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Everything posted by MIJ-VI

  1. [quote name='Beedster' post='709985' date='Jan 12 2010, 08:46 AM']Update on this. PJB suspect the noise might be a function of the 240v UK power supply and the switching power supply on the Flightcase. The noise they have acknowledged in previous communications is apparently not audible in normal use, whereas the noise from my amp most certainly is. Anyway, they, or at least the UK distributor, will be getting mine back to try with a few different power supplies Chris[/quote] Hmm... Interesting. It's just occurred to me that the mysterious whining noise emanating from this particular PJB Fliightcase may have a mechanical component. My Samsung computer monitor occasionally emanates a faint whistling/buzzing sound.., a sound which I've also heard from a couple of Intel-based motherboards before. In the case of the M/Bs the noise seemed to be coming from one of the capacitors near the CPU.
  2. [quote name='Beedster' post='708819' date='Jan 11 2010, 08:52 AM']Guys Many many thanks for all the advice above. I've taken it, the responses from the dealer and from PJB on board, and have arranged to return the Flightcase in exchange for a Super Flightcase (with a bit of cash from me as well). There's a number of reasons for this, one of which is the consistency between a lot of the explanations as to the problems I was experiencing - perhaps best put by Martin and MIJ above - that is, Class D is an emerging technology, and even PJB have acknowledged problems with noise from the Flightcase which are not present in the Super Flightcase. I spent a lot of time reading amp comparisons and reviews on here, Talkbass, Harmony Central and the like in deciding to buy Phil Jones in the first place, and I've also had to deal with some pragmatics re size - my Mesa, despite it's awesome tone at high volumes, is simply too big and powerful for most gigs I play, and that reduces it's useful tonal range somewhat. I've been pulling my hair out over the Flightcase for one reason and one reason only; the tone is EXCEPTIONAL, at both low and high volumes. My Precision sounds quite stunning through it, the tone is sweet and soulful without too much coluring, which is what I need at present. Having said that, the tonal options are still impressive, if needs be I can produce some lovely effects. To my mind the tone is someway beyond comparable Markbass equipment (remember tone is a subjective phenomenon so I'm not passing judgement here), or I would have gone back to the Italians. OK, perhaps with a small Markbass combo and a decent para, I might get exactly the same, but I'm really trying to keep to a simple gigging protocol now, bass in one hand, amp in the other, and I've never liked anything sitting betweem bass and amp anyway. On top of all this is the upward facing speakers, which really do make a hell of a lot of difference when like me you have to stand very close to your amp on a small stage (in fact, it's interesting that it was the almost 'surround sound' effect of these speakers that made the whistling so irritating in the first place, I'm sure had the speakers been conventionally arranged in space and I had stood next to the amp, I wouldn't have been so bothered by it). The UK suppliers are apparently going to give the FSC the once over before it's sent out, just to be sure! I have to say I've learned a lot during this process, and can't thank all of you enough for your time andd input (both above and on the previous 'Wanted' and 'Amps/Cabs' threads). The SFC should be with me for a full volume rehearsal on Wednesday evening and a gig this Friday so I'll keep you all posted C[/quote] Please do! I'm eying a BG-300 as well for the same sonic reasons.
  3. [quote name='Beedster' post='708741' date='Jan 11 2010, 07:50 AM']Thanks MIJ, could you put that in words a non-tech dude will understand In short, is that a better thing or a worse thing? Cheers Chris[/quote] Hi Chris. It's a better thing. As I understand it, Class A/B is an analogue technology: a tried & true old fashion design which doesn't use a clock frequency like digital power amps do. Therefore the "beat" which martinbass7750 described as being a possible cause of the noise which you are hearing from your PJB Flightcase would not occur in the BG-300. Disclaimer: I am not a tech. (However I can read & parrot product manuals.) Gary.
