I recently got the TC RH750 and have to say it ticks the boxes for me , played through a Schroeder 21012L with the side firing 12 , and I get lots of sound , and lots of tone and a ton of headroom , it cuts through superbly and has resulted in plenty of favourable comment on the tone , but then it is very difficult to fully appreciatte the sound out front when you are stood on top of the cab .
A sound check for levels , doesn't give you much apart from the tone at the time , and the levels, I havent had the chance to mess fully at rehearsals as we have been to busy gigging , I know I should have spent more time knowing the amp , but to me it seems far more intuitive than the pf500 I had , the compressor seems to make sense to me and the tubetone thing provides a lovely bit of grind . I love it , but better , I couldn't comment on .