problem with a pre on the desk . What worried me was the way it crackles/ distorts...... hum thinking about it it does sound like a 'connection' kind of crackle/distortion.... *scratches chin* After tea i'll try turning everything on and see if it starts up with this problem again and then experiment a bit and get back to you. thank you for the response (Y)
  23. [quote name='Prime_BASS' post='845020' date='May 22 2010, 12:30 PM']What do you mean? Does it buzz when you guitar is plugged n and it's just on? Or does the DI output buzz and generate noise. I think you mean, the second one. In that case there is usually a ground lift button on the back close to DI Section. Otherwise it could be a lot of reasons. Like guitar sheilding, poor cables even electric outlets. Did you try google?[/quote] hum... it is a weird one. Right i'll try and type out a bit more info now i'm home. (wish me luck! not to good at explaining my self) the D.I. has no ground lift function. my bass into my floor deck into the front of the amp. that's as it should be. then i have the output from my effects loop on the back of the amp going to my rack tuner, out from there to a compressor, out from there back into the input of the effects loop. i have the D.I. (XLR) going to my desk and thats where i have my headphones plugged in. When i have everything switched on, when i first sit down to play, the bass signal is very week. It sounds all toppy with no definition. If you turn the input to the preamp up more than an 8th it distorts but not a normal preamp overdriven type distortion but more a crackly not good sounding distortion. Now if i disconnect the effects loop stuff and the D.I then plug the D.I. back in seems to fix it. as in the signal goes back to normal. Sounding all ampeg like and well just lovely. So i plug the effects loop stuff back in and everything works as normal. odd huh! Now i say about the ground lift, Maybe a mod i can do if necessary, because it kinda sounds like the signal is being pulled down by something. The floor deck has a 'wall wort' 9V adaptor, the compressor has a kettle lead, the rack tuner and the amp also have kettle leads. they are all on the same power strip and the desk is on a different one. Is that amy help?
  24. Let me start by saying sorry if there already is a random small questions thread but i couldn't see one. I thought this might be handy for little questions that don't ready need their own thread for. Good idea? Anyhoo my wee question is : Im having a strange, pos grounding problem, with my ampeg B2RE. Is there a ground lift option on it? Inside maybe? Or dose its design not need one? I can go into more detail of why I'm asking this but I'm in a coffiee shop descussing amps with a young chap at the moment and typing on a phone is tedious.
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