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Posts posted by Rumple

  1. [quote name='wombatboter' post='600506' date='Sep 16 2009, 05:40 PM']Great price..recently bought a green one here on Bass-chat. Excellent basses, good luck with the trade/sale[/quote]

    Yeah From me :-) thanks Geert.

    That's a nice looking Sterling at a good price.

    Good luck with the sale.


  2. [quote name='ezbass' post='594882' date='Sep 10 2009, 04:51 PM']Oil on Canvas is a bass tour de force. Mick & Pino are the guys responsible for getting me into fretless.[/quote]

    +1 for Mick and Pino getting me into fretless.


  3. I have passive Delano's with the big pole pieces in my Jazz Bass and they have the best passive tone I have had so far. Sandberg use them in their basses.

    Not tried Wizards but have heard nothing but praise for them, good price, British and easy to sell on if you are not happy with them.


  4. Some Wise words there Mike, many thanks.

    There is a bit of buzz on the first part of the A and D string but as you say the new wood is still settling down so I'll leave it and see how it is in a few months.

    The neck is a joy! having a narrower string spacing and a satin finish to the back makes it faster and more comfortable for me then the wider, gloss finished neck of my fretted Progress.

    Time for a bit of practice :)

  5. Interesting question, I now have a lined fretless having only played unlined fretless or fretted basses in the past and always go for the lines or the dots but I can see the advantage of setting the intonation slightly behind the line especially if you often swop from fretted to fretless, once again I guess it's whatever works best for you. I'll stick with on the lines


  6. [quote name='peted' post='587951' date='Sep 2 2009, 08:49 PM']Congratulations! You've just provoked a serious amount of fretless GAS in me. I don't even play fretless![/quote]

    Cheers, I'm having to learn fretless all over again after many years of playing only fretted.

  7. [quote name='Higgie' post='581403' date='Aug 26 2009, 02:09 PM']Having just picked up my first fretless I'll be watching this thread with great interest. There is a Steve Bailey fretless instructional video that's split into parts on youtube (can't link now as it's blocked from where I am) but I was watching it the other night and it seemed like a good resource![/quote]

    Blimey he's a bit good! I have watched the first instalment (cheers BottomEndian) I'll look the rest up on You Tube when I get home from work.


  8. Fair comments chaps, just thought there might be something useful out there, I exclusively played an unlined fretless bass in rock and pop situations for years in the 80's but listening back at the old C90's of our rehearsals I rarely used slides or much vibrato ^_^ always in tune though :)


  9. [quote name='coasterbass' post='580102' date='Aug 25 2009, 12:34 PM']Bizarrely enough I was doing exactly the same thing! Darn things are everywhere in the park this year!

    Maybe we can expand the post to include BC'ers who were doing the same thing on saturday, but weren't in Oxfordshire and weren't playing 'tastily'? :rolleyes:[/quote]


    It wasn't you I tried to borrow a cork screw from over by the concert bowl was it?!!

  10. I have used the E string as a resting place for my thumb for 25 years but changed to a floating thumb when I got my first 5 string and have not looked back, for me it's more comfortable and string bampening is better. I would say try both methods and see which one suits you best.


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