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Posts posted by Paul_C

  1. [quote name='thinman' post='744284' date='Feb 13 2010, 07:59 PM']One of our guitarists stood on his lead and snapped, internally, the 1/4" jack on the front of his combo.

    I replaced the jack for him but since then he gets a strange interaction between his Boss GT10 board and the amp - there's a horrible sort of oscillation in the sound.

    A guitar straight in to the amp sounds fine. The pedal board plugged into the effects return is oscillation free too. We've tried a new set of cables and done a factory reset on the GT10.

    The GT10 is also fine into a different amp. It seems to be a strange interaction between the amp and GT10.

    The amp's always been a bit strange in that it seems ultra sensitve - e.g. with a lead not plugged into a guitar, touching the tip causes a really loud pop on the amp.

    Any ideas anyone?[/quote]

    take to someone who knows about amps ?

    after all, you don't know if the shock to the board when the jack was broken did other damage to components that only someone with some knowledge can identify

    I repair guitars/basses etc. but if it's a circuit board problem I'll always pass it on to a qualified engineer - I know not of the wizardry of circuit boards


  2. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='744289' date='Feb 13 2010, 08:10 PM']Not with 2 outputs. :lol: Unless you modified your amp, of course. Or would it work if you used splitter leads? Could be an interesting theory for anyone wanting more cabs without forking out for a new amp. :)[/quote]

    [quote name='Merton' post='744296' date='Feb 13 2010, 08:22 PM']You can daisy chain two cabs from each output, most have parallel connections on 'em :rolleyes:[/quote]

    nyer :lol:

  3. I use something similar to that floating thumb description, in that I rest the thumb on the string next to the one being played and muting any strings below it.

    Practicing scale runs sticking rigidly to alternate first and second fingers is another good one, it was pointed out to me in my first lesson with Steve Lawson (along with the thumb mute idea that I could add to my already moving thumb) that I was leading with the same finger every time I changed to a different string, which meant that I was making things hard for myself - everything is much more fluid now it's become second nature.

  4. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='743829' date='Feb 13 2010, 11:16 AM']If both outputs have 8ohms next to them, is it possible that it means you can't just run a single 4ohm cab from it? The only way to achieve 4 ohms is to have 2 8ohm cabs? I'm not an expert anyway so I might be wrong. :)[/quote]

    you could have 4 x 16 ohm cabs :rolleyes:

  5. [quote name='essexbasscat' post='744148' date='Feb 13 2010, 05:02 PM']practice one finger per fret

    Hold one finger per fret then try variations of:

    1, 2,3,4




    in one direction, then the reverse order

    better still, get hold of a copy of Serious Electric Bass by Joel D Bartolo

    Hope that helps a little



    that looks like left hand stuff to me :rolleyes:

  6. [quote name='Bassulike66' post='743421' date='Feb 12 2010, 07:34 PM']I have recently got my hands on a Hartke rig....and please forgive my ignorance for asking these simple quenstions, but i'm old lol!!

    Amp...HA3500 350 Watts

    Cab 4x10 XL series = 400W

    Cab 1x15 Xl series =200W

    All 8 ohm rating...

    Amp states 240W at 8 ohm's..amp has 2 x speaker out channels, also 8 ohms..

    Does this then mean i have 120W per channel????.

    If this is so, then it ain't gonna be loud enough for what i want.

    Could anyone advise me on a real rip snorter set up?!?!

    Have had my eye on an Ampeg set up...but don't know what i'd be looking for really.

    Music style played metal/rock.

    Thank's very Ta'[/quote]

    you've got two 8ohm cabs plugged in which I imagine is dropping the impedance down to 4 ohms which uses the full 350w

    if you only had one cab plugged in then it would only be 240w

  7. [quote name='dudewheresmybass' post='733668' date='Feb 3 2010, 01:07 AM']ibanez weeping demon.
    probably the one of the most adjustable mass produced wahs on the market.
    switching manually or automatic, switching delay (on auto setting), adjustable treadle tension, volume, Q, Bass level etc...
    good with guitar, but awesome with bass.

    best of all it retails at about £110

    well worth a good try.[/quote]

    seconded, I've owned a few wahs and it's the best of the lot IMHO

  8. talking of Bass Whammys, I once won an EHX pedal (£100 worth) in a raffle which I swapped for a Bass Whammy

    having plugged it in and played it for a bit I couldn't see any great use for it (though making my Roland Cube 30 try and play a low B an octave below std. was amusing) so I stuck it on ebay

    ... and sold it for £315 :)

    the next time I saw one on there it sold for £85, so I reckon I did alright :rolleyes:

  9. just because the few that appear from time to time sell for big money (because there are only a few the demand is greater than the supply) it doesn't mean that they could shift enough units worldwide to make it worth their while - it may be that one or two components make the profit margin quite small,- I recall a mate telling me that the first run of the Whammy was the best because after that they used cheaper components that didn't work as well (though I believe the Whammy 4 is pretty close to the original)

  10. assuming the defretting has left the slots intact then it should be reasonably easy and not much more than the cost of a refret

    if the fret tangs have been left in then it might be a challenge to get them out

    if it's a fretless then the dots on the side of the board will usually be lined up with the fret positions so there's a little more to overcome and therefore a cost issue (plus the extra work needed to cut the slots)

  11. [quote name='Jono Bolton' post='731983' date='Feb 1 2010, 06:02 PM']Would I be able to change the pickups in my Fender Marcus Miller Jazz and still use the pre-amp? As far as I can work out, it's 2 passive J-Bass pickups, with an optional 2 band pre-amp that I can switch in and out. In passive mode the MM sounds quite weedy, which is why I was thinking of changing the pickups. If I do, is it just a straight swap, or do I need active pickups or anything like that?[/quote]

    passive pickups will be fine - most active basses have passive pickups and a preamp.

  12. [quote name='gabson' post='731296' date='Feb 1 2010, 04:15 AM']Yeah you can alway attack the sctratchplate with a hefty file!

    Yep ive seen guitars and basses with this weird overhang thing. some even pin the scratchplate to the top of he body![/quote]

    the overhang is there so that the body can be made identically regardless of whether there is a std. neck or one with more frets fitted - the same thing applies to a 22 fret Strat

  13. [quote name='thepurpleblob' post='724530' date='Jan 25 2010, 08:37 PM']Yeh.... I was selling a car recently and I got all this nonsense about sending me a cheque for 5 grand over the price and then I had to make a bank transfer to the shipping agents. I'm like fine... but you do know I'll be waiting until the bank had told me the cheque has completely cleared. Never heard from them again... funnily enough.[/quote]

    bear in mind that a cheque can bounce ages after it has been declared "cleared"

    (I'm sure you had no intention of actually banking a cheque, but just so you know)

  14. [quote name='Bassassin' post='723639' date='Jan 24 2010, 10:25 PM']Looks like he's listed it twice previously & then cancelled the listings. No idea why, but presumably not to consult a dictionary for the correct definition & usage of the word "idyllic".

    I'd never buy a used bass from somebody who doesn't know what "idyllic" means.


    quite right too.

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