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Everything posted by JosephMartyn

  1. Morning folks! I am certain this will have been asked somewhere already, (possibly by me 10 years ago haha!) so apologies in advance for the repetition! Who do folk currently recommend for sending guitars in the UK? With full insurance for damage and loss
  2. Nice! I've not heard the Digbeth, what's the model and I'll hunt out a video!
  3. Nice video! I like the tech21 as well πŸ‘
  4. Nice! Love the creativity! πŸ₯³πŸ₯³
  5. Thanks for all the replies and info folks!!! Loads of good stuff! πŸ₯³πŸ₯³
  6. Thankyou! I'm in Edinburgh. I'm having a look at how to add side supports, it really does wobble! 🀣 Do you play much? I'm getting back into it after a left hand injury many years ago
  7. Looks great!!! πŸ‘πŸ‘ I'll have a hunt and take a closer look. I usually stand to play but def some good ideas here πŸ₯³
  8. I like it πŸ‘ touch of Mars Volta springs to mind 😎πŸ₯³ classπŸ‘πŸ‘
  9. That's a great idea! Thankyou! I'll look into it! It's a shame these types of universal stands aren't made bigger! I'm thinking I may get a pair and lie the bass sideways across these?
  10. Yep it's got an endpin so the stand is more for before and after gigs or when at home
  11. Ah it does look awesome! I think I need to get some side support though, the bass is not symmetrical and spins really easily!
  12. Thank you!!! That would be amazing! Where abouts are you based and do you have a picture at all that I could double check how it may fit? At the moment I lie it on the floor with padding underneath to support it!
  13. 🀣problem solved πŸ‘πŸ‘
  14. OK I've tinkered with this before but still confused on what to do... I need some sort of custom stand for my EUB...any ideas basschat crew? πŸ€— joseph.martyn.501
  15. Excellent! Great info on the user friendly side. I've posted a few messages recently...I want to get as close to plug n play as possible (I've lost too many hours in the past tinkering with production processing...so I'm gonna return to the pure natural approach and the sound will be what it will be!) Let me know if you do want to sell, I'd be tempted! I'm kicking myself I didn't bid on ebay recently....one went at a low price (I think it only had iPhone connectors though...I'm on android)
  16. Can you tell I'm trying to record some new stuff? Haha Another question if folk have used something like this before? I'm looking to have a really portable crude way of recording on my phone when I'm travelling around...is it worth getting something like the roland mixer go pro ? πŸ€”
  17. Wise words! Thanks
  18. Thanks! No real reason I guess other than old habits! I loved my cassette yamaha mt4x...captured some of the best sounds on that. I moved to PC for a bit but found progress and output slowed down as I got addicted to plugins and mastering...so more recently I've taken live takes and then had a friend who's job is mastering audio to do that bit for me (I'd rather pay someone better than me to get the best results and support the music industry professionals if I can ) So, yeah, I suppose I'm looking for a setup that enables clean capture and then i can send off for post production mastering...but mainly just ease of plug and play πŸ‘
  19. Good info! Thanks!
  20. I'm thinking of getting an old digital multitracker to lay down ideas. I have had a Zoom in the past which was good, but to be honest I'm looking for the simplest way to plug in and record multiple tracks (mainly bass, guitar and piano). I'm not too bothered about built in effects, rhythm or mastering..I just fancy an easy digital way to record multiple instruments on top of each other any thoughts and advice greatly appreciated! joseph.martyn.501
  21. Good info! What did you go for instead?
  22. JosephMartyn

    MXR M80

    Hey all, anyone tried the MXR M80? It caught my eye..tempted by the distortion blend
  23. Thanks again for all the advice! I was prepared to try the xlr out...but just used the Rumble in the end, worked great! πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸ‘ (I'm very glad it's such a light amp as well!! Bit of a walk from the car with amp, double bass and bass guitar!!! 🀣)
  24. Thanks again for all the advice! Here is the back of my Rumble...can the xlr line out go direct to PA then?! 🀞
  25. Thankyou! The venue is approx 200 peo0le capacity and my little amp (usually just home use) is a Fender Rumble 100. I'm keen to use it as it is light and easy to carry! Compared to my Trace E 🀣
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