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Everything posted by bh2

  1. bh2

    mim jazz

    Looks okay to me... nice colour. Hope it's a player.
  2. I've been down this road many times now... Sadowskys... copy basses IMO. If you find a nice Fender Jazz, go for it.
  3. The Ray's gone to Spain!!
  4. Yes... everything went black and I woke up in the sink...
  5. [quote name='silddx' post='583566' date='Aug 28 2009, 02:12 PM']Agreed, they are completely pointless and a waste of time and money. They get in the way but look really lovely.[/quote] +100
  6. [quote name='paul h' post='581604' date='Aug 26 2009, 04:51 PM']Has anybody said tort yet? No? Tort.[/quote] Did you read my post? sigh.
  7. You'll have to drill out the holes IMO... just use the smallest sized bit you can get away with, yes... you'll have to remove the bridge cover to change the strings... If you change them often it'll be a pain. The anodized guard looks perfect with the maple board... tort looks nicer with a dark wood board I reckon... you've a beauty there and no mistake skip!
  8. Good grief!! That is teh sex... might have to get the CV 60's P and do a number on it!
  9. Blimey... some horrors here and no mistake... Last time I went down there to buy some gear I came away with a Fender moulded hard case... it's unplayable now.
  10. [quote name='Tait' post='579693' date='Aug 24 2009, 11:22 PM']bh2, what colour is that?[/quote] It's Teal Green Metallic AFAIK... looks blue/grey sometimes.
  11. The Guitar Gallery in Oxford has a SB1000 lined fretless going for £700.
  12. MiM P I got off the bay a couple of years ago... Ebay pic Pimped... Cheers
  13. bh2


    No! The tort sets it off nicely...
  14. No... the Ray has gone but the Aria's £700.
  15. The SB1000 looks nice too!
  16. bh2

    Precision Land

    Took me bloody ages to get a Precision... been a Jazzer since '77! At last!
  17. Superb! If that doesn't get your fender gas going, I'm a chinaman!
  18. Don't forget... Sadowskys, Lakland, Sandbergs... they're all just Fender copies. You can never beat a good Fender!
  19. Yes... I reckon you could easily go round in circles with these... Just buy any one of them and set it up for your particular sound. I'll bet there isn't a lot between any of them so pick one and set it up. I've found with the J-Retro I don't do a lot of fiddling about to get the tone a I want, and it's easily tweakable if I need or have the urge.
  20. Heh... I am (another) old git though but!
  21. Call me old fashioned but Fender all the way.
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