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Everything posted by Rumple

  1. Did anyone buy one of these? I'd be interested in your opinions if so.
  2. [quote name='weefunkateer' timestamp='1489000089' post='3253651'] currently have a custom Maruszczyk Elwood Absolution 5A 32" which is now my go to fiver [/quote] That looks lovely, I'm tempted to order a 32" scale Maruszczyk Elwood in the future.
  3. [quote name='funkydario' timestamp='1488823067' post='3252114'] A black Fender MIM The Urge is on the way to me...flats are waiting for him...and I am wondering about putting a P pick up between the 2 J...like the MIA Urge. Asking myself if the classic position for P pup would it be possible....any advice ? [/quote] Unfortunately I can't help you with your question but please post pics of your Fender Urge when it arrives
  4. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1488741213' post='3251457'] [url="https://scontent-lht6-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/fr/cp0/e15/q65/15844479_1118200308279374_2391050153388334205_o.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=473ac8bd1c083d0829ae5d00e08d1a40&oe=592F0F89"]https://scontent-lht...a40&oe=592F0F89[/url] [/quote] Wow! I think you need to tell us all a little bit about this bass
  5. Plenty off basses turning up on this thread I didn't know existed, excellent stuff!
  6. [quote name='KerryLambert' timestamp='1488480828' post='3249367'] Also, it says Olympic white, which is usually a creamy off white but this looks yellow in the photos? Is it closer to yellow? [/quote] It's mostly looked a lovely warm yellow colour, I've owned an Olympic White 70's Fender in the past and this looks very similar, the White fades to a yellow colour over time due to UV's. It stays white in the area where your arm rubs.
  7. [quote name='KerryLambert' timestamp='1488480751' post='3249365'] Thanks man, would you mind weighing the body? I'm looking for a body for an aluminium neck I'm having made and it's going to be heavy! Need a heavy body so it doesn't neck dive. cheers [/quote] 5.4LBS that's loaded and including the neck plate and screws.
  8. [quote name='KerryLambert' timestamp='1488472307' post='3249270'] Does this take a standard fender neck? [/quote] It certainly does [quote name='KerryLambert' timestamp='1488472590' post='3249276'] Do you know the weight? [/quote] With a neck and tuners it was 9.5LBS, I'm happy to weigh just the loaded body if you prefer?
  9. I absolutely love the finish on this bass, reminds me of an orange Roscoe I once owned.
  10. [quote name='therealting' timestamp='1488066431' post='3245634'] I do not need another Jazz. I do not need another jazz... [/quote] I'm sure you have the room [quote name='owen' timestamp='1488119966' post='3245984'] It is proper lush though! [/quote] Thanks Owen
  11. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1488135194' post='3246201'] Some nice Elwood,s for sale at Bass Direct. I dig the jazz with the Zaricote top. [url="http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/MARUSZCZYK_INSTRUMENTS.html"]http://www.bassdirec...NSTRUMENTS.html[/url] [/quote] There was a time when [url="http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/MARUSZCZYK_Elwood_L5_White.html"]this[/url] would have ticked all the boxes for me.
  12. I bought this loaded body recently (unfortunately) just before discovering the joy that is 32" scale basses, I built it up using a Limelight neck and it was fantastic but isn't going to be used now so I may as well move it on. MJT in the US do fantastic relic work, I hope the pics do it justice, these bodies arn't cheap especilally if you factor in shipping, VAT and import duties. It has 'Fender Pure Vintage 74' pick-ups and S1 wiring, all of which make for a great sounding bass. Since I purchased the body I replaced the Bridge for a Madison aged Fender one, the strap pins, thumb rest and neck plate are also Madison aged ones, I also swapped the scratchplate for a semi-cellucoid one. I must point out that the previous owner had snapped off a screw in the middle position of the bridge, I thought about getting it repaired but TBH it doesn't effect anything, the bridge is more than happy with just the 4 screws and it's not as noticeable as I imagined it might be. All in all it's a great combination of top quality parts that would make a great sounding and gorgeous looking bass, just add a neck and tuners of your choice. £375.00 delivered to mainland UK. [url="https://1drv.ms/f/s!An4ogWELaxK6gptWdbuI8MkxB9cC0Q"]PICS HERE[/url]
  13. BUMP for a price drop. [quote name='Marc S' timestamp='1487857576' post='3243588'] I know I keep banging on about it - but these Fender Roadworn basses are amazing! They have a lot of fans on here (generally anyone who owns one). Mine is in sunburst - and I wish I could justify having another - cos I do like them in Fiesta Red (alas, too many basses already) I wouldn't have noticed the neck was particularly "different" - but I do like that dark rosewood fretboard Anyhow, GLWTS - these are over £1100 new, so it shouldn't be here too long at that price Cheers [/quote] Thanks Marc
  14. The variety keeps on growing - excellent stuff so far! [quote name='skitzigol' timestamp='1487937635' post='3244318'] I'm on the lookout for another 32" bass, so if anybody notices anything out there then please point me in the right direction. Failing that, I may put together my own. [/quote] I did wonder about getting one of [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/371743923707?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT"]THESE[/url] conversion necks at some point, they quoted $50 to ship to the UK, so about £100 plus Taxes and import duty.
  15. [quote name='ikay' timestamp='1487873414' post='3243813'] Rather unimaginatively I also have a Squier PB-331 and a JB-32M. I must try harder. [/quote] We even have the same carpet
  16. Some very nice and extremely varied examples so far, keep them coming. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1487867051' post='3243749'] I believe your white one was mine for a while. Fabulous bass. [/quote] It was and is
  17. After my recent conversion to medium scale basses I thought I'd start a 32" scale (only) bass thread as I'd love to see what people have. Here are my two, a MIJ Squier Precision Bass and a MIJ Fender JB62M Jazz Bass. [attachment=238899:P1010845 lr.jpg]
  18. Stumbled across the video for this pedal yesterday on TY, sounds great on guitar and may have it's uses on bass but as mentioned above it only tracks to an open A so not perfect for bass, I'd still like to give it a try.
  19. Nothing else I've laid eyes on so far comes close to what Spitfire produce but the only one I've seen in the flesh did have a lot of dark in it which spoilt the look a bit for me.
  20. Great pic of an excellent bass player.
  21. [quote name='Bigwan' timestamp='1487674688' post='3241665'] I can see photos ok. She's a looker! [/quote] Thank you, plays extremely nicely as well
  22. [quote name='therealting' timestamp='1487673372' post='3241638'] Photos don't seem to be showing mate. And if you decide to part with the medium scale Jazz [/quote] Seem to working OK this end? yes I'll let you know about the medium scale Jazz if I decide to move it on
  23. [quote name='Jack' timestamp='1487605251' post='3241117'] You barely have to do any electronics! Buy an [url="https://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=die+cast+electronics+project+box&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Adie+cast+electronics+project+box"]enclosure[/url], drill some holes for the pots and stick everything in. The only electronics that you'll have to do is connect the wires that are supposed to go to the pickup to a [url="https://www.amazon.co.uk/Switchcraft-Output-Socket-Epiphone-Guitars/dp/B01AQ1EG4S/ref=sr_1_2?s=musical-instruments&ie=UTF8&qid=1487605225&sr=1-2&keywords=mono+jack+socket"]socket[/url] instead. [/quote] Thanks - I'll give that a try at the weekend.
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