i was with a guy earlier whos been playing bass for a while, that i had a conversation with about bass playing.... he started talking about slap playing.. he showed me his slap chops.. he was very talented in (what i call) a slap show case.. basically a slap riff that is repeated over a few bars......
i didnt want to be a dick and show him some slap wisdom.. as i couldnt.. but i know what is musical, and what is musical is really for the chords, feeling and timing.. it should be engrained in anyone taking up bass.. imo....' make sure you play for the music' ... i said maybe he should learn how to turn that great technique into something fantastic like reading music or.. i dont think he wanted to take it that far..
there is so much to be said about the musical approach to slap and i know its very obvious to some more experienced guys/girls, but i come across people who think its some sort of vehicle to attract attention...
he was great doing his thing, seriously, he was amazing in his speed and note definition, he really blew me away, but missing the point is very easy when the ego is involved..
there is no right or wrong, but there is music and its boundries.. like i said this is obvious to lots, but not to others