  4. [quote name='Beedster' post='708726' date='Jan 11 2010, 07:32 AM']+1, thanks Martin. I'll mention that when, or if, PJB's technical department get back to me C[/quote] If the issue is as martinbass7750 has described that it might be, then it is worth noting that the Super Flightcase BG-300 employs an SMPS + a Class A/B power amp.
  5. [quote name='martinbass7750' post='708607' date='Jan 11 2010, 05:24 AM']I doubt it's the switching power supply, although it could be. The class D amp and the poswer supply are both switching types. It might be a beat between the two frequencies that you can hear. Or it could be that the filtering on the class D low pass filter is not quite right. When you switch off, as the voltage drops the switching frequency of the ampm and psu will shift, so the audible effect will change. Switching power supplies generally operate way above normal audible frequency, as do class D amps, so the most likely culprit is a beat between the two. For example, if the PSU is running at 42KHz, and the class D amp is running at 40 KHz, there will potentially be a beat of 2 KHz.[/quote] Most informative martinbass7750.
  6. [quote name='Beedster' post='708010' date='Jan 10 2010, 01:59 PM']Thanks guys. Well I've emailed Phil Jones' support twice and have had no response - not the great customer service I'd heard about. I'll keep you posted C[/quote] Is this the e-mail address that you used?: [email protected] If so, then perhaps this one might be a better bet: [email protected] With the impending NAMM show I'd imagine that everyone in the industry has their hands full. But even so... Good CS on the previous sale is what helps to groom the next.
  7. MIJ-VI


    [quote name='Happy Jack' post='707580' date='Jan 10 2010, 07:45 AM']I did! I ended up sending pjb proof-read versions of three of their manuals (Bass Buddy, Briefcase, Flightcase) for which they were very grateful at the time ... but they don't seem to have amended them![/quote] LOL! Happy Jack you just made my morning! Bass minds think alike, eh?
  8. MIJ-VI


    [quote name='Happy Jack' post='707486' date='Jan 10 2010, 06:13 AM']Incidentally, is anyone else struggling to believe those dimensions? The Roadcase is given as W 12.5" D 15.75" H 20.5" but the photos make it obvious that it's three times as high as it is wide. [u]I'd guess that the 20.5" is a typo and should read 40.5"[/u]. That remains a seriously handy piece of kit for pub gigs. All I need now is to work how many pub gigs I'd need to play (and get paid for) to cover the cost ...[/quote] Yes it is a typo. I would offer that the indicated 20.5"H dimension for the BG-800 is actually more like 30.5". And judging from what I've seen in the manuals for a number of PJB products, as bad as my scribbling is, I would also offer my services as a proof-reader...
  9. MIJ-VI


    [quote name='Happy Jack' post='707466' date='Jan 10 2010, 06:02 AM']Bear in mind that, by the time it has crossed the Atlantic, that price will translate into at least £2500. I think it'll be a while before you see many of these on UK stages.[/quote] Agreed. For that kind of dough I'd prefer to have two BG-300 combos (one for now + a second if needed) to enjoy a fail-safe system redundancy and the bi-directional speaker firing arrangement which would offer some useful monitoring options depending upon the positioning of the rig(s) on stage.
  10. MIJ-VI


    [quote name='Alpha-Dave' post='707111' date='Jan 9 2010, 04:24 PM']That's the first 'combo' I've seen that I actually want. If it's <£900 when it arrives here then that would be great, but going by the PJB pricing, it'll probably be about £2,000.[/quote] I e-mailed Phil about his new BG-800, and he said: "Hi Gary, The Roadcase will be available around April/May and the street price is $2695.00. Regards Phil" That's about the price of two 250 Watt 6x5" single channel BG-300 combos except that the BG-800 offers more wattage + two channels. In another e-mail he said that a manual for this new 750 Watt combo would be available when the new rig is released.
