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Everything posted by stoker

  1. Worth looking at then by the sounds of it.
  2. Joyo? Not come across them.
  3. I'v heard mixed things about the Harley Benton pedals too.
  4. Bought a pedal off of him and arrived yesterday, very well packed I might add. Great to deal with and a quicker turnaround time than Thomann! Will definitely recommend to others and would be more than happy to do business with him again myself!
  5. Stick 'em on the Overwater.
  6. So Berhinger are cheap and nasty as opposed to cheap and cheerful then. Ok, I'll disregard them.
  7. How do people rate Behringer gear?
  8. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1354207297' post='1883653'] The best advice I can give is not to buy pedals just because you think you need them. Loads of people (myself included) have spent small fortunes buying expensive gadgets they thought they needed but in fact didn't. If you feel a sound is missing, then try to replicate that sound. But don't buy a chorus/phaser/compressor etc just because everyone says they're essential pedalboard kit! As for ODs, I'd definitely recommend something with a clean blend. Or get a Boss LS2 and use that to blend in clean signals with your own choice of pedal. [/quote] I'm only getting the chorus because I like the sound. Everyone is giving a lot of food for thought. Many thanks! Looks like I'm gonna be investigating a lot of pedals.
  9. I'll check it out.
  10. Popped into the local music shop today and he's sold an old amp of mine. I should be collecting some money in a couple of days once he's double checked his records on how much we agreed on. Will hopefully be around £100.
  11. Thanks everyone!
  12. In that case an anyone suggest a decent overdrive/distortion/fuzz for not a lot of pennys?
  13. [quote name='dudewheresmybass' timestamp='1353946937' post='1880081'] Do you have a budget in mind? [/quote] Due to having a low paid job at the moment around £50 is my top end. [quote name='GazWills' timestamp='1353936519' post='1879888'] it's a really difficult question to answer - there are no [i]must[/i] have effects as far as I'm concerned, it's just personal preference. If you've got a POD already, am I right in thinking that has a selection of FX? If so, that should give you an idea on the sort of pedals you may be interested in... Personally, I have never felt the need for a compressor or a preamp, but others swear by them, so it's really horses for courses here. Sorry, that's not really a recommendation is it! [/quote] If my plans work out the POD will be getting incorporated into my home recording set up.
  14. I like the p/up spacing, should add to the tonal variations.
  15. I've seen Magnum twice and love 'em!
  16. No worries man.
  17. Well the clip on style tuner I have works very well for me but a DI box could be interesting if I don't wanna lug my POD around.
  18. Started putting together a small board for live gigs and I've got a chorus on the way and a SYB-5 that was a gift from our drummer. The thing is what else should I get? One of my bands is a rock/pop band with a very '60s feel and the other is a blues band so was thinking maybe an overdrive or fuzz? Any advice or tips would be much appreciated!
  19. Chorus pedal sorted! Thanks all!
  20. Have you tried asking the guys in Jaywalk?
  21. I'm tempted.
  22. Lovely 4005! Would be great if Ric started making them again.
  23. I'm defo coming to the next one if only to show off my Hoyer.
  24. The Fear Factory song 'Edgecrusher' was done on a double bass, just to take things further.
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