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Everything posted by Stacker

  1. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fretless-Bass/111199098880?rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.m1851&_trkparms=aid%3D222002%26algo%3DSIC.FIT%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D18216%26meid%3D2278718396332558078%26pid%3D100005%26prg%3D8342%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3D5%26sd%3D190920173151%26"]Fretless bass[/url]
  2. [quote name='clashcityrocker' timestamp='1382734607' post='2256185'] Makes me laugh,I paid 100 this week for one.he must have put an extra 0 on by mistake,if he had attacked it with an orbital sander and hammer it could well reach 800 ;-) [/quote] I hear what your saying! He Who Shall Not Be Named is asking nearly £500 for one his 'renovation' efforts on an Epi Les Paul!
  3. Ohh, yeh baby!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYHxGBH6o4M
  4. I thought Elites were bad but nothing compared to the Roberts duds I got off ebay. I sent them back and got more of the same POS by return! Avoid that name! I pretty much stick with Warwick Reds these day apart from Status Hotwires on some of the fretlesses.
  5. Sounds an odd one if you've lowered the pup. The only other explanation is sympathetic resonance within the body/neck. All I cd suggest is a rod-tweak or other strings but I doubt theyre the problem.
  6. Havent read all the posts so apols but what Id do is replace the tone pot with a pull-pot that sends the pup signal straight to the output jack! Try it.
  7. Fuq, that's ugly. Confounded by the pup placement, too.
  8. Antoria model, Leeds. Got an Ibby Musician pup on it, though. [url="http://www.preloved.co.uk/adverts/show/108816034/bass-guitar.html"]http://www.preloved....ass-guitar.html[/url]
  9. As Warwickhunt says. They do pop up now and again and that price is quite reasonable to what I've seen them go for in the past.
  10. Yeh, the moulds and plugs are long gone as Andy Yakubic states:- '[i]The body & neck molds were nowhere to be found. I checked all the shelves and peeked in the other palettes. Not that they would be useful at that point anyways, since they'd be so degraded. I was more concerned about the plugs - these are the positive model that the negative molds are made from. They're usually made of metal because they're designed to last a long time. As long as you have the plug, you can make more molds pretty quickly. Steinberger always had many sets of molds working at any one time, all of which were copies from the original plugs.[/i]' The man responsible for the demise of Gibson-era Steinberger is none other than Gibson's own fruit-cake CEO, Henry E. Juszkiewicz, a Harvard MBA who purportedly rescued Gibson from the Norlin days but who has created, it would seem, a company whose employees are, on the whole, thoroughly demoralised. This megalomaniac shut down Steinberger due to an 'open letter' to him from an employee that criticised him. Yes, that's right: he shut down Steinberger (and, I think, Tobias as well), all because of a few derogatory comments and home truths! So, with a 'Night of the Long Knives' such as this, one can clearly see all the Steinberger parts being junked into the trailer that's been referred to; the moulds/plugs probably hit the trash. How bitter can one man be, eh? Let's also not forget he is the clown who sanctioned the ridiculous (and poor selling) Firebird X. And, for further Henry reading, here's a Google cache of employee comments from the companies review site Glassdoor:- [url="http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:mJRsHvbPRbUJ:www.glassdoor.com/Reviews/Gibson-Guitar-Reviews-E6869.htm+&cd=10&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk&client=firefox-a"]http://webcache.goog...lient=firefox-a[/url]
  11. Don't use Parcelforce! Their small print says that musical isntrument insurance is limited to £100. Plus, they're sh*te! Gey your buyer to pay extra insurance via UPS, etc and use sites like Parcel2go or PaisleyFreight. Better still, get your buyer to arrange his own shipping and insurance.
  12. Since VAT went up I have done more succesful buying and selling on Gumtree than on ebay without any issues. An element of trust and good comms is essential but as long as you can get the seller to accept paypal then you are covered as long as you mark it down as a 'purchase of goods'. I've also done bank transfers but only after speaking with the seller and trying to gauge their character. But, if your nervous, then paypal is the only way. He's also very unlikely to want to list it on ebay cos he'll have to add on his final value fees and VAT which, as an additional cost to you, you may not want to pay. Smahe Gumtree didn't operate like www.adverts.ie, the Irish site that offers sales lisitngs without dipping your wallet like evilbay does yet operates a feedback system not disimilar to ebay's.
  13. As well as pedals there may also be knee-levers which, again, change pitch. But where these differ from the pedals in that if you push the lever half of its travel you'll get a semi-tone shift and full travel is a full tone shift. It's pretty tricky to do.
  14. I would not do it; it's a disaster waiting to happen if you gig with only one bass. Back in the '80s I went down to one bass when I bought my Status Series II and a few months later the bass cut out on me in the middle of a gig. Even if you're not gigging, it's still nice to have something else to 'go to' ratheyour Number One.
  15. [list] [*]Fender two-piece alder body (non-nitro), aged and with correct sunburst tones for early stackers [*]Shrunken and aged WBWT scratchplate [*]Period correct bridge and tugbar [*]Reissue authentic Fender mutes [*]Fender Custom Shop '60s pups with cloth wire [*]Reissue stacker circuit [*]Reissue grouding brass bridge grounding strap [*]Reissue aged ashtrays supplied [/list] The body neck-pocket contains a date-stamp of 4 Oct 2001 but I cannot recall whether this was Japanese or Mexican. I replaced the orginal pups with the Fender CS ones yet retained the aged covers. The body is a tad heavy, at a guess around 4Kg. Would probably cost around a Tenner to ship mainland UK, maybe less.
  16. Apparently, according to a correspondent/friend/alter-ego', it's been 'brought back from the dead'!! The correspondent who has witnessed the resurrection also states that it's 'the first spalted maple one'. Wonder how he knows that? I smell sock-puppet account. Still curious about how that front pup sounds
  17. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1380975760' post='2233007'] I put a lipstick strat pickup (the hottest one I could find) in a Squier Bronco once. Sounded pretty good to me, and looked fantastic. [/quote] Yeh, a Bronco would need that! The harsh, ceramic POS that's in the Bronco already will sound wonderful in that bass!!
  18. Link? The Name That Cannot be Spoken!
  19. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1380970099' post='2232902'] didn't one of the musicmasters have strat pups in them from stock? [/quote] Possibly 42awg wire meaning less winds on that coil with small magnets and that guarantees a bright tone and weak output.
  20. I've emailed the seller for his reasoning for doing this. Interesting mod.
  21. There's a bass on ebay with a Strat coil in the neck position. With a lower inductance, won't this pickup sound rather weak? Why not just put the correct pup back in? I'm all for experimenting but FFS!!!
  22. Were both the body and the woods sourced from Warmoth? If so, can we see the stamps?
  23. [quote name='Sumatra' timestamp='1380793088' post='2230533'] Sorry but because of my (poor) English I'm not sure if I got it right: do you mean that you noticed a "thinnered" fingerboard towards the neck heel on all the AVRIs, done intentionally for a tone-wise reason in the upper register? What if the fingerboard was equally thin all across the neck? Thanks Luca [/quote] Yes. In my experience, all 62RIs have the thinning of the cap. And, yes, that bass is a bit overpriced!
  24. I think there's gonna be an edict from the Admins/Mods about this soon.
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