  11. [quote name='Beedster' post='705390' date='Jan 8 2010, 07:51 AM']Thanks guys I should mention that [u]the dealer is being very straight and has offered a no hassle return[/u]. The problem is that the amp would be perfect if not for the noise issue, so I want to know whether I should get a replacement, upgrade to the Super Flightcase (a little heavier, a little bigger and more powerful but, according to PJB, without the hissing/whistling noise as the result of musing a different class amplifier), or forget it and get a Markbass Minimark. As I've said above, a repair isn't an option I'd choose with a new amp. I guess the problem is that without being able to compare my amp with other FCs I have no idea if this is the noise PJB say is there in all of them, or whether mine's faulty. I can't believe people would put up with this noise, but the reviews of the FC are all very positive, and as I've said, PJB say the noise is there on all of them? C[/quote] Hi Beedster. If I were in your position I would go for a Super Flightcase. It's an all-round better rig. -------- Ed Friedland demonstrates the Phil Jones Super flightcase amp for Guitar World magazine. Phil Jones Super Flightcase [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yk5iqx79jUE&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yk5iqx79jUE...feature=related[/url] -------- From its manual: Speaker Computer Optimized Vented Enclosure Speaker Frequency Response: 40Hz - 15KHz Speaker Compliment: 6 x 5inch proprietary, extended-range drivers Speaker Sensitivity: 94dB/W/M Internal Speaker Impedance: 6 Ohm Dimensions: 12.6” W x 20.5” H x 15.75” D Weight: 33 lbs. Amplifier PJB 250watt, class A/B amplifier with digital switch mode power supply. Frequency Response Passive and Active input: 40Hz -120KHz Low Cut Filter: 24dB/Octave at 40Hz. Maximum Output Power 250 watt RMS Signal to Noise Ratio Better than 98 dB (EQ off, Volume on Full.) Impedance Passive Input: >4MÙ/22pF Active Input: >100KÙ/22pF Line Input: >75KÙ Pre Amp Line Out: < 2KÙ Bal. Out: <200Ù Levels Passive Input: 10mV-2.5V Active Input: 20mV-5V Pre Amp Out: 1.2V FX send: 1V Bal. Line Out: Typical 600mV Compressor / Limiter Gain: 0dB Compression Ratio: 3dB: 1dB EQ CENTER FREQUENCIES 50, 160, 630, 2.5K, 12K at +/- 18dB -------- Now is the time to nip this in the bud. Perhaps the DB players on TB have a further insight? [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?s=&daysprune=&f=4"]http://www.talkbass.com/forum/forumdisplay...sprune=&f=4[/url]
  12. MIJ-VI


    [url="http://www.philjonespuresound.com/products/?id=120"]http://www.philjonespuresound.com/products/?id=120[/url] -------- [url="http://www.philjonespuresound.com/products/?id=121"]http://www.philjonespuresound.com/products/?id=121[/url] -------- [url="http://www.philjonespuresound.com/products/?id=122"]http://www.philjonespuresound.com/products/?id=122[/url] -------- [url="http://www.philjonespuresound.com/products/?id=123"]http://www.philjonespuresound.com/products/?id=123[/url]
  13. [b]Some Comments from Tech 21[/b] "I wrote to Tech 21 about some of the loudness and extreme sensitivity issues some people here have been having with the VT Bass. FWIW, here is the reply I received: "Unfortunately, it's hard to have it both ways.* The VT Bass needs to offer*a lot of headroom, if,*for example, you're using it with an active bass, and enough output to drive a power amp directly.* If we cut back on that, some people might complain "I've got it all the way up and it's not loud enough".**I would say you've got your Character and Drive set pretty high, so I'd start by bringing those down to minimum, and see how high you can set the Level knob so it's at unity gain (the same volume whether the pedal's on or in bypass).**Then, start to bring up those knobs... you may find you don't really need them as high to get the sound you want.* Another way of controlling the volume is with the EQ controls, which cut and boost dB.* Keep in mind if all three are at 9:00, or 12:00, or 3:00, it's the same tone... it's just louder at 3:00.* So once you've found your EQ shape, bring them all down in the same relationship to each other.* You'll keep the same tone, but cut the volume." So, that's their view. YMMV." [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showpost.php?p=8495578&postcount=33"]http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showpost.php...mp;postcount=33[/url]
