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Everything posted by doctorbass

  1. Get Carter (already mentioned) Kojak The Odd Couple
  2. As far as I remember, yes it is
  3. Sold pending usual
  4. Ashdown JJ-500. One of the first 10 produced, hence no rat logo. Great sounding, super clean, tons of headroom. 12 band graphic EQ, shape button, harmonic emphasis, nice clean DI A few surface marks on the bottom. Comes with a Spider 2U flightcase SOLD
  5. Greasier than Ron Jeremy
  6. Ramones 40th anniversary LP
  7. They can make a big difference but i think it comes down to your type of pre-amp/rig etc. I've had a lot of success (and a few surprises!) trying different types,i.e. - ECC82 or 5751 instead of ECC83's. Its real trial and error and can get expensive. don't get too drawn into the "it has to be a vintage Mullard / RCA" thing, there are some pearls out there - just got to find them! I recommend the likes of Brimar, GE etc. Groove Tubes have used some good valves too but can be hit and miss as to their origin.
  8. Ashdown JJ500, Ashdown ABM610. Sometimes I'll use a different pre-amp into the 500's power amp, DHA VT1 EQ DI or more recently, an SWR Grand Prix. The DHA is always in my bag in case of on stage disasters or for my own peace of mind if sharing supplied backline, so as to send a known and reliable signal to the FOH. The DHA is a fantastic pre-amp which I have used live and for recording. Other stuff sometimes used - Catalinbread SFT or SolidGoldFX Beta.
  9. Cockney Rejects
  10. SolidGold FX Beta will nail that!
  11. Prez picked up in the Fabulous Thunderbirds where the amazing and also departed Keith Ferguson left off - that band really did have the cream of blues bass players! His more recent stuff with Los Carnales was great, electric and upright playing. A real character that will be sorely missed.
  12. RIP Preston Hubbard. Thanks for the music Carnale http://www.americanbluesscene.com/2016/08/bass-legend-preston-hubbard-has-passed-at-63/
  13. I bought Callums Boss LS2. Nice easy deal, posted promptly, packaged well and a great bloke to deal with.
  14. Not fell off myself but was on stage when a singer went right through the middle up to his waist. Fair play, he get kept going through the song and acted up to it!
  15. I changed to this old Mullard ECC82 and it works a treat. Ive also recorded with this set up and it sounded great. Less gain but you can still get quite gritty with it
  16. PM sent
  17. Bought an Ashdown ABM from Jim. Great deal and a good guy to do business with - recommended.
  18. 52, heavy backline - sounds better and i trust it.
  19. Best Pre/drive/EQ/DI out there - bargain!
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