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Legacy strings are actually surprisingly good for such a cheap price: [url="http://www.stringsdirect.co.uk/products/597-legacy_4_string_nickel_bass_strings_40_100_45_105_"]http://www.stringsdirect.co.uk/products/59..._40_100_45_105_[/url]
[quote name='thodrik' post='709015' date='Jan 11 2010, 04:24 PM']I've got one of the old GP7 SM300 combos, with a 15 inch speaker. I used it for 8 years without any amp problems at all. Though when other bassists used it they would often say the following things. 1.'Your amp is broke' = The mute switch is engaged[/quote] That happens to me all the time when people borrow my GP7SM 130
I also have this problem with my BLX-130, although it comes and goes, and only occurs briefly each time. Normally turning it off and leaving it for a while or putting the speaker cable into the other jack solves this. Sometimes the hum overpowers the actual bass sound, and the volume goes down to all but nothing, but this is quite rare.
[quote name='yorick' post='691530' date='Dec 22 2009, 02:14 PM']Steve Harris of Maiden.[/quote] I heard that his use of 3 fingers is a myth, and he really just uses 2 all the time
Oh my, that is quite a bass
[quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' post='661023' date='Nov 21 2009, 02:22 PM']I met Cliff once,and I asked him about the effects I should buy. 'Get a phaser' was his reply [/quote] What I would've done to have met Cliff Burton...
[quote name='Moos3h' post='659435' date='Nov 19 2009, 05:11 PM']Given the price that old skool cabs are going for these days, you could consider selling the Trace (you'd get a decent price for it as people value Trace stuff) and picking up a cheap head and cab. Peavey Black Widow-equipped 15's come up all the time and are dirt cheap but capable of taking a total beating. Cheers, James[/quote] But I love the Trace too
[quote name='maxrossell' post='658665' date='Nov 18 2009, 10:27 PM']I'm afraid that your Marshall practice combo isn't going to be of any help in this matter. If you want more volume, you're going to have to invest in an extension speaker or get a bigger amp. Although to be honest I'm not even sure that getting another speaker is going to help with only 130w. If volume is your issue, if I were you I'd be looking into getting something more powerful.[/quote] Apparently Trace Elliots like mine are rated extremely low for some reason, so 130 watts of Trace sounds more like 250-300W if it was rated by anyone else. I just wondered how true this was, and see how much power I could squeeze out of the amp. And apparently if I did get another speaker cabinet it would need to be like a single 10-12" speaker, which I can't find anywhere cheaper, or else the speakers would be imbalanced or something like that. I haven't been playing that long, so I have a very limited knowledge when it comes to this stuff. Thanks very much for your advice though
[quote name='pete.young' post='658647' date='Nov 18 2009, 10:15 PM']And if you took a line output from a 130W amp and ran it into a 15W amp, I'd be amazed if it made enough difference in volume to compensate for how stupid it would look. This has to be a wind-up, surely?[/quote] Didn't want to run it into the amp, just the speaker
[quote name='maxrossell' post='657571' date='Nov 17 2009, 10:33 PM']If you take a line out from the Trace then you can run it into the Marshall no problem. It's from the ext. cabinet output that you'll have trouble.[/quote] Yeah, but how much quieter would it be when run from the line-out?
[quote name='maxrossell' post='657528' date='Nov 17 2009, 09:56 PM']Unless the speaker has a 1/4" jack that can literally be unplugged from the combo's head (which I don't think is the case on the little Marshall practice jobs) then you can't run your other amp through it. You can't run a speaker output into a line-in. Best case is you won't get any sound, worst case is you'll blow a transformer in your Trace, and possibly the Marshall's power section. You either need a bigger amp, or an actual extension speaker.[/quote] I tried it throuhg the amps line-out and got sound. I don't think I need a bigger amp, I just need more than a 10" speaker to get more power out of the amp
[quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='656451' date='Nov 16 2009, 09:38 PM']Need to figure what the speaker in the MArshall is rated at. If they are both 8 ohm, then you could run both. Probably not worth bother with though. One will probably fart out earlier than is helpful. The speakers are much more of a limiting factor that the amp power. 130w is quite a lot.[/quote] The manual says it's 15w at 4ohm, I'm not completely sure whether that sure whether that means it would be 4ohm when connecting another amp. [quote name='ColinB' post='656661' date='Nov 17 2009, 08:42 AM']A 'line in' connection usually connects to the amps power stage, missing out the pre-amp, not directly to the speaker.[/quote] Does that mean that this should not be attempted?
