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Everything posted by Paul_C

  1. [quote name='thedontcarebear' post='63666' date='Sep 21 2007, 03:54 PM']I don't know who saw them, but a while ago people in brazil were selling bass bodies on ebay, basically you'd get them and finish them off, I was going to do this, so I ordered one, but it arrived and the frets were wonky (oh yes, would you believe that!), so I just kinda gave up on it, and it's been here at work in a corner ever since, BUT it is kinda cool, I just have no idea about doing it, and lack the motivation, is there anyone here that would be up for finishing it for me? As cheap as possible really, I have quite a few bits that I might use for it, but it has space for 2 MM pups, and would like to use just one and get a scratchplate made (in wood) etc too, so, really, any help/suggestions etc, will get some pics when I am at home soon![/quote] As it's what I do for a living I could certainly do it, though some of the tasks you describe might not be particularly cheap. When you say the frets are "wonky" exactly what is wrong ? It might be possible to fill and recut the fret slots if things aren't too serious, replacing a board would add quite a bit to any total. Sanding and oil-finishing would be cheaper than stripping and painting, if you PM me with a complete list of all task you want doing I can give you a price.
  2. [quote name='Shockwave' post='63588' date='Sep 21 2007, 01:36 PM']I now have an extra £250, So looking to spend 1000 quid including shipping. Paul C still considering the status.[/quote] that's ok, I don't mind you paying more
  3. [quote name='Shockwave' post='63400' date='Sep 20 2007, 11:53 PM']Have you used it on any recordings you could send me? Would you say you could emulate Mark king or cassipiea's tone on this? [email protected] [/quote] I don't have any recordings, no. I'm sure Mark King could sound like Mark King on it without any trouble (especially if I put the light strings back on)
  4. [quote name='Shockwave' post='63277' date='Sep 20 2007, 07:23 PM']Yup i remember I am just seeing what other offers i get, Yours is still in the running! How would you describe the tone of those pups, Hyperactives right?[/quote] I'm always crap when it comes to describing tone, but the bass as a whole, with all the controls centred (so the blend control is giving you both pickups) and the bright switch off, is very clear when playing the top strings, and nice and meaty on the lower strings - this is more obvious with the flatwounds on at the moment, though they are very new, so I expect things to settle down over time - I do have a set of light Rotosound stainless roundwounds that came off it too which I liked very much. I like the sounds it makes very much, but as I gig my Bongo almost exclusively these days, it doesn't get played enough to justify me keeping it.
  5. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=5453"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=5453[/url] note all the "wow, that's gorgeous" remarks
  6. I had 16 of one body design, and realised eventually that it was mad I've got 8 at the minute, and five of those are for sale.
  7. [quote name='aj5string' post='62902' date='Sep 19 2007, 11:43 PM']Any idea on postage for that one? You can PM me a price if you want. Cheer. Aj.[/quote] I'm waiting on a cheque for that one, so it looks like you're out of luck. I'll update the list later to show those already sold
