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Max Dread

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  1. Can anyone confirm from my description whether that is definitely on the DVD? I can add more to the descritpion if that would help. Just want to make sure before dolling out the dollars Thanks for the reply
  2. Hi all Not so long ago I watched a great Victor Wooten vid on youtube. It was a classroom/seminar type thing. In it he was teaching the importance of internal rhythm/pulse. He got a student to play a long to a backing drum part, then slowly he would start to make the backing beat more sparse until it was eventually nothing but a single bass drum on the first beat of the bar. The idea was to be able to use your internal pulse to keep time regardless of how little there was to hear by way of rhythm. Anyhow, I've been looking on youtube tonight and cannot find the lesson anywhere. Cannot remember what it was called though. Just thought I would ask on the remote off chance on here that any Wooten fans might know the vid I mean and be able to direct me toward it. Cheers Max
  3. Hi there Sorry for the delay.... Well, I have had no other offers so I'm certainly up for giving it a go. Please could you let me know the price for the item and the price for postage? Cheers Max
  4. Hi there As per my request (and reasons here): [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/208140-wanted-one-machine-headtuning-peg-for-aria-pro-ii-magna-black-g-string-underside-for-a-charity-project/page__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.u...__fromsearch__1[/url] I'm in need of just one tuning peg. Would you be willing to sell just a single machine head (the black one)? And would it be compatible for the Aria Pro G string which is on the bottom of the headstock? Cheers Max
  5. Hi there As per my request (and reasons here): http://basschat.co.uk/topic/208140-wanted-one-machine-headtuning-peg-for-aria-pro-ii-magna-black-g-string-underside-for-a-charity-project/page__fromsearch__1 I'm in need of just one tuning peg. Would you be willing to sell just a single machine head? Cheers Max
  6. Hi What make bass are the gold ones from please?
  7. Hi all I'm teaching someone bass at the moment (I'm a guitarist). He's having some trouble with rhythm independence..... When I teach him a part to a song he can play it fine on his own. But then when i play the guitar part he either loses his way completely. or he ends up changing to the rhythm of the guitar rather than holding and playing his own rhythm. I've had a look for lessons on line which help with this problem but have not found any. That could be because I'm putting in the wrong words; it's one of those things that's heard to put a good search together for. So it's over to you guys to see if you can help and whether you have or know of any exercises to help with this..... Many thanks Max
  8. Hi guys Thanks for the helpful responses Seems like going for the flow (or using the force, if you will) is the recommended approach. I have been reading a lot about strict alternate picking VS raking, and it seems that that debate is also relevant to this query. If I "go with the flow", it seems that I'll sometimes play it SA and at other times play it with a small amount of raking OTOH, if I work out what fingers to use prior and then practice using just those fingers, I get to choose whether to SA or rake. I can certainly see the sense in going with the flow. But I wonder whether those players in other threads who strongly back either SA or raking, would do the same here and say you should choose how you will finger it depending on what your chosen favoured technique is. Just thinking allowed really, and would be most interesting to hear what others think. Many thanks
  9. Hi there Just curious to hear whether many players play in classical position when seated (guitar on left knee if right handed)? I'm interested to hear both about forum members and famous players. I see Alex Webster from Cannibal Corpse plays like that. But I cannot recall any others off the top of my head.... Cheers Max
  10. Strange timing! Earlier today, I emailed a mate who's going to do some plastering for me. I've booked him in for the 4th May. Literally 7 minutes before your response he emailed me back and said "Star wars day is fine with me... (May the fourth be with you)". So the force it is I reckon! And just to be sure here, by that I'm guessing you mean "Go with the flow"?
  11. Hi all I'm just having a look at ZZ Top La Grange. In the solo section (key of C) the end of the riff plays some notes on the D string (a D# and F). As a beginner on bass, I'm not sure whether I should always use the same fingers on the right hand for plucking those notes, or whether I should use whatever comes naturally, even if it keeps changing? [b]And that leads me onto thinking more generally with bass whether you learn specific finger patterns for the "picking" hand, or just or just go with the flow.[/b] A bit of background.... I've been a 6 stringer for over 20 years and with guitar I always learn the correct pattern to my mind for picking (IE the order of Downs and Ups when alternate picking). Hence my curiosity as to whether it's the same with bass. I'm going to put a poll on to get a general overview, but comments would also be very interesting and helpful. Many thanks Max
  12. Hi all I'll admit firstly that I am mainly a 6 stringer.... But with that out of the way.... I'm looking to restring my bass and i have a set of Rotosounds in the cupboard. I noticed the gauge is 45, 65, 80, 105. Most sets I've had in the past have had an 85 instead of an 80. I just wondered if anyone knows the reasoning behind this and how much of a difference it will make feel wise? Any thoughts on whether it is a good thing or bad thing would also be helpful. Cheers Max
  13. [quote name='Rick's Fine '52' timestamp='1361397108' post='1985487'] I think its time to give up on this one! [/quote] Yeah - good advice! Turns out it is no longer for sale now after all.... Never mind.
  14. [quote name='Rick's Fine '52' timestamp='1361317324' post='1984654'] There's unanswered q's in post 8? [/quote] Yep.
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