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Everything posted by lurksalot

  1. Well , I say danced , his shoulders moved with a reasonably rhythmic resonance 😁
  2. I did a little bit of digging on him , but to be honest I didn’t find much that I could handle more than 10 minutes of. The 10 minutes was OK but I’d had enough, I’d be back in the Golden Eagle after 11 mins 😁 it also looked like he just pressed play on his laptop then danced a bit 😁 I’ll be in Nantwich at some point over Easter , there is normally a good day to be had at the festival visiting stages and pubs
  3. Probably a couple of quid , but I’m not fussed about postage , if you want them just send me your details via PM
  4. It’s packs. I can’t be blessed splitting them all if you want a pack , PM your address and I’ll send them in the week
  5. I bought a load as we were going to have an open mic street party just after covid , but all the neighbours bottled it and thought we’d get dobbed in to the rozzers. everyone could have their own mic shield and all would be good, as long as they didn’t go off swinging after a few home brews. regardless , I have no packs left , sorry ….. but here’s what you could have won …
  6. MoonBassAlpha takes a deserved win for February and of course, has the honour of the picture choice for March. He muses... "I've been thinking about the photo and this came to mind. I was working a short contract in Oxford with a group who make instruments for satellite and lander missions and had a spell in the clean room. I thought this could suggest more sinister stories though..." ✅ Entries must be <5 minutes and recorded between now and the deadline. ❌ No illegal samples, copyright infringements or other snide goings-on ❌ No Bagpipes, They would be impossible to decontaminate for a clean room! ❌ No voting for your own entry. We'll know. And we'll shame you.. Deadline-wise, we will go for Midnight on Starsky's birthday, the 25th March A line or two of blurb as usual for the vote thread will be super duper smashing lovely. Good luck, Have fun
  7. With nearly 26% of the vote, congratulations to @MoonBassAlpha Here is your certificate , I still haven't sussed how to put a link to a PDF of it! If You send me your choice of picture for March, I'll set it up as soon as I can
  8. The guitarist in an old band I was in would often refer to 'The Meat Sweats' a beautiful name for a band , but related more to when he used to have Christmas dinner at his mums house, then off to have Christmas dinner at his girlfriends parents
  9. Big wolf band a week on Friday , looking forwards to it 👍
  10. Have you got a link as I can’t find it ?
  11. I think I saw danny and Jock at Sid’s 60th , but me and Mike were well bladdered by the time we got there …and we were the first there 😂
  12. not as I know , I haven’t sorted the numbers yet 😁 I’ll check that out , I could have a date clash as we normally have a few days golfing in Blackpool around then , but I’m not sure if the dates are out yet
  13. I’ll see if I can edit the poll for you , so who was the third vote for 😁
  14. I was impressed that the film crew were able to find his place , what with the streets having no names.
  15. A tie in January between @Leonard Smalls and @upside downer with 2 cracking tunes, the first off the blocks to claim the honour of picture choice, was, the latter. A picture that might inspire a slow leisurely pace, or does it... "Hope this gives our marvellous minstrels plenty of ideas. The light at the end of the tunnel. Just about to exit the south side of Crick Tunnel on our narrowboat." Have a listen to the entries and choose your favourite 3 1 Lurksalot A metaphorical tunnel? 2 @Leonard Smalls Knowing that narrowboating and drum'n'bass go together like Chas'n'Dave I've done some jazzy fretless noodling. Roni Size eat yer heart out! 😁😎🤘 3 @MoonBassAlpha I'm trying to capture the feeling of a slow, peaceful trip along a canal. Things happen slowly and I've deliberately kept it repetitive and relatively uneventful. 4 @Jean-Luc Pickguard My recording is called 'To The Light' As posted above, this is a poem I wrote based on the pic read over a repeated chord sequence. 5 @AndyTravis I suppose it’s quite like a canal boat trip, various locks, different places and people - some parts are rocky, some calm…etc. 6 @kingofthestuntmen The title has a double meaning; I'm always happy around and/or in water. 7 @upside downer A slow, meandering, folky acoustic saunter through the musical tunnel towards a jaunty exit. 8 @Baloney Balderdash Kind of a Sonny Sharrock inspired piece. There we have the February offering for you, I would have had this up earlier but the weather appears to be having some fun with the stability of my internet connection. Vote for your favourite 3 tunes this month Voting ends at midnight on 28th Good luck.
  16. Oh my, some fine work so far, fair play all
  17. I think that the reasons are fairly simple in the main, in that lots of people who have the talent and the inclination can make a mark easier, and can have the technology to do it on their own. They don’t have to share decision-making, they don’t have to share a diary, they just get up and do it. As a band you’ve gotta get on with other people, you have to discuss things, you have to agree things and you have to organise and make joint decisions on everything, whereas someone on their own doesn’t have that hassle. They can just perform, and they now have the ability and the technology to do it. Being in a band has social implications and interactions that some people don’t want, but plenty of people do.
  18. OK , its a bit early for me , but I'm stuck at home recovering from a wrist operation , so bizarrely, no actual instruments were played on this and I had time to get stuck in. I guess a MIDI keyboard might count as an instrument , but I played it left handed, so it took plenty of takes! Technical , EZ drummer , VG iron rhythm guitar , basic bass patch , lead guitar ipad garage band. all guitars through a few Waves guitar 3 and the bit you really wanted ... me on vocals All on Reaper with Ozone 8 polishing it a bit Lyrics ......not many mind
  19. before I forget , I need to uphold tradition while Dad is on sabbatical .... And the winners are @Leonard Smalls and @upside downer I haven't sussed out how to post a link to the PDF to print it off , but will do by next month hopefully
  20. I could do with a bird singing on mine , Pat Benatar or Alanis Morisette in their prime would work 😁
  21. To be fair if Dad was about, he’d probably suggest chopping the 5 minutes off and leave the 18 seconds. 😉
  22. A couple of BPM quicker should bring it just under 😂 it seems a shame to exclude a masterpiece for 18seconds, I’d post it and the voting public can apply there conscience to it 😁
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