  14. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='705240' date='Jan 8 2010, 05:34 AM']When my Radial Bassbone got nicked, I had to get another pedal quick. I bought this: [url="http://www.bestbassgear.com/sansamp-bass-driver-di-deluxe.htm"]http://www.bestbassgear.com/sansamp-bass-d...r-di-deluxe.htm[/url] Erm ... [u]isn't it the same thing?[/u][/quote] Hi Happy Jack. Feature-wise? Close. Sound-wise? No. It appears that Tech 21 has stuffed this... ...into this: For those who fancy the overdriven bass tones of an Ampeg SVT at a sane volume level, then the VT Bass hits the mark (not that the VT' can't do clean). However, for those who have no interest in grungy tones or the Ampeg sound... *shrugs shoulders*
  15. [quote name='hookys6stringbass' post='705182' date='Jan 8 2010, 04:51 AM']Wow....! Can't wait for this , any idea when this is going to be released???[/quote] Hi hookys6stringbass. 'Word is they'll be available in a few months time. I expect that their sales figures will be somewhat favorable...
  16. [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showpost.php?p=8499584&postcount=23"]http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showpost.php...mp;postcount=23[/url]
  17. These are useful in getting the heads-up on malicious sites. Firefox: [url="http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/personal.html"]http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/personal.html[/url] Web Of Trust: [url="http://www.mywot.com/en/download/ff"]http://www.mywot.com/en/download/ff[/url]
  18. [quote name='paul, the' post='20406' date='Jun 19 2007, 02:35 PM']Cheers Oxblood! I read that over many times on the way up to the guy's house. Unfortunately, the amp didn't work. It was very faint at full volume and the hum was really quite loud. The valves looked good and the plates weren't red. He even had some spare German valves. I didn't think to try a different lead to the cab until I got home though - I'm really hoping that that wouldn't have solved the problem. He said he'd tried it the previous night and it worked fine, although he hadn't played it regularly for 3 years. I[u]t was a Fender Bassman 100 with its 4x12 cab, circa 1976.[/u] ...A bit of a shame - although he prefers the sound of his ABM500, 115+210.[/quote] To anyone who is interested in buying one of these rigs: I once (briefly) owned a used Bassman 100 with its matching (and infamous) cross-fire 4x12. That guitar speaker-loaded, cheap, particle board POS cab buzzed like a beehive as soon as I turned the amp up--which I didn't get to do at the seller's house due to the presence of "a sick family member". If one wants the Fender amp tone at a usable volume level, then these days the Tech 21 Blonde Character Series pedal-->a proper modern bass rig is worth an audition. Blonde sound clips: [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?t=610156&highlight=blonde"]http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.p...ighlight=blonde[/url] As of this scribbling, the upcoming NAMM show may yield a revamped line of CS pedals which (hopefully) includes DI functions and pre-sets.
  19. Another vote for two (matching) 12" cabs vs one. Big rock bass tone is all about moving big air.
  20. [quote name='Kirky' post='682153' date='Dec 12 2009, 08:45 AM']I have a 700RB 15" combo. I like it, but must admit its the only decent bass amp I've ever tried. The tweeter stopped working a few months ago - doesn't affect my use because I go for a deep Motown thud when I play, but would be nice to get it sorted. [u]Anyone know any decent techs in North or West Yorkshire?[/u] Not sure whether its the tweeter or that part of the amp thats at fault - I had a look at the wiring and it looked solid. Martin[/quote] Hi Martin. Perhaps someone here would know: POLAR AUDIO LTD. 17 ALBERT DR. BURGESS HILL WEST SUSSEX RH15 9TN ENGLAND 01444-258258 01444-258444 [email protected] www.polaraudio.co.uk +1 on the need for 'PA components' in bass cabs.
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