Hi, I've got a Trace Elliot GP7SM130 bass combo, it's awesome, but It's only rated as 130 watts into 8ohms, and only has one 10 inch speaker, so in order to get more power out of the amp I'd need another speaker. Well, being the skint tightwad that I am, instead of forking out for another cab for now, I thought about using the 8" speaker in my Marshall MB15 combo for a littlle extra oomph, connecting the extra speaker output on the Trace Elliot, into the Marshall's line in, which I believe just sends a signal straight to the combo's speaker. But I'm not the best mind when it comes to impedance and all that, so I thought I'd come to you guys first before breaking anything. Is this feasible? In the Marshall's manual it says its power output is 15w into 4ohms, so does this mean I should not connect it to the Trace Elliot's 8ohm output? Any help would be much appreciated, cheers
[quote name='ryan_waf' post='630484' date='Oct 19 2009, 04:24 PM']I'd just like to clear this up, found it as I'm looking for reviews of some Sansamp gear and came across this, pretty shocked to find out it's actually about my band. Firstly, we were not headlining the night or providing the backline (as we were an out of town band, we thought it didn't make sense for us to headline and the local band play earlier). We have no problem lending out gear, we know what it's like to start up in bands and not really have that great gear; the problem we had with this was that the band opening (who started this thread) did NOT ask permission to borrow any of our heads (which, in our experience, are not classed as backline) but went straight up on stage for their sound check and plugged in then started moaning when they couldn't get them to work (not knowing where the on switch was). (For information, I play an Ampeg which has taken me years to save up for, and our guitarist plays a nice Orange Rocker which he has also saved for years for.) We let them use it after showing them how to work it and asking if they could make sure they left all the settings how they found them, call me old fashioned but was expecting a thank you for helping them out, alas nothing. So we let it go, walked off and got a beer to chill a little bit. Went back upstairs to watch them (polite thing to do...), thinking 'maybe they'll say thanks on stage, you know, like most bands do who borrow gear.' Again, nothing, even as we went on to set things up for us to play, no thanks, nothing, which I found a bit rude but thought 'seems like it could be their first gig, so we'll leave it.' I think they drummer had asked our drummer if he could borrow cymbals and snare as he didn't bring his (got his snare in the end, but still borrowed our cymbals), so that was fine, as he asked and said thank you. The next day, we had a message from said band to our myspace, thinking 'oh cool, they've thought to say thanks, maybe it just slipped their mind.' But no, was just asking if we'd picked up a lead they left; which then prompted me to send the message which this thread was started about (I've copied the full message below for you to see what was said...) [b]sup guys, i'll check with the others about that guitar lead. just for future reference for you guys though, backline does not mean borrowing other bands amp heads or drum breakables. as you can understand, our gear is worth a good few thousand ££ and when people just assume they can plug into to our amps without even asking or saying thanks it's never a good thing. it was your first gig so its understandable, but just so you know, some bands would not have kept quiet about it like we did; it's just gig etiquette to say thanks for any equipment borrowed, especially when it's gear that is not supposed to be borrowed. ryan x[/b] I might be old fashioned, but even if previously agreed with bands / promoters that backline is okay to borrow, I'll still ask the bassist and make sure I say thanks to them, same with each of our members depending on whats borrowed, simple manners.[/quote] Anyway, about those guitar leads...