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Everything posted by bassman7755

  1. Same here for really tricky bits but I'll will always learn the tune first before trying to play it.
  2. So let me throw this into the mix - when I have a learn a new song I listen to it repeatedly until I can hum/sing the bassline by heart before ever picking up the bass. Discuss 🧨
  3. Well of course that what I meant, I mean really have you nothing better to do than such nitpicking ? (and no this doesnt work for the song in question).
  4. Try playing All right Now "just playing the chords", that would be amusing to watch.
  5. +1. If I take the trouble to go and see a band I expect them to made at least some effort to learn the songs properly, I'm fine with a reinterpretation, not fine with someone obviously busking it having never sat down and learned it.
  6. Plus everyone gets to hear the same tone, you and the band and the audience through the PA (where appropriate).
  7. But as you can see the middle string is way out of whack and measuring the output with it seemed to be slightly lower, not by much though, if I couldn't see it I probably wouldn't even notice. But your right in that its a case of 80% aesthetics 20% function probably in this case. I also fancy the idea of trying to make a concentric coil humbucker, wierdly there seems to be zero info on the net about building such a thing. The idea being that you reverse wind an outer coil (that has slightly fewer winds to compensate for the increased diameter).
  8. Well the comparison is really with the modelled stuff you actually use since the stuff you dont is of no value, but even there it usually wins.
  9. Yeah I urge everyone to try it, at least once. Its the lack of fatigue of both ears and brain that was the revelation for me - instead of feeling knackered at the end of the gig I felt like I could go right out and do it again.
  10. Your right that is pedantic 😉, I think the key point with FRFR is that your not reliant on a purpose built bass speaker to get your tone - you get your tone from a bunch or pedals and/or a preamp (or even just the bass itself) and then just need something to make it louder.
  11. Not necessarily. Drums you can probably hear those anyway even through the IEMs isolating pads, might possibly need an ambient mic, vocals will be going through the PA so you can take an aux out to your own mixer, ditto for any other person in the band using an amp, they will all have a line or DI out somewhere you can use. I'm not going to let the fact that other people in the band dont use them stop me from doing so.
  12. Anyone done this ? considered it ? am I completely nuts for even thinking about it ? OK so the back story is that I have a couple of hohner jack 5 string basses that have non standard sized and string spaced pickups. Well I say non standard but they are basically 4 string jazz fitments i.e. 91/94 mm single coils but since there is 5 strings over the 4-string sized pickup, standard jazz pickup pole pieces are completely out of line as you see here: So I'm thinking of 3D printing some bobbins with the right spacing spacing and winding them myself using a cobbled together pickup winder built from an rechargeable drill. Should all that the original pickups are EMG selects which are apparently ceramic blade pickups and they sound decent enough, very punchy/dynamic but I want a bit of old school grind/clank on one of them so want some alnico Vs on one of the two bases. Yes I have approached a custom builder (bloodstone) who will do the custom pole piece spacing for a very reasonable extra £15 making the pickup set about £100 so which now I think about it is a bit of a no-brainer but ... wheres the fun in that eh ?.
  13. Yeah that does everything but is way more complicated than I was hoping for. For a start I don't need a full range channel, also the per channel volumes are superfluous as pretty every pedal on earth has a gain (where appropriate) and a volume control. Given I only want the crossed over highs and lows I'm not convinced I need the phase controls, also the pre post filter selection is irrelevant as I cant conceive of a need for doing the filter post split. I'm presuming I could do the variable high and low pass filters with a 2nd order RC using a dual gang pot ?.
  14. Given theres been a lot of talk about split signal setups I wonder if anyone has (or could) designed something like this: A box with 1 input, 2 "sends" and 2 "returns" mixed back to a single output. For bonus points the signal for the sends would be highs on one and lows on the other, for further bonus points the crossover/splitter frequency would be adjustable. The most complicated circuit I've ever designed myself was a single stage op amp pre amp for one of my guitars so the splitter doo-dah is well beyond my knowledge.
  15. 100% IEMs for me from now on, for me this is in addition to rather than instead of backline.
  16. @jrix 's explanation is technically correct but another (simpler IMO) way to understand it is as a borrowed chord from the G mixolydian mode. Borrowing chords from different modes is very common e.g. Summer of 69 is in D major but the middle 8 switches to borrowed chords from D Aeolian (AKA D minor).
  17. If its just a backup though I would the Bugera Veyron would be the obvious choice as its seems to be intended as a streamliner clone especially given the price: https://www.thomann.de/gb/bugera_bv1001t_veyron_bass_head.htm For a full fat modern replacement then Genzler is run by the guy who used to own Genz Benz I believe: https://www.andertons.co.uk/brands/genzler-amplification/genzler-magellan-mg-800-two-channel-bass-head
  18. Interesting, I've seen similar explanation before, the big take way seems to be that you should rotate through short bursts of different things you are learning so lets say your studying 4 things, in an hours session you should do 5 minutes each subject then repeat 3 times rather than say 15 mins each subject. Takes a lot of discipline to apply though.
  19. I have the now discontinued Akai Unibass which does this all one unit - clean bass + octave (plus optionally 4th or 5th) with distortion. Used to use it to fake a rhythm guitar when playing a 1 guitar band. Should sell it really so someone can get some use out of it.
  20. Same applies to dialling in sounds at home as well - they tend to be way too bassy and boomy when out front at gigging volume. Weirdly I've found that sounds dialled in using headphones translate better to a good gig level sound than using my actual amp and speakers at low volume in a small room.
  21. Thats so true, I despair every time I go to see a band in a pub/club and the bassist has his bass knob at 5'oclock or some extreme smiley face dialled into the graphic because hes stood 2 feet away from his amp when dialling in the sound. Top tip #2 use a looper rather than a long lead or radio to check to sound out front as you also hear your tone differently when not actually playing (try it if you dont believe me - its actually quite shocking how different your tone sounds when your not using half your brain on playing).
  22. I've played in lots of covers bands and never because of the money and likewise for most of the other people playing in those bands.
  23. I made myself a fretboard rule like you have but my attempts at an improvised fret crowner failed so I ended up buying one of these: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Guitar-Crowning-Dressing-Repairing-Luthier/dp/B07KTNBT3P
  24. Haha hate that song with a vengeance too.
  25. This so much. Having everyone in a band with the same motivation is a massive plus, mixing people who play purely for fun and people who have to play to pay the rent, or for originals bands mixing hobbyists with "pros" who want to make it, is a recipe for discontent and ultimately failure.
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