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Everything posted by Paul_C

  1. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='658745' date='Nov 18 2009, 11:36 PM']Some numpties that I flagged up with a wrong image a couple of weeks ago (Musicman & Rickie combo of description and pic). I wonder of they are deliberately putting up shonky listings in the hope they scr5w someone or are they just sh1t at listing stuff. Oh and I also queried if there was a member of staff on BC as the listing got changed sharpish when I flagged it up? [/quote] don't let them know your email, because you'll never get rid of their spam, even when you list their address as "junk", as they mail stuff out under different addresses - and asking nicely to be removed from their list is a waste of time
  2. the last one I did (Squier Jazz, rosewood neck, oiled finish, white plastic lines in the slots) I charged £80. Like refrets, that price would change if there were other factors involved - binding, for example.
  3. [quote name='Beedster' post='656211' date='Nov 16 2009, 06:36 PM']Love it Paul. thanks, anything's worth a go, although at present I think my main issue is lack of top end tonally. BTW are we talking Fender Kitchen Towel, or will aftermarket do? C[/quote] you might find this hard to believe, but it's Tesco's own brand cheap stuff!
  4. whilst this isn't entirely answering your question, it might be of some help - I defretted a Washburn AB10 and had fitted TI Flats to it, and it had a great sound but nothing like a double bass sound - my solution, which got amusingly close, was to stick a wad of kitchen towel up against the bridge (I'd tried various types of foam, but none really worked) which shortened the sustain enough to get the effect I was after - this also tweaked the tone slightly, so might be worth a try
  5. you're not the last - I've still not found a Warwick I liked
  6. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='654590' date='Nov 14 2009, 04:04 PM']That is arguably the single daftest thing I have ever seen on eBay.[/quote] [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270485168732&ru=http%3A%2F%2Fshop.ebay.co.uk%3A80%2F%3F_from%3DR40%26_trksid%3Dp3907.m38.l1313%26_nkw%3D270485168732%26_sacat%3DSee-All-Categories%26_fvi%3D1&_rdc=1"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...%3D1&_rdc=1[/url]
  7. The neck is made straight (i.e. with an even fingerboard) and when the strings are tightened up to tune it exerts pressure on the neck, making it curve. The job of the truss rod is to counter the pull of the strings and this is done to fit the taste of the player, if you have heavy strings and a light touch you can have it pretty much flat, if you use light strings and a heavy playing style you might need more curve (relief) than std. If I'm doing a general set up then I'll tune to pitch and tweak the truss rod to give a small amount of relief, then set string height, as adjusting the truss rod will affect it. If you change strings then you might need to adjust to allow for a different tension, but if the relief is fine then you don't have to touch anything. The changes in weather and therefore humidity (also affected by the central heating) will also have an effect, and if nothing else has changed but the relief has increased or decreased, then you might need to adjust things to get the relief back to where it was. If the truss rod is stiff to adjust then back it off before tightening, and if necessary (and possible) add some grease to the threads to help it move. Sometimes it might be best to loosen the strings to adjust rather than break the rod, if you're adjusting a Fender neck with the adjuster at the heel end this might be the only option. You shouldn't need to fear the truss rod, if you tighten a little too much you only have to back it off, and while there might be the need to check after a while as things settle, you don't need to take teeny tiny steps - waiting a day between each step (as I saw suggested on another forum)
  8. I've bought a few basses from Ishibashi in the past and always been happy. Shipping was about £80 IIRC, and you pay tax and vat on both bass and shipping.
  9. [quote name='kets' post='652184' date='Nov 12 2009, 01:03 AM']Yep, I Kinda thought that. I guy I took it to a years ago who diagnosed the warped neck and hinted that repair would be neither cheap, easy or even effective. I've just put up with it and played it anyway, but it's got quite a high action which I'd like to remedy. It seems to be warped between the third and fifth frets and as a result you need to have the action really high to stop the buzzing.[/quote] Take it to a reputable local repairer and get a quote - it might not be too bad if it's a very small area that's high. It might be possible to just remove a couple of frets and lower the offending section, but without being able to take measurements it's impossible to say.
  10. it might be possible to make the current neck playable by removing the frets and levelling the fingerboard then re-fretting - not a cheap option though
  11. if you want spares/repairs for old H||H stuff then this guy is worth contacting - [url="http://www.majelectronic.co.uk/"]http://www.majelectronic.co.uk/[/url]
  12. I did a gig a few weeks ago where it sounded like someone had turned the volume down for a couple of bars, and then it came back again - didn't feel faint or anything but it did strike me as a little odd
  13. [quote name='Beedster' post='646858' date='Nov 6 2009, 12:01 AM']Think I'm going to need one in the long term Paul. I've been trying to source a decent lined neck for one of either of my Fenders for a while but having thought about it a bit as they're both vintage I don't really want to be swapping necks in and out too often. I considered getting the Ric lined but as its a finished board the cost would be pretty prohibitive. C[/quote] you could still hire one in the sort term, and then take your time finding one if you then decide you need it
  14. I was in a pub in town (one I'd only ever been in once, about 20 years ago) to see a mate's band playing a battle of the bands thing, and at one point in the evening I was telling his missus how the bass player in the band I play drums for used to work for my Dad, and that the singer/guitarist's girlfriend is someone I went to school with from when we were around 8. As I was finishing telling her this tale of coincidences, I hesitated, and said ".. and that's my ex-wife" as she walked past. I do have an even weirder tale of coincidences, but it'd take forever to write.
  15. there was a funk band in Northampton looking for a bass player, no idea if that's still the case but I can make enquiries if it's close enough
  16. part of the problem might well be that it's a Behringer product - not always the best quality, which is why they're cheap
  17. My current solution is to play bass as a dep for a band I gigged with previously - songs I already know, so no need for rehearsal (though recently I've played more gigs than the guy who replaced me) and also do some occasional gigs with a mate who I gigged with as a duo (more songs I already know - so no need for rehearsal), plus I play drums for another band (and have been asked to dep for the current band of the mate who I played bass with as a duo (there will be a test later, so make sure you take notes )). In other words, I play gigs with whoever will have me, and generally do no rehearsing, just gigging. p.s. I've bought (another) acoustic guitar and I'm trying to get my singing up to a standard where I can amuse myself on the occasional acoustic open mic night.
  18. I've just bought a Squier Bronco (not for the first time ) and I'm pondering buying a second one to defret - I'm encouraged to have yet another fretless (to eventually sell on) by this fretless demo vid: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMVAwUYCn3A"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMVAwUYCn3A[/url] I've got plans to build myself a short-scale bass, but it/they'll pass the time until I get round to it
  19. why not D.I. into the PA and use your rig as onstage monitoring ?
  20. I had a Squier Bronco delivered yesterday and having spent a few minutes setting it up, decided to put and old set of TI flats on it to see what difference they'd make - now it's got a cracking bass tone (with the tone knob wound off a bit) and should make for a useful addition. Having said that, I've got an East P Bass preamp somewhere that I bought for another project . . .
  21. 10 tunes is a little light, though ok if you're only gigging as support I guess - 20 as an absolute minimum would be better (IMHO) (just to clarify, that's not meant as a criticism, just an observation - you're welcome to ignore me )
  22. harrumph! - now I want another fretless . .
  23. [quote name='bumfrog' post='639181' date='Oct 28 2009, 03:53 PM']you don't seem keen on the chair idea. Just wondering why not, it's the perfect solution really and wouldn't cost much.[/quote] Steve Lawson uses a drum stool with the padded back - looks pretty cool
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