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Posts posted by Pete1967

  1. [quote name='giblett123' post='737621' date='Feb 6 2010, 09:04 PM']Ha ha! :) cheers for all the interest folks, its now gone I'm afraid![/quote]

    An absolute testament to the quality and popularity of Jon's work that this has sold sooooo quickly......

  2. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='731322' date='Feb 1 2010, 07:59 AM']My band wants to do a bit of an acoustic thing mid set so it looks like I'm going to need an electro acoustic. Any recommendations fellas - I don't want to spend a wad on it but it has to play and sound decent.

    Ta muchly.[/quote]

    I have a Michael Kelly Dragonfly 5... it works for me and the inlays look the dogs if you ike that kind of thing. Good VFM even if I did have to import if from Texas. I have found that the strings on an acoustic make a huge difference. Good ones make the bass sound great but bad ones can give you a really duff tone - more marked IME than with a pure electric. The Thomastic-Infeld are my favourites, but a bit fragile and effing expensive.


  3. [quote name='Steve Amadeo' post='717370' date='Jan 18 2010, 11:52 PM']Double bass in a Ford Mondeo hatchback anyone? Is it possible?[/quote]

    Crikey.. Yes, no problem... and amp, stool, passenger the lot. Had one a few years back and it was great. One of my exes used to get two timps and a pile of other tuned percussion in to a Mondeo hatch... tons of space.


  4. Esteemed colleagues... I have here a late 90's vintage Yamaha TRB5ii. Now I know that these aren't the most sought after basses, but I've decided to put this baby up for sale or trade because, on recent reflection, I'd like to keep a four in my arsenal. I have another 5 it's way from Jon Shuker in a few weeks time and despite thinking that there wasn't a place for a four in my life - I find there is after all... and I have to admit to a bout of GAS over a couple of basses currently available.

    So, it is what it is, I'm sure this audience is already educated! My main bass until last year when my first Shuker arrived. Well played (because it's good) but well looked after. There are a few very minor scratches in the lacquer and one noticible ding (a falling guitar stand, grr...) in the front, but even that is not large. All the electronics and hardware are in perfect condition. The action is low and fast and accurate and it's strung with a recent set of Elites Stadium 45-130. Comes with the original hard case (keys inc) which is in mint condition (because I always used a gig bag) and users manual :rolleyes: The finish is translucent blue as you can see, and I have more pics available if needed.

    Sale wise £425 but will most certainly talk about offers. Shipping extra, at cost (guessing £30 in the case), collection from Leeds, or I'd travel an hour or so for a drop off or meet.

    Trade wise I'm looking for a jazz (style) four string. Jazz neck and pups or MM/J or maybe just MM. P basses aren't really my thing. Very open to ideas and WHYous so hit me with suggestions. I can add some cash up to a couple of hundred quid (bearing in mind I owe Jon a four figure sum :) ).

    Please do PM or post if you want more specifics on either the TRB or trade requirements.



  5. Folks, I'm having a New Year declutter, simple as! I don't have space for these and they're just winding me, and more importantly my Wife, up!

    Boss ME6B - Bought by me sometime in the early 90's I guess, I really can't remember. A veteran of hundreds of gigs and it must have a thousand stories to tell, but it's in great condition and working perfectly as of this afternoon. A genuine vintage original! Complete with power supply, but the manual went years ago! What's it worth...? £50??

    Zoom BFX708. Again fully working and hasn't see serious action because I never did have a powersupply for it - I will include a nice shiny set of batteries tho' :) Pretty much as new and bought by me in the late 90's I think. I have found a manual on t'interweb which I'll print and include. Again, what's it worth...? £40??

    Shipping extra, at cost, to anywhere in the EU.

  6. [quote name='bubinga5' post='692352' date='Dec 23 2009, 02:28 PM']Does anyone have a narrow string 5...If so how do you get on with slapping on it...do you find it a easy, have you taken time to practice and it has come....also do you find it easy going from a normal spacing 4 to a narrow 5 slap wise?

    any thoughts..[/quote]
    I guess it depends what you mean by narrow spacing... My Shuker 5 is at 17.5mm spacings at the bridge and to be honest I prefer it to the 19mm spacings of my TRB5. At first I found that I was catching the other strings a bit, but I modified my technique to be more efficient - less flapping around and I suppose a bit less showy, but infintely more accurate - by tilting my right had downwards a fraction so that the side of the thumb is a little more in line with the string than across it. Sometimes I anchor my hand on the body a la Mark Knopfler. Now I'm used to it, and it didn't take long, I really prefer it because getting round the bass is easier all round.

    Edit... I found this pic to illustrate what I mean about the technique... I'm by no means saying it's perfect or the only way to do it... but it works for me. HTH.


  7. ***** Reposted *****


    I have a second Shuker on the way and I'm keeping my Yammy TRB5ii as a backup but I'm not really using it. I want to keep a backup bass whilst Jon is working his magic, but perhaps this is an opportune moment to experience something new... I'll post pics in due course since this is a spur of the moment post, but it's translucent blue, good condition (a few gig scars but absolutely nothing horrific) and comes with the original hard case and a recent set of Elites. Straight and true and plays like a dream - my main bass until April this year.

    Any thoughts?


    Edit... badly executed due to the hour and the vodka, so I should have specified that I'm really looking for a trade on another 5 string bass....

  8. It's all about balance... and the strength of the hair.

    If a bow is tip heavy, you have to play lifting it off the strings all the time and it become really uncomfortable. Too tip light, and it's the revrse and hard to get grip. Either way your technique is compromised and all the nuances become impossible. A good bow, either French or German should sit in the hand and feel natural and almost weightless - that's not to say it won't weigh anything, it'll just feel easy.

    I confess I've never used a CF bow, but I'd definitely recommend a good Pernambuco bow, the best your budget can afford - due to some incredible good fortune I learnt to play using a Sartory. Amazing.

    My personal preference is for a mixed hair. White hair is softer and gives a more mellow tone, but breaks more easily. Black hair is stronger but gives a harder tone. Consider and try different Rosins. I use Pops which is softer and gives better grip but a slightly woollier tone (I'm lazy). Nymans is poplular and harder and giver a more strident tone. I was taught by Duncan McTier who uses violin rosin of a brand I don't recall.. but harder still but a really bright tone and you have to be a genius to control it - great for solo work.

    Re-hair your bow regularly - depending on how much you play, but I do (did) mine annually. Fresh hair has good grip and is much easier to play. Never touch the hair - oil/grease is your enemy!

  9. I'm probably voicing the same sentiments as others on this thread because I admit I'm too lazy to read it all, but truly, my Shuker (soon to be the plural) is the best bass I've ever played - and that was one of Jon's stock instruments. He's building one to my spec now, so I'm wetting myself about that.

    However - in the past I have loved Warwick and Yamaha (still do) and I sorely miss my stolen Jaydee. :-(

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