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Tim C.

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Everything posted by Tim C.

  1. Anything new here? Maybe one of you cats have picked on up since my 3/8/23’ post. Most importantly please keep it fawnky!
  2. What’s up my funky bro’s and sisters in the UK! Tim from Franklin TN. Anybody have a GR 110 Bass Cube? Seems like a funky piece of kit. Keep thumping for world ☮️!!!
  3. Pegged the needle on my solar powered Funk-O-meter!!!
  4. Thanks for the quick responses!
  5. Greetings fellow members of BC! Tim from Franklin, Tennessee here! I’m interested in a GR 1 x 10 wood bass combo. But marketing of this brand here in the US is limited. Anybody have any experience with one of these? Is the company still viable Thanks in advance!
  6. That’s truly I dynamic duo! We’re still looking for a humble abode…of course by the time I get my family moved over there some lucky bloke will be thump’n that fawnky P!!! I’m guessing that’s a pretty long swim from Nashville?
  7. I have a drum machine but have no idea how to program it etc. So I can’t get to stop after a tune like a live drummer. It’s hourly rate is cheap tho.
  8. Tripehound whaz up! I’m sitting over here just outside of Nashville and yo’ red D’wall P just pegged the needle on my solar powered Funk-O-meter! I’m checking to see what it would cost to move my family over there so we can do a deal…😎. Stay safe and by all means keep it funky! BTW I attached a pic of my Super J…these basses are truly amazing! Tim C.
  9. That thang broke the needle off of my Funk-O-meter!!!
  10. Thanks for taking time to respond! It’s so cool connecting with other bass players across the pond! Stay safe and keep it funky!
  11. Greetings to all BC members…keep it funky! Live in the states and looking to purchase either a GR AT Cube 500 or and Eich BC 112 Pro. These products are not readily available in the US so reaching out to you cats over there to if anybody owns one or the other and likes/dislikes etc. The Cube at 20 lbs. is appealing for that reason. I play funk, blues and slap. When jamming with my pals I usually prefer a more solid bottom (no pun here). Many thanks and stay safe!
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