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Anthony Joseph Wiaczek III

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Everything posted by Anthony Joseph Wiaczek III

  1. Where can I get and how can I attach a foodbridge to my bass?!
  2. Sorry to be a buzzkill but recently found I have work that day!
  3. [quote name='peteb' post='1153130' date='Mar 7 2011, 10:33 PM'][attachment=74189:Pete_1___Copy.JPG] [attachment=74191:Pete___P...2___Copy.JPG] [attachment=74190:Pete ___P...y___Copy.JPG] Some shots of last Saturday night's gig with the Paddy Maguire Band - a curtain raiser for the first Hebden Bridge Blues Festival to be held in May. We had the excellent Marcus Bonfanti sit in with us at the end of the set but unfortunately no one seems to have taken any photos then Not so sure about the dance moves in the middle pic....![/quote] monitors on beer crates +1!!!
  4. Will do tonight, be warned that I feel I am making a mountain out of a molehill but I must admit I am very vain when it comes to my basses
  5. Soul destroying chip to the Schecter may mean a lack of its appearance
  6. Its happend, guess it happens to everybody but always soul destroying. Practicing in my room with the schecter, squier falls headstock first off the stand and clouts the schecter with the tuning pegs. Knew it before even looking........A chip, right to the wood, might not be big but still soul destroying. Im not a vain person, but I am for my basses. I know its easily fixable (good contact would help please) but its the principle of it, the moral of this story must be: DONT EVER BUY S****Y 3 WAY STANDS OFF EBAY FOR A TENNER!!!!
  7. Squier Vintage even more modified Jazz + my kidney?
  8. Ive done it, gone and bought a set of Direct sound EX 29's (same as paul gilbert) I suppose £90 is ample to cherish whats left of the hearing haha
  9. *Oh and it would also most like have to be mono, I now have about 5% hearing in my right ear.*
  10. Sent an email regarding product compatibility, many thanks. More options would be welcome please guys
  11. Hi all hope your all good At the moment Ive been stuck in the house for the past 4 weeks due to an operation on my ear/head. The concequences are that I really need to take care of my hearing now, so Im looking for possible ways of doing this while gigging. I cant go for moulded IEM's because my ear cant take it so Im thinking/hoping of ear defenders with built in speakers, much like Paul Gilbert. I just have no idea what exactly to look for, price and obviously where to get them. Im putting aside a decent budget for a pair (roughly £150-£200) because I hope to gig for many years to come should my health let me once we see what the end of this malarky brings. Any help at all guys? Much love
  12. [quote name='gub' post='1124828' date='Feb 12 2011, 11:56 AM']Good job mate ,i work for the RNID so a good cause you you were raising money for ,no hair is the new black anyway ! [/quote] I hope to do more event and work for MATD in the near future. Im trying to grow it back to at least this length before I go for any radiotherapy and shizz. [attachment=71992:BILD0131.JPG] (Yes I know it has no strings, was for the ex's makeup course )
  13. Right here we go, firstly gig on new years day [attachment=71935:Gig.jpg] And secondly about an hour later, (still my current style ) [attachment=71936:Bald.jpg] Story: Bad health issues means operations haha so had a gig and head shaving for charity (Raised £350 for music and the deaf). Still bald at the moment and not happy with it but jobs must be done haha.
  14. I had the same experience with my first band, it was only myself and the singer putting effort in. After 2 years it dragged and I walked off stage at the "comeback" gig. 3 years later Im still playing with the same singer and now some new guys who are all mates and share the burdens.
  15. In: Squier VM Jazz Tanglewood Oddysey Schecter Diamond 004 Squier CV Jazz Out: Lindo (Jackson copy) Zenta Telebass Epiphone TB IV Squier CV Jazz and a year long GAS for a Schecter Stargazer!
  16. [quote name='indiegrungesound' post='1114397' date='Feb 3 2011, 07:46 PM']Thanks for the seal of approval![/quote] [attachment=71121:seal_of_approval.jpg]
  17. Couldnt have said all of that better myself indiegroungesound!
  18. HUGE fan of Mike Mills. Have to say without knowing I have crafted my bass playing in his style. (used to have long blonde hair and play a natural Fender, maybe a jazz but thats how I choose to live my life. Also GASing for an Ampeg rig.)
  19. I wanted one when I saw it, looks like it should be steam powered!!!
  20. Hmmm thats a bit of a bummer. I guess my only alternative option is to replace the pickups themselves then, any help guys?
  21. So I'm Looking at modifying my Schecter Diamond 004 so it has a little more bling bling, here is a link to the same model; [url="http://schecterguitar.org/files/2010/09/-83103304744721620.jpg"]http://schecterguitar.org/files/2010/09/-8...04744721620.jpg[/url] What I am aiming to do is to change the pickup covers, I would like them to be chrome almost Ricky style yet I have no idea what I can replace them with. I found these on fleabay but I havent a clue as to wether they will fit and all that jazz. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/RICKENBACKER-TOASTER-PICKUP-COVER-BASS-GUITAR-NEW-/290523840395?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item43a491ff8b"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/RICKENBACKER-TOASTER...=item43a491ff8b[/url] Any help with regards to fitting or other items which are similar. Peace
  22. Hoping my health has greatly improved by then I will be down so make it a maybe from me. If I am coming again this year Ill bring my Ashdown Rig and toys instead of hogging the SIMS Fender haha.
  23. They dont affect the tone too much, in fact it seems better. Much more clarity and less waste through the floor. Now considering buying a one of those Roqsolid covers, anybody with experience from them or better options?
  24. Well I finally went and bought an Ashdown Mag 410T deep cab to match my head. Played one gig, and got sick of lugging it around! The boss at work was listening in on me moan about it so he threw four castors at me and said do what he does with his flight cases. Life is such a joy now It can even act as a trolly for the other heavier band gear. Now we just need to wait for a gig with a pissed stage and watch it roll away halfway thorugh the gig! haha. Castors are a godsend Here endeth the lesson.
  25. What is the neck like? Precision or jazz?
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