  8. I've got a box full of arrowheadguitars t-shirts .. one from Bassworld and one from Vintage Bass Trading Co.
  9. prices added (postage not included, note that some are quite heavy) the John Entwistle book has (I think) gone, and possibly the fret one (waiting on a reply elsewhere) I've based my prices on Amazon used prices less a bit, as they tend to ask a little over the odds, reductions for bulk buying
  10. I have a whole load of guitar books that are sitting idle: [color="blue"]General[/color] Classic Guitars of the 50s - £15.00 Classic Guitars of the 60s - £15.00 The Electric Guitar - from the first examples to the 90s - £10.00 The Guitar (a history of) - £15.00 American Guitars - Tom Wheeler - £25.00 The Bass Book - Tony Bacon - £10.00 [color="blue"]Collections[/color] The Chinery Collection - Not in perfect condition, but Amazon prices are scaring me (£200+ :shock: ) - OFFERS Norman's Rare Guitars - 30 years of buying, selling and collecting - £20.00 [color="blue"]Manufacturers[/color] The Fender Telecaster - £5.00 The Complete History of Rickenbacker Guitars - £10.00 50 years of Fender - Tony Bacon - £7.50 The Gretsch Book - Tony Bacon - £15.00 The Rickenbacker Book - Tony Bacon - £15.00 The Gibson Les Paul Book - Tony Bacon - £15.00 The PRS Guitar Book - £10.00 The Gibson ES175 - £10.00 Fender Custom Shop Guitar Gallery - £20.00 Gibson Guitars 100 years of an American Icon - £15.00 The Beauty of the Burst (vintage Les Pauls) - £15.00 The Gibson Super 400 - £15.00 Fender - The Sound Heard Around The World - £15.00 [color="blue"]Collecting Vintage Guitars[/color] Vintage Electric Guitars - £15.00 Old Guitar Mania (collecting vintage guitars) - £10.00 Stellas and Stratocasters - £15.00 [color="blue"]Repair/Building[/color] Electric Guitar Setups - Hideo Kamimoto - £7.50 Customising Your Electric Guitar - Adrian Legg - £12.50
  11. [url="http://myspacetv.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=18075668"]Bongo Live[/url]
  12. well it is what it is, and it's still for sale
  13. still for sale, despite quite a bit of interest - grab it while you can !
  14. both my Status Stealth 6 string and my Bongo 4 HH/piezo are available for £750
  15. £250 inc. original case ?
  16. [quote name='lwtait' post='57196' date='Sep 7 2007, 08:45 PM']Ok, I'm trying to lear amazing grace by victor wooten. I'll never be able to play it properly but I'm bored and i fance a challenge. On all of the tabs I see for it, there is a harmonic note 3.2 If anyone knows how I would play that, please help me out here. Its not good trying to learn a song and getting stuck on the second bar. Heres the link to the tab I'm using, but there are many more similar tabs on the internet all using the 3.2 harmonics: [url="http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/tabs/v/victor_wooten/amazing_grace_btab.htm"]Amazing Grace[/url][/quote] it's because not all harmonics lie directly above the fret, so aim slightly further up the neck than the 3rd fret to get the harmonic
  17. still up for grabs - £750 (fitted at the moment with TI Jazz flatwounds)
  18. I keep coming to the conclusion that the first Bongo is more than enough for me There's such a spread of sound available from the preamp that having two, even with the addition of the piezo, is just greedy ..
  19. Sapphire black Bongo HH plus piezo saddles. Strung with TI Jazz flatwound strings and comes with a Musicman case. £750
  20. from wiki: "Fast-growing hybrid poplars are grown on plantations in many areas for pulpwood and used for the manufacture of paper. The wood is generally white, often with a slightly yellowish cast. It is also sold as inexpensive hardwood timber, used for pallets and cheap plywood; more specialised uses include matches and the boxes in which camembert cheese is sold." probably not the nicest, hand-selected poplar you might find in expensive guitars, it appears to be common in China where the cheaper guitars are made - I imagine the "fast-growing" bit is part of the reason it's used
  21. [quote name='Old Horse Murphy' post='53610' date='Aug 31 2007, 09:25 PM']I've just borrowed a SR4 off a friend of mine (single Humbucker model) and regardless of what I do to the eq, amp etc is making a distorted sound. I've compared this to my SR4 and SR5 through the same setup and both of these sound clean. Would anyone have any ideas what could be causing this? I'm a bit confused by it all... Thanks[/quote] battery ?
  22. Thomastik Jazz flats are nice IMHO
  23. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='51438' date='Aug 27 2007, 08:59 PM']So far I've been offered 3 6 strings today I'm started to get tempted [/quote] but by which one ?
  24. If you added "Status Stealth 6 string" to your wanted list I might be able to help ... but failing that I